Mr Walker Posted October 20, 2020 #76 Share Posted October 20, 2020 21 hours ago, eight bits said: @Mr Walker You're not the topic. Take it to Jay's thread or drop it. You and I are done here. Nup I will stop responding, only when people stop making unfounded and unsupported statements about me. Otherwise there will be post after post of personal comment and criticism, without a single piece of evidence to support it. You are asking me to ignore this, or respond to it in a post not connected to the debate, leaving the field to my opponents if others stuck to the topic, (rather than making me the issue) and to the natural evolution of a discussion, this would not occur. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 20, 2020 #77 Share Posted October 20, 2020 On 10/18/2020 at 2:45 AM, Rlyeh said: Pretty sure that's an argument from ignorance. Not when you consider my whole statement. A miracle is something which occurs which is not explicable using current science and i the probability of it occurring without intelligent purpose is extremely low Given this definition of a miracle it remains a miracle until the reasons why/how it did that can be proven or at least logically explained So imo there are no such things as divine miracles or the supernatural. If something is real then it has a logical rational explanation The problem is where our understanding, technology and knowledge, is not adequate to yet explain what happened Until we can it is called a miracle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 20, 2020 #78 Share Posted October 20, 2020 (edited) On 10/18/2020 at 9:49 PM, TashaMarie said: So for now I am putting aside my sceptic nature and asking if god saved you from the fire allowing you live while allowing others died. What have you done since to prove that you were worth this miracle? How have you used it to better the world? Ive explained this many times it is personally a sensitive topic to me given tha t those who died were from my community and some were my colleagues and friends my simple explanation is tha t i heard and responded in seconds to gods warnings and advice and we escaped our house with minutes to spare before it exploded in a fireball seen 20 miles awy I dont know if thise who died heard a wrning or took the advice but some other survivors did. "god" not only helped us survive physically but emotionally and psychologically Others had years of therapy to overcome the effects of almost perishing or nearly losing a loved one. It didn't affect us at all Second it is not necessarily about worth. i dont think "god" protects those who are "good" or useful to it It will protect any who listen and heed it. Now having said that, since our marriage in 1976. my wife and I have given away over a million dollars to others in need and to protect animals and the planet We have taken action and written to prime ministers and presidents allover the world we have supported 3 young peole for their entire education in africa india and asia (over 20 years of donating every month) We have protected wildlife and supported reserves and sanctuaries We live a low impact sustainable life with a footprint which is sustainable. We took in a dozen homeless young people over 45 years and supported them as our own children, without any assistance. In one case over 3 generations with us still supporting them today, even though we are now age pensioners. There are many hundreds( perhaps a thousand) peole alive today because, for decades, we supplied their meals through charities overseas. There are hundreds if not thousands of people living with safe water and sanitation because we paid for it to be provided to their villages There are villages in mongolia with their own green houses, kids with musical instruments and women with seed money for independent businesses to free them from abuse and make them independent I wonder sometimes if that iswhy "god" took so much time, interest, and care with us. "He turned me from a material life, to one where we used our wealth to help others. For decades we never had holidays away from home We by our clothes and goods second hand and only buy things when the old ones no longer work. We get a few take aways ike fish and chips or a pizza but dont go out to restaurants or hotels and i cook most meals from fresh ingredients And yet we are happy content, loved and respected. We lack for nothing materially and have everything we need. The more we give, the more that comes back to us. I don't do this for religious reasons, but because i was raised secular humanist. My wife does it because she believes god expects it of her( and its the right thing to do.) But i do wonder if you reap what you sow Religious people would say were are "blessed " and we certainly are lucky, protected, and empowered, by the presence of this being. Bu ti don't think it is about rewards for good behaviour . It is the " law of natural consequences" and even an atheist would find the same thing happening to them, if they lived as we do Eg I get a free coffee at the local deli every day, and people often bring us free frozen home cooked meals and other items we need The y bring us free firewood. A few people even give us small to significant sums of money on a regular basis, to help us (50-1000 dollars) Tha t occurs because of who we are, how we act to others , and the reputation we have in our community I give away extra food from our vege garden, fruit trees and vines, and i run a free book and video exchange, where any one can take any number of books or videos from it for free (the y can exchange if they want, but its not required )This was especially popular when all libraries and second hand shops were closed during covid, but is still being well used. Edited October 20, 2020 by Mr Walker 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 20, 2020 #79 Share Posted October 20, 2020 On 10/18/2020 at 11:54 AM, Dejarma said: what occurred? = a story occurred, nothing more.. science will not spend time, effort etc on a story The "it" referenced real events Stories are narrations of perhaps real, or perhaps imagined /misconstrued events. As I said previously science certainly does use personal experiences, and investigates them to learn and make progress. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 20, 2020 #80 Share Posted October 20, 2020 On 10/18/2020 at 7:35 PM, eight bits said: Your participation in the discussion of the whale you dreamt compared with the real whale took place here, on the open forum. With your other tales, you often muse that if only we'd witnessed what you'd witnessed, then we'd agree with you. Well, this time, we were all gathered in the same place. We all saw what you posted from the initial BS about something physically impossible, through your protracted (and not especially polite on your part) interaction with - horror of horrors - somebody who actually knew what they were talking about, until your final trimming of your story back down to the nothingburger it always was. Followed, then and now, with the false claim that that was your story all along. OK, the experiment's been done. We all saw the same thing, and we disagree. Of the many other bullshy Walker performances that I've witnessed here online, the one that I think is closest to the topic of the thread is when you miraculously looked both ways at an ungated railroad crossing and thereby noticed an oncoming train. Thus divinely informed of the peril, you prudently let the train have the right of way. Truly the equal of a chalk portrait of the Virgin - and in the same place as one was drawn years ago! My favorite is the radio whose condensers-capacitors had stored just enough juice to receive an urgent broadcast warning. That's a good story, it doesn't need embellishment, but you lard it up anyway. Of course. Statistics came up recently. You have at best only the foggiest notion of how "horse-race" polls work, but you declared victory about that, too. Go back ten years or so, and I was explaining the elementary probabilities of playing cards to you, in the context of your claim that you could predict the cards better than chance. (I haven't heard that one in a while, an oldie but goodie). Then there's the only consistently interesting part of your life, your dreams. You're a frequent lucid dreamer. That's something - many people aspire to dream lucidly. But you don't do anything interesting with that skill (just what's usual in that community: flying and unattainablie-in-real-life sex partners). And it has emerged recently that you plainly don't know when you're asleep and when you're awake (not that anybody is 100% about that), so you sometimes confuse your ordinary (non-lucid) dreams with waking reality. That will do. The whale story, already posted, does neatly cover the point IMO. Like any one story, however, it cannot do justice to the sheer volume of BS you've served up in a long and distinguished posting career. Whether you are lying or not doesn't interest me. I could be persuaded. Regardless, you are unreliable. You offer some entertainment and easy target practice ('let's see how many different fallacies we can identify in that Walker post'). Accept your role in the community. And don't look at us - you're the one who's carved out this niche for yourself. one further point I always know when I am awake and when I am dreaming That was one point of my story Because my dreams are so real and life like I had to learn at a very early age how to use reality and contextual checkers to know when i was dreaming I learned tha t skill and while, at first it required conscious effort, it became a ritualised cognitive function ie today i never have a dream without knowing it is a dream For over 50 years ive NEVER confused a dream with a waking experience and ive never confused a dream memory with a waking memory. I can go back 65 years and describe some of my dreams and some of my waking memories, and even how i used dreams to improve my waking life This is typical of you and others who, whether deliberately, or through lack of experience with these sorts of abilities, misunderstand what i write. In your case i think it is a way you can explain or rationalise experiences i have while awake, as being dreams, because you refuse to accept the y could be real events from waking life what would you define as interesting over my life i have travelled the world in dreams I can describe what it is like to soar on the updrafts along the nullarbor cliffs and fly through the Zambesi falls I can tell you what its like to watch the sunrise and sunset from places like the top of the great pyramid or machu picchu I have spent time with deceased relatives whenthe y were young . i have gone back in time to observe life in the past Ive traveled the galaxy and seen/lived as many different alien species. I learned young not to talk about or demonstrate these abilities because people feared them and thus feared me. OR they got me into trouble If theyy were just imaginary this wouldn't happen. But it did. It impacted on my life, friendships and could have destroyed my career, and thus my stories don't include any great attempts to save mankind etc. just doing minor things to help or amuse people Ive travelled on every form of conveyance real and imagined, felt the muscles of a dragon ripple as it flew, felt the wind in my face and the condensation of clouds on a flying carpet and a sopwith camel Ive used dreams to solve problems, to learn new skills, to overcome fears(as a child) and to understand/ be able to access my subconscious mind it is interesting. i know tha t i never lie on Um, and thus i have to ask why i upset so many people and why they are unable to accept my life and stories as true I guess it is the same reason i worried people in real life and why i didnt make more use of my abilities There is some fear, some jealously, and maybe some other issues that people have with my life. Mostly though it is difference People find it hard to accept peole with differences to them The y sometimes fear them and sometimes simply reject them as being uncomfortable They often think the y are lying because those people's experiences are alien to their own Ithink. I said that i was about 5 years old, the first time i was attacked by other children for talking about my dreams and what i did in them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TashaMarie Posted October 20, 2020 #81 Share Posted October 20, 2020 2 hours ago, Mr Walker said: Ive explained this many times it is personally a sensitive topic to me given tha t those who died were from my community and some were my colleagues and friends my simple explanation is tha t i heard and responded in seconds