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Enlightenment by virtuous conduct alone...


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9 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

Same applies to my occult knowledge. As I like to put it; I know enough to get me in trouble.

Which might change in 2022.

I have a little of that also, did you know that the reason Lucifer was called the Light Bringer was because he out shown all but God, and Jesus. According to many Lucifer’s number is 666 or some other ridiculous numeric equation, however Archangels were given numbers along with their names and this also made up the command structure concerning who was of the highest authority. Well to make a long story short Lucifer was the first Archangel that was created and his number was 1. So the real number of Lucifer became an upside down 1 from an observers point of view, this change in orientation of his number occurred after he was cast out from Heaven.

Don’t know if this true but it came from the Vatican!

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6 minutes ago, Manwon Lender said:

I have a little of that also, did you know that the reason Lucifer was called the Light Bringer was because he out shown all but God, and Jesus. According to many Lucifer’s number is 666 or some other ridiculous numeric equation, however Archangels were given numbers along with their names and this also made up the command structure concerning who was of the highest authority. Well to make a long story short Lucifer was the first Archangel that was created and his number was 1. So the real number of Lucifer became an upside down 1 from an observers point of view, this change in orientation of his number occurred after he was cast out from Heaven.

Don’t know if this true but it came from the Vatican!

If it came from the Vatican it's probably propaganda.


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As Christianity took a foothold it demonized (quite literally) other belief systems. 

If you take a look at the devil which is a goat legged and horned humanoid and the satyr, you can see this. 

Actual biblical angels are monstrous. Not the winged humans as depicted in art.

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The book that they tried to bury... 


15 Interesting Facts About The Book Of Enoch

November 24, 2021 by Awakening State
24 Nov 2021  15 Interesting Facts About The Book Of Enoch · Note – Enoch is not counted as a saint in Roman Catholic tradition, but he has a saints day,



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5 hours ago, Manwon Lender said:

Let’s be very clear about something you can’t read for few minutes like you are doing right now and scratch the surface of the Buddhist Philosophies. If you wish to have an discussion you must be honest, I can see right through you attempts to fabricate information. The only reason you even know the name Tich Nhat Hahn is because I posted memes by him. If you can’t be honest we can’t have a discussion!:yes:

An add to: Often it’s one’s ego driving the need to “appear enlightened” that impedes one’s ability for honest discourse. One has to let go or set aside what it is they think they “already” know and lay off Google for honest inquiry and this isn’t the equivalent of leading questions either. 

Accepting and then dealing with one’s ego is a huge process. IMHO 

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On 12/21/2021 at 1:38 PM, Sherapy said:

Accepting that you have an ego and it is not a bad thing is the place to start.


Ok, within this idea of enlightenment by virtuous conduct alone, then I don't think that that, is possible with an ego.

Because the ego has no power, only frightening shadows to scare the un-initiated.

Therefore, the ego must be dissolved within the Light of the Soul..

No need to kill Mr Ego..

Just turn psychologically, mindfully, and enjoy, THAT.

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19 hours ago, jmccr8 said:

Hi Crazy Horse

Over the years the meaning has been given to you several times by both myself and several others but for your benefit here it is again.

  1. a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance.
    "a boost to my ego"
    the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.
      (in metaphysics) a conscious thinking subject.
      noun, plural e·gos.
      the “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.
      Psychoanalysis. the part of the psychic apparatus that experiences and reacts to the outside world and thus mediates between the primitive drives of the id and the demands of the social and physical environment.
      egotism; conceit; self-importance:Her ego becomes more unbearable each day.
      self-esteem or self-image; feelings:Your criticism wounded his ego.
      (often initial capital letter)Philosophy.
      1. the enduring and conscious element that knows experience.
      2. Scholasticism. the complete person comprising both body and soul.
      Ethnology. a person who serves as the central reference point in the study of organizational and kinship relationships.

And that is my definition of the ego?

Well thanks for that..

I would never have known..

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16 hours ago, Mr Walker said:


I think that, like most people, we would end up arguing over minor differences, rather than celebrating the similarities, or things in common. 

Oh no we wouldn't..

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16 hours ago, Mr Walker said:

In reality we all comprehend our world through our own eyes  Sometimes we see different things, sometimes we just have different  terms for the same thing

IMO (perhaps because  you are new to Buddhism and very interested in it, ) you see the world only through Buddhist eyes. CH tends to see it through Christian ones IMO there is only one physical reality but billions of individual realities   The ancient shaman, the middle ages monk, the modern scientologist  or urantia follower all exist in the same physical reality, yet comprehend it through different world views This is true for material and spiritual comprehension/perception 

In short i see nothing wrong in hybridising or picking and choosing the best of all faiths from  shamanism through to the most modern beliefs An individual should shape and form their individual spiritual beliefs and practices, which work best for them, rather than simply adopting an existing one (but as i said that is  just my take on it.  I was raised secular humanist which makes it easier for me.

