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Transparent levitating ball


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By: Reefermadness | Location: Santa Rosa, California


Sometime around 1990 on a mild somewhat overcast day, I was just about ready to leave the house to run errands around 11am. The house was in a typical suburban neighborhood of Santa Rosa, Ca.

More: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/stories/112401/transparent-levitating-ball

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I'm thinking this might have been a paranormal object that many people call an 'orb'. They are claimed to carry energy that disturbs electronic items (like a car horn). Experts say orbs are a way for a non-physical entity to manifest in our physical plane that requires the least amount of energy. Are you aware of the other orb phenomena claims?

You mention other weird stuff had been happening to you before this. Care to elaborate as the paranormal is often not a one and done thing.

You mentioned a drone possibility. I have never heard of a translucent one like that particularly not in 1990.

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49 minutes ago, papageorge1 said:

I'm thinking this might have been a paranormal object that many people call an 'orb'.

I've never heard of a spirit orb that big.

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8 minutes ago, acute said:

I've never heard of a spirit orb that big.

Basketball size? The one I saw with my naked eyes was  maybe three-quarters the size of a basketball.

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  • 1 month later...

Its either an orb or ball lightning

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
On 8/15/2020 at 4:24 PM, Chronus said:

Its either an orb or ball lightning

I've seen this phenomenon more than once. I looked it up, pretty sure it was ball lightning.

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  • 1 year later...

I have witnessed ball lightening twice--not rare enough for me. One while living in Owasso, OK and the other here in Dallas.

The first was green and was generated from a storm's lightening strike hitting some kind of copper, multi-piece device, about the size of an Essex Ottoman. It was outside and that size above ground. The parts that continue below ground—pipes, as to their size or depth, I could not say. The device was atop a small man-made mound at a small distance from a railroad track. The device is no longer there because of the addition of a rail yard. 

I saw the lightening bolt, the strike. and the ball for a count of about six. The ball stayed close to the ground--maybe a foot to a yard--as it rolled down the mound and then right up and over the embankment of the train track. Then it rolled down the other side of the track and disappeared into the brush.

The second ball of lightening was from storm. The lightening was attracted to an improperly installed—not city owned—storm siren about 120 feet from my house. It was deflected to the transformer on a power poll about 30 feet closer to my home—copper, again.

The ball lightening's plasma formed at the pole and ran down it, traveling close to the ground. A car passing by probably helped it move in the direction of my house. Then the huge neighborhood telephone wiring box would continue it along that way. After that it headed for my car and across the front of my house. It crossed in front of the car and turned at the metal front door entering my house as if the door was open.

The back cover of my DELL XPS ONE  had been removed to install a hard drive upgrade. So, when the plasma entered the front, it then rolled into the computer—while I was using it, the computer went into retirement and thankfully I was not harmed. 

Just a story to aid in ball lightning identification by behavior.

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