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Enlightenment by virtuous conduct alone...


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22 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

The ego is the shadow of that part of the mind, the lower part, that is turned away from love. And therefore, can only lead one to darkness.

Once the mind turns back to the light of THAT, then the ego dissolves.

But, if one truly wants to know/experience/be THAT, then even the higher mind must be dropped.

If one is going to have thoughts, then insist upon the more positive, kind-hearted, gentle and humble variety, where ones inner peace shall blossom, lotus like.

And any psychological pain or suffering, fear and hatred, must also dissolve sans ego.

Mr Walker, by the responses you give to other folks around here, one may clearly see that in actual fact, you have very little ego.

I feel that your heart is in the right place..

On this issue I have to disagree

While often  painted by the media as a negative , an ego is actually a natural and  essential part of the human psychology /mind / existence .

if one could become nothing, then one could have no ego, but, while one exists (and remains self  aware) , some ego is not just natural but essential  

Ive experienced and lived with "THAT " for over 50 years  yet retained my individual identity, existence and ego.

It s a symbiotic relationship. Neither  of us has to surrender all to the other  but we must both surrender something   It is actually a lot like a very good, loving ,marriage 

I got to the same end in a slightly different way 

Yes i became one with t he cosmic consciousness,  which showed me what life actually was, and could be,  but I spent years, before and after this,  training and disciplining my mind  to be able to live every moment without any negative emotions and experience only positive ones  Ie I  didn't surrender my  self,  I reshaped my self and  my mind 

I am not perfect at it, but I haven't felt  anger, fear, hate, envy,  etc. for decades.

Fear is the "easiest"  to eliminate because it is completely self constructed from our awareness    Anger is perhaps the hardest   to eliminate, as one must adjust one's responses to other people. Hate, envy, etc . are somewhere in between .. I am not sure I have ever hated anyone, or been envious of anyone. We are all one, and you cant hate yourself, or be jealous of yourself. You can only feel joy for another's successes, and sorrow for their  losses and failures .  

I certainly cant ever remember    ever hating anyone,  or being  envious of anyone. Those emotions have never seemed logical, useful ,or productive to me, even as a child . 

Edited by Mr Walker
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2 minutes ago, Mr Walker said:

Yes i became one with t he cosmic consciousness,  which showed me what life actually was, and could be,  but I spent years, before and after this,  training and disciplining my mind  to be able to live every moment without any negative emotions and experience only positive ones  Ie I  didn't surrender my  self,  I reshaped my self and  my mind 

But in case of Sherapy you needed a forum tool to be able to 'handle' her (ie., put her on ignore), Walker.

Yeah, you're great.


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11 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

At the end of the day, all words are mere symbols, expressions of a fantasy, an illusionary reality tunnel that one invests in.

Yet, a good positive belief, attitude and mind, shall reap many benefits for the present moment.

Butt, some well chosen words and phrases may at least point to the Absolute Supreme Real.

Only, for one to be sure of anything, one must try, know, experience those things/ideas, for ones-self.

We have a mind, we have feelings, we have intelligence, why wouldn't we use these things to better our lives?


I agree but there is nothing MERE about words, or symbols; and the abilty of humans to share thoughts, words, meanings, etc.,  through words or music or art, defines who we are  

Ps I am my mind and my thoughts.

I first became aware of my stream of consciousness and internal dialogues or voices , aged about 3 or 4, and have worked my entire life to understand and utilise these to best effect 

It continues even as I dream, where I know I am dreaming, and ponder verbally what the dream I am constructing   represents  

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1 hour ago, Crazy Horse said:

And I agree, there is no exterior other, there is only One Consciousness from which all existence springs from,

Hi Crazy Horse

No, not really, we don't agree, the one consciousness is your take on things and not mine.

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20 minutes ago, Abramelin said:

But in case of Sherapy you needed a forum tool to be able to 'handle' her (ie., put her on ignore), Walker.

Yeah, you're great.


I've had Sherapy on ignore for years  She is one of only about 3 posters  I have ever put on ignore 

its a bit of a pity, as she continues to make untrue, and sometimes outrageous, claims about me  which I don't get to see, or rebut. 

However, she is often quoted by other posters, and I then respond,  to correct some of the blatant misrepresentations, she puts forward as fact 

Yeah I am great. :) 

I sincerely believe that, based on the feedback of people in my real life 

IMO, to believe that, is a lot healthier than to believe I am flawed, stupid, useless,   or a loser, or unlovable etc. 

Every human has the potential for greatness, both great good, and great evil.

Few achieve complete greatness in either direction, but one can do a lot with one's life to make it better or worse.

Many young people are psychologically destroyed  (or a t least badly damaged)   by terrible parenting, (or lack of good parenting)  where they are not loved/respected  and taught to love and respect themselves for whom they are.   

Oh by the way, I see every human being as great, even if that greatness is, as yet, unrealised potential

I spent my life trying to help others achieve their potential and to become  skilled, self aware,  self  confident, successful, productive  and, most importantly,   happy human beings.  I had one or two notable failures, but hundreds of successes, including a few where my intervention and care (sometimes helped by others)  helped a young person choose life rather than death.  


Edited by Mr Walker
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1 hour ago, Crazy Horse said:


Please do explain..

Because simply calling someone confused doesn't help in the least.


Your comments I quoted are fictitious and untrue sadly you don’t even realize that in one post you say one thing and in another you turn around 180 degrees and say something else entirely. Everyone except you know you do it, to prove it go back and read your previous comments compared to the following comments I quoted below:

“”I love the Buddha Dharma, why should I belittle those who practice THAT?””  You have belittled many different people about their Buddhist Spirituality on numerous occasions so basically the comments I quoted are a fabrication and completely false!

Dude you have issues!:(

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5 minutes ago, Mr Walker said:

I've had Sherapy on ignore for years  She is one of only about 3 posters  I have ever put on ignore 

its a bit of a pity, as she continues to make untrue, and sometimes outrageous, claims about me  which I don't get to see, or rebut. 

However, she is often quoted by other posters, and I then respond,  to correct some of the blatant misrepresentations, she puts forward as fact 

Yeah I am great. :) 

I sincerely believe that, based on the feedback of people in my real life 

IMO, to believe that, is a lot healthier than to believe I am flawed, stupid, useless,   or a loser, or unlovable etc. 

Every human has the potential for greatness, both great good, and great evil.

Few achieve complete greatness in either direction, but one can do a lot with one's life to make it better or worse.

Many young people are psychologically destroyed  (or a t least badly damaged)   by terrible parenting, (or lack of good parenting)  where they are not loved/respected  and taught to love and respect themselves for whom they are.   

Mr Walker it’s pretty Sad you would put Sheri on ignore because she is one of few forum members who has consistently and patiently put up with the cow manure you try to sell here on regular basis!

Sad dude, very sad!:no:

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16 minutes ago, Mr Walker said:

However, she is often quoted by other posters, and I then respond,  to correct some of the blatant misrepresentations, she puts forward as fact 

I wonder why you put her on ignore.

If she portrays you in a way you don't like one way or the other, then why do you need a 'filter' - other members responding to her posts about you - to be able to respond to her posts anyway?

There's something not quite 'perfect' here.

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Just now, Manwon Lender said:

Mr Walker it’s pretty Sad you would put Sheri on ignore because she is one of few forum members who has consistently and patiently put up with the cow manure you try to sell here on regular basis!

Sad dude, very sad!:no:

Ive been a the receiving end of personal comments and criticisms from  her for almost two decades here 

I quite like many aspects of her,  but unfortunately she has only one view of the world and she tries to impose  that on others Ie she responds to me through her own belief's values and attitudes and assumes that  i must be like her and that her beliefs are fact rather than opinion   

This leads her into many errors of fact and opinion  about me and to make statements of fact about me   which are both actually only   opinion and  also happen to be  wrong .

  Rather than argue every one of  those posts   and  disrupt every thread, i put her on ignore and only fight a few battles with her. 

Personally i believe that, like may people, her responses to individuals vary according to how she feels about them Thus she will never speak to you as she does to me  

I dont think it is deliberate ie i don't think she is trolling or a naturally nasty person. Quite the opposite.  I believe she is sincere but so limited in her world view, and so shaped by her childhood experiences,   that people like me are incomprehensible to her. She truly sees me as if I was somehow like her, yet I am not. 

And no she has never "put up "with my posts She has tried everything from  arguing i am deluded ,lying,  ego centric and many other personal criticisms to deny actually considering the content of my posts.

She doesnt  want to think about what the y mean if they are real and i suspect that thought terrifies  her so she simply denies the possibility  Thus she almost NEVER argues the content of my posts and relies on personal commentary to discredit my pov  This is true even where the argument is value, not fact, based eg she once called my parents child abusers because the y used corporal punishment on us all (with love compassion understanding and discussion around family rules and consequences ) 

In fact my parents were the most loving, kind, generous, and wonderful people.  A fact recognised by every one of their children and grandchildren  and by their community 

Your assumption here is a little the same ie that my posts are untrue or exaggerated.

They are not.  What i write is either from  actual personal experience or from  academic knowldge gained by reading and study  You might legitimately  disagree with some things especially values or beliefs, but there is not an ounce of bulldust in18 years of  my posts on UM. 


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9 minutes ago, Abramelin said:

I wonder why you put her on ignore.

If she portrays you in a way you don't like one way or the other, then why do you need a 'filter' - other members responding to her posts about you - to be able to respond to her posts anyway?

There's something not quite 'perfect' here.

Ive never claimed to be perfect 

The final straw after a decade of personal  commentary,  for me, was when she called my parents, child abusers, because they used corporal punishment on us  

That's understandable given her own childhood and treatment, but totally wrong.

  All of us children   loved and respected our parents and maintained a close relationship both, physical and emotional, with them for their entire lives  The y were  also loved and respected by their communities  Hundreds of mourners came to their funerals and my mother was citizen of the year in her city  for Australia day in the 1980s 

My mother had just died.  I can defend any comments made about myself but i refused to listen to anyone defaming my parents,  based on their beliefs about how to raise a child 

I don't criticise sherapy's choices in  child raising.  I don't agree with them all, but from what she posts she has done a successful job.

However, in general,  i put her on ignore precisely because this sort of argument happened, and threads were disrupted .

She almost never responded to any content in any post of mine, but always offered a personal criticism, based on a false understanding of me and my life.  Idont think it was deliberate or iwould have complained officially. it was just a total inability to see though any eyes but her own.  Indeed i think she honestly believes the things she thinks and believes about me, despite them being totally untrue.  So it was just easier to ignore most of her comments 

Actually a long time ago, the mods asked both of us to put each other on ignore. I did, but i don't think she ever did  This makes it like a duel between two people, only one of whom is armed , while the other is blindfolded :) 

I am not going to make any personal comments about Sherapy    other than i think that her childhood shaped her in a very strong way, creating some very basic and powerful needs in her life as an adult.

And that may be true for many  of us  I had an almost perfect childhood.  it was idyllic, surrounded by love, the care and sacrifice of my parents,  and freedom, and I never experienced any form of childhood trauma from other people .   I know that  affects how i see myself, other people, and the world around me. 

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3 hours ago, Crazy Horse said:

So this is wholly my belief, shared by others? Bit of a mixed message their old chap. In any event, am I not allowed those beliefs?

And for one to benefit from meditation, their needn't be a belief in GOD, so you are mistaken again. Check-out the Buddhist model.