to gods warnings and advice and we escaped our house with minutes to spare before it exploded in a fireball seen 20 miles awy I dont know if thise who died heard a wrning or took the advice but some other survivors did. "god" not only helped us survive physically but emotionally and psychologically Others had years of therapy to overcome the effects of almost perishing or nearly losing a loved one. It didn't affect us at all Second it is not necessarily about worth. i dont think "god" protects those who are "good" or useful to it It will protect any who listen and heed it. Now having said that, since our marriage in 1976. my wife and I have given away over a million dollars to others in need and to protect animals and the planet We have taken action and written to prime ministers and presidents allover the world we have supported 3 young peole for their entire education in africa india and asia (over 20 years of donating every month) We have protected wildlife and supported reserves and sanctuaries We live a low impact sustainable life with a footprint which is sustainable. We took in a dozen homeless young people over 45 years and supported them as our own children, without any assistance. In one case over 3 generations with us still supporting them today, even though we are now age pensioners. There are many hundreds( perhaps a thousand) peole alive today because, for decades, we supplied their meals through charities overseas. There are hundreds if not thousands of people living with safe water and sanitation because we paid for it to be provided to their villages There are villages in mongolia with their own green houses, kids with musical instruments and women with seed money for independent businesses to free them from abuse and make them independent I wonder sometimes if that iswhy "god" took so much time, interest, and care with us. "He turned me from a material life, to one where we used our wealth to help others. For decades we never had holidays away from home We by our clothes and goods second hand and only buy things when the old ones no longer work. We get a few take aways ike fish and chips or a pizza but dont go out to restaurants or hotels and i cook most meals from fresh ingredients And yet we are happy content, loved and respected. We lack for nothing materially and have everything we need. The more we give, the more that comes back to us. I don't do this for religious reasons, but because i was raised secular humanist. My wife does it because she believes god expects it of her( and its the right thing to do.) But i do wonder if you reap what you sow Religious people would say were are "blessed " and we certainly are lucky, protected, and empowered, by the presence of this being. Bu ti don't think it is about rewards for good behaviour . It is the " law of natural consequences" and even an atheist would find the same thing happening to them, if they lived as we do Eg I get a free coffee at the local deli every day, and people often bring us free frozen home cooked meals and other items we need The y bring us free firewood. A few people even give us small to significant sums of money on a regular basis, to help us (50-1000 dollars) Tha t occurs because of who we are, how we act to others , and the reputation we have in our community I give away extra food from our vege garden, fruit trees and vines, and i run a free book and video exchange, where any one can take any number of books or videos from it for free (the y can exchange if they want, but its not required )This was especially popular when all libraries and second hand shops were closed during covid, but is still being well used. Okay so you have done many wonderful things to help those in need which is fantastic. But I ask the question why would God allow these people to be in such dire situations. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+joc Posted October 20, 2020 #82 Share Posted October 20, 2020 Back to the pavement because not every thing is about Mr. Walker I only have two words: It's Wet! 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rlyeh Posted October 20, 2020 #83 Share Posted October 20, 2020 5 hours ago, Mr Walker said: Not when you consider my whole statement. A miracle is something which occurs which is not explicable using current science and i the probability of it occurring without intelligent purpose is extremely low Given this definition of a miracle it remains a miracle until the reasons why/how it did that can be proven or at least logically explained So imo there are no such things as divine miracles or the supernatural. If something is real then it has a logical rational explanation The problem is where our understanding, technology and knowledge, is not adequate to yet explain what happened Until we can it is called a miracle That's still an argument from ignorance. 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eight bits Posted October 20, 2020 #84 Share Posted October 20, 2020 @Mr Walker In case your memory super power lost track of Jay's thread: 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dejarma Posted October 20, 2020 #85 Share Posted October 20, 2020 On 10/18/2020 at 2:19 AM, Mr Walker said: If something happens then self evidently it was possible 9 hours ago, Mr Walker said: If true tha t would be a failing of science But of course it is NOT true. Almost every scientific advance and discovery begins with a single person's experience observation thought etc. we're talking 'stories' here- are we not? You may believe a story is true; an amazing ufo, ghost, bigfoot encounter for examples. But they are just stories & you me everyone will not know if what is told REALLY happened. An individual may choose to believe it's real, but that don't make it real, does it science will not look into things like this....well, Not real science with real money & real scientists- why are you arguing this point? Or are you just avin a laugh? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jmccr8 Posted October 20, 2020 #86 Share Posted October 20, 2020 10 hours ago, Mr Walker said: Nup I will stop responding, only when people stop making unfounded and unsupported statements about me. Otherwise there will be post after post of personal comment and criticism, without a single piece of evidence to support it. You are asking me to ignore this, or respond to it