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Enlightenment by virtuous conduct alone...


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15 minutes ago, Sherapy said:

I think it is cult like mentality, a few key things that can be red flags are deeming some aspect of oneself as evil or something to be killed off  (emotions and ego). 

Not questioning. not encouraged to have your own thoughts and choices, critical thinking is not encouraged not being aware that given the right circumstances one can be vulnerable. Wanting something so desperately “love” help thinking there is no other way to obtain something than by believing and doing this “something” specific for relief. Claiming an exalted or special status as a result “of”is a common theme too.


Pretty much sums up a lot of ideologies.

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3 hours ago, Crazy Horse said:

And that is my definition of the ego?

Well thanks for that..

I would never have known..

Hi Crazy Horse

I didn't post those links to describe your unique perspective of what ego is, I posted the definition standard of what ego is and as you can see it plays a significant role in how we survive and create relationships.

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5 hours ago, Crazy Horse said:

That sounds wonderful, marvellous..

Yet, all ones questions may be answered with this Connect.

And virtuous conduct is assured.

I don't care to live a virtuous life, Miniver Cheevy, I prefer enjoying life, instead. Apparently, you must not have much of a life, if you so desire to escape it and flee to the austere existence of a cloistered ascetic. I truly pity you.

Edited by Hammerclaw
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7 hours ago, Crazy Horse said:

So the Zen Master Buddhist monk I saw at the Hammersmith Palace, was someone else, other than TNH?

You know nothing about me except your own misguided projections..

And so for the sake of the thread, and your sanity, I am putting you on ignore for a week, to let you call down.

Have a wonderful Christ-mass..


Your delusional my friend I would seek some medical care, there is no doubt you need it. You lie and tell half truths in the same sentence that is not normal my friend best wishes!:(

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11 hours ago, XenoFish said:

If it came from the Vatican it's probably propaganda.


Like I said I no little about Christianity and you could certainly be right but the numerical sequence fits better than any other I have ever heard of or seen according to biblical teachings!:yes:

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8 hours ago, Sherapy said:

An add to: Often it’s one’s ego driving the need to “appear enlightened” that impedes one’s ability for honest discourse. One has to let go or set aside what it is they think they “already” know and lay off Google for honest inquiry and this isn’t the equivalent of leading questions either. 

Accepting and then dealing with one’s ego is a huge process. IMHO 

Sheri I totally agree with everything you said, nothing can be more true!

Oh and by the way in the future I am going to call you Light Bringer!:nw:

Thanks very much!:tu:

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7 hours ago, Sherapy said:

Then why are you on UM? By all means ask your comic consciousness. :P

That's a good question..

But, who are you?

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9 hours ago, Crazy Horse said:

So the Zen Master Buddhist monk I saw at the Hammersmith Palace, was someone else, other than TNH?

You know nothing about me except your own misguided projections..

And so for the sake of the thread, and your sanity, I am putting you on ignore for a week, to let you call down.

Have a wonderful Christ-mass..


Your on ignore for the rest of life!:yes:

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1 hour ago, jmccr8 said:



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4 hours ago, Hammerclaw said:

I don't care to live a virtuous life, Miniver Cheevy, I prefer enjoying life, instead. Apparently, you must not have much of a life, if you so desire to escape it and flee to the austere existence of a cloistered ascetic. I truly pity you.

Theres no need to pity this one, old chap..

Its ALL Good.

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18 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

Theres no need to pity this one, old chap..

Its ALL Good.

Better safe than sorry, mate and have a very merry Christmas!:santa:

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When one dedicates themselves so whole heartedly too an ideology, they become another persons creation. No longer truly themselves.

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2 minutes ago, Nuclear Wessel said:

Easy tiger

Careful. You might join Manwon and I on his bliss (ignore) list.:lol:

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On 12/22/2021 at 5:44 PM, Manwon Lender said:

Well thank you very much for the kind words, but honestly what else can Parents do, it all comes down to until death do we part. My wife also had a Total hip replacement and they also had to reconstruct her pelvis. She was 40 at the time, so the doctors told us to wait because Hip replacements normally only last around 15 years. Well my wife is as tough as they come, so she waited until she leaning to the left when she walked, and then finally her femur pushed through and fractured her Pelvis.

It was amazing though, she was out of bed and walking with assistance two days after surgery. Within a month and a half, she was walking normally without a cane or any assistance, and the only Narcotic pain medication she every took was during the first two days after surgery. It’s truly amazing the pain women can endure compared to us chicken **** men, I just could not believe it, if I had not seen it! We were out slow dancing when her femur fractured her pelvis, I heard it break, and she started to fall. I caught her carried her out to our car, and headed fir the hospital, I will never forget the sound that fracture made that night man.:cry:

Anyway, I sincerely hope things go well for your wife and that everything’s turns out great for you both!:tu:

That gives me great hope. My wife is almost 80 and physically getting weaker, because she cant move much, but hopefully a new hip will give her relief from  pain and thus a new life

Her specialist and other experts seem to think so, anyway.  Her hip bone on one side is almost completely     corroded away, from  osteoarthritis and wear and tear.  Really glad yours recovered well,

yep they are tough.