And whether GOD is the Supreme Reality, or not.. Am I not allowed THAT belief? Or are your beliefs more important then mine?

The angles that are covered are that beliefs may point to the REAL, yet they must be dropped at some point to know, be, experience THAT.

One is free to believe what thou will, but beliefs cause actions and every action has a consequence.

And I am not preaching anything, that would be against the rules XF, no, it seems that I am spending all the time defending my-self against others assumptions.


You are allow to believe what you wish. Regardless of any facts presented to you. It is your pride and arrogance that does you an injustice. That dreaded ego you dislike so much. 

You are definitely preach. 

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1 hour ago, Crazy Horse said:

At the end of the day, all words are mere symbols, expressions of a fantasy, an illusionary reality tunnel that one invests in.

Looks like I wrote this. :lol:


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2 hours ago, Mr Walker said:

However, she is often quoted by other posters, and I then respond,  to correct some of the blatant misrepresentations, she puts forward as fact 

Kinda pointless tho if nobody believes you to begin with lol

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1 hour ago, Mr Walker said:

Ive never claimed to be perfect 

The final straw after a decade of personal  commentary,  for me, was when she called my parents, child abusers, because they used corporal punishment on us  

That's understandable given her own childhood and treatment, but totally wrong.

  All of us children   loved and respected our parents and maintained a close relationship both, physical and emotional, with them for their entire lives  The y were  also loved and respected by their communities  Hundreds of mourners came to their funerals and my mother was citizen of the year in her city  for Australia day in the 1980s 

My mother had just died.  I can defend any comments made about myself but i refused to listen to anyone defaming my parents,  based on their beliefs about how to raise a child 

I don't criticise sherapy's choices in  child raising.  I don't agree with them all, but from what she posts she has done a successful job.

However, in general,  i put her on ignore precisely because this sort of argument happened, and threads were disrupted .

She almost never responded to any content in any post of mine, but always offered a personal criticism, based on a false understanding of me and my life.  Idont think it was deliberate or iwould have complained officially. it was just a total inability to see though any eyes but her own.  Indeed i think she honestly believes the things she thinks and believes about me, despite them being totally untrue.  So it was just easier to ignore most of her comments 

Actually a long time ago, the mods asked both of us to put each other on ignore. I did, but i don't think she ever did  This makes it like a duel between two people, only one of whom is armed , while the other is blindfolded :) 

I am not going to make any personal comments about Sherapy    other than i think that her childhood shaped her in a very strong way, creating some very basic and powerful needs in her life as an adult.

And that may be true for many  of us  I had an almost perfect childhood.  it was idyllic, surrounded by love, the care and sacrifice of my parents,  and freedom, and I never experienced any form of childhood trauma from other people .   I know that  affects how i see myself, other people, and the world around me. 

To make a long story short: you felt offended because - in a way - she offended your parents. At some point you had enough of it and you couldn't take any more of her remarks.

In stead of putting her on ignore by means of a forum tool, you could have simply ignored her, like in "Yeah, right", and leave it at that.

You did not, however. And thàt I find kind of amazing. Why? Well, sorry to say, but you tend to portray yourself on UM as being in perfect control of your physical and mental health. Maybe you really are, but feeling offended for whatever reason shows there is some sort of breach in your ego, your 'persona' (= Greek for mask).

The reason - I think - people here flock around you is because they want to know where those breaches are.

You've created a certain kind of online image of yourself, an image of which maybe you yourself are convinced is the truth and nothing but the truth. Some have their doubts.

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1 hour ago, Abramelin said:

Some have their doubts.

IMO it's also important to mention that these doubts are certainly not baseless. They are doubts formed in the presence of inconsistencies of tales spun by him as they relate to otherwise "discovered" facts. He once told us to look him up online, and I sure did.

If it weren't for him persistently egg us on I probably wouldn't have cared to, but he sowed seeds of curiosity that had to be reaped.

Edited by Nuclear Wessel
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