I see "god"  and soul in the Buddha's teachings, but with different names and slightly different characteristics  


Its my Soul right..

And one stands, or falls, upon ones own beliefs..

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16 hours ago, Mr Walker said:

And what is wrong with that ? 

If it works best for him, then it's the best faith for him.

If it is how he makes sense of his spiritual experiences then again, that is good

Sometimes an individuals life experiences are so unusual that t he /she cant simply fit into an existing faith, but must build one to match what the y know from  experience to be true

Oh yes, come to think about it, that's how every religion began :)   

I think that in actual fact, most folks who have a faith in GOD, whatever the particular religion, it ends-up in a personal understanding, relationship, with THAT.

It is the Dharma, in all its different names and expressions, in all cultures and traditions..

Love is love, whatever the language.


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The unfortunate thinking is that God is love. God being all things is love and hate, good and bad, life and death. The unification of all dualities. Considering that God is an idea, people truly worship their own thoughts.

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6 hours ago, Manwon Lender said:

Let’s be very clear about something you can’t read for few minutes like you are doing right now and scratch the surface of the Buddhist Philosophies. If you wish to have an discussion you must be honest, I can see right through you attempts to fabricate information. The only reason you even know the name Tich Nhat Hahn is because I posted memes by him. If you can’t be honest we can’t have a discussion!:yes:

So the Zen Master Buddhist monk I saw at the Hammersmith Palace, was someone else, other than TNH?

You know nothing about me except your own misguided projections..

And so for the sake of the thread, and your sanity, I am putting you on ignore for a week, to let you call down.

Have a wonderful Christ-mass..


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6 hours ago, Hammerclaw said:

I need ask no questions as I would rather have questions that can't be answered, rather than answers that can't be questioned. 

That sounds wonderful, marvellous..

Yet, all ones questions may be answered with this Connect.

And virtuous conduct is assured.

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1 hour ago, Crazy Horse said:

Ok, within this idea of enlightenment by virtuous conduct alone, then I don't think that that, is possible with an ego.

Because the ego has no power, only frightening shadows to scare the un-initiated.

Therefore, the ego must be dissolved within the Light of the Soul..

No need to kill Mr Ego..

Just turn psychologically, mindfully, and enjoy, THAT.

Peek a boo I see your ego, CH. :P

Edited by Sherapy
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27 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

That sounds wonderful, marvellous..

Yet, all ones questions may be answered with this Connect.

And virtuous conduct is assured.

Then why are you on UM? By all means ask your comic consciousness. :P

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I get this overwhelming sense of pride and arrogance reading some of his post. I thought spirituality was supposed to bring inner peace. 

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I think I could connect to God is a few hours. May be a day or two. I would first need to define God, what it means to be connected to said God, act in accordance to it. While assuming the connection already exist. 

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23 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

I think I could connect to God is a few hours. May be a day or two. I would first need to define God, what it means to be connected to said God, act in accordance to it. While assuming the connection already exist. 

Don’t forget to come on UM and tell us how enlightened you are too with your non ego. :P


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5 minutes ago, Sherapy said:

Don’t forget to come on UM and tell us how enlightened you are too with your non ego. :P


I'll also brag about the superdupernatural power I obtained from this.

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2 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

I'll also brag about the superdupernatural power I obtained from this.

Oh goody, and please stay vague, so you sound enlightened. :wub:

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It does boggle my mind how some will fully dedicate themselves to a lofty spiritual ideal. Pretty much spending every waking hours basically obsessed with it. I can't understand the urge or motivation behind it.

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30 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

It does boggle my mind how some will fully dedicate themselves to a lofty spiritual ideal. Pretty much spending every waking hours basically obsessed with it. I can't understand the urge or motivation behind it.

I think it is cult like mentality, a few key things that can be red flags are deeming some aspect of oneself as evil or something to be killed off  (emotions and ego). 

Not questioning. not encouraged to have your own thoughts and choices, critical thinking is not encouraged not being aware that given the right circumstances one can be vulnerable. Wanting something so desperately “love” help thinking there is no other way to obtain something than by believing and doing this “something” specific for relief. Claiming an exalted or special status as a result “of”is a common theme too.


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