  Evolved that way to endure  child birth, I guess 

Thanks again for your kind thoughts. 

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On 12/23/2021 at 2:22 AM, Crazy Horse said:

Oh no we wouldn't..

maybe, but I do like to argue :) 

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On 12/23/2021 at 4:34 AM, XenoFish said:

It does boggle my mind how some will fully dedicate themselves to a lofty spiritual ideal. Pretty much spending every waking hours basically obsessed with it. I can't understand the urge or motivation behind it.

Possibly the cognitive rewards and psychological peace it brings them? 

I don't get people who follow football, either .

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On 12/23/2021 at 7:38 PM, XenoFish said:

When one dedicates themselves so whole heartedly too an ideology, they become another persons creation. No longer truly themselves.

Unless, of course, it is their own constructed/individual,  "ideology" .  Then the y are fulfilling themselves more completely

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11 hours ago, Mr Walker said:

That gives me great hope. My wife is almost 80 and physically getting weaker, because she cant move much, but hopefully a new hip will give her relief from  pain and thus a new life

Her specialist and other experts seem to think so, anyway.  Her hip bone on one side is almost completely     corroded away, from  osteoarthritis and wear and tear.  Really glad yours recovered well,

yep they are tough.

  Evolved that way to endure  child birth, I guess 

Thanks again for your kind thoughts. 

Well, if hearing that helped you calm your mind a little concerning that situation glad I could help you, because I was on my own like you and its hard not easy to stop your mind starting thinking the worst. My wife was still in her early 40's when the surgery was done, when she was a teenager she had a Little Motorcycle ( Vespa :D ) and she had a crash. The same thing happed to my her also, she developed osteoarthritis in her hip and the Doctors said it was from the crash she had when she was a teenager!

I have a question for you, why is it taking so long for your poor wife to have the procedure done. It seems like a long time since from my understanding she cant walk?

What are the Doctors doing to help her manage her pain?

I didn't realize your wife was 80s years young like you said above, hopefully it will not have major effect upon her recovery, but honestly I would keep in mind that because of her age it is possible that it may have an effect upon how long her recovery may take. While the Doctors were concerned about my wife's age it was for the opposite reason, it was because she was still in her late late 30s. That's was why the doctor wanted her to tough it out as long as possible, because like I said before, normally the replacement hip components only last around 15 years, at least that's what they told us when her surgery was performed in the 1990s

I suspect that today the components may be made out of newer and better materials and that those materials my last longer, but I am only guessing here. However, I am certain it also depends upon how careful a person is, because if someone isn't careful they could put a lot of wear and tear on those hip those components. As of today my wife's Hip replacement is almost 22 years old, so even while they say the replacements are only good for a certain amount of time, I think that two factors effect that outcome. First how good the Surgeon is, and second how well a person takes care of themselves after the surgery.

My wife's surgery performed at Madigan Army Hospital, and her Doctor was a retired Full Bird Colonel, who was a Flight Trauma Surgeon, so we were very lucky.

Like, I said before my wife is tough, I mean she was in terrible pain waiting to have the surgery done because of age, and she would not take any pain medication. Her surgery was almost 9 hour's long because they had to reconstruct her Pelvis, and then do the Hip replacement at the same time. But, like I said she was up the next day, because her Doctor wanted her moving as soon as she felt like she could. Then we stayed in the hospital for about 4 more days and then she was moved to a physical therapy facility where she stayed about 8 more days and then she was allowed to go home.

So anyway Mr. Walker, my wife and I will send positive energy your way, and please let us know when the surgery is going to take place!:yes:

Take Care Sir!!!!!!:tu:

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On 12/26/2021 at 7:35 AM, Mr Walker said:

Unless, of course, it is their own constructed/individual,  "ideology" .  Then the y are fulfilling themselves more completely

It is one thing to believe something, to have an ideal. But when one practices their wisdom and knowledge, their intuition and ones heart, and may figure-out what works and what doesn't, then one can only become more fulfilled.

And there is no fulfilment as great, as THAT.

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On 12/23/2021 at 9:08 AM, XenoFish said:

When one dedicates themselves so whole heartedly too an ideology, they become another persons creation. No longer truly themselves.

Well, as the Buddha famously said.. "To achieve Enlightenment one must study Dharma, practice Dharma, and meditate."

And so unless a person studies these spiritual ideals, then one hasn't got too much of an idea about what it is they are dismissing.

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3 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

Well, as the Buddha famously said.. "To achieve Enlightenment one must study Dharma, practice Dharma, and meditate."

And so unless a person studies these spiritual ideals, then one hasn't got too much of an idea about what it is they are dismissing.

You're so silly. 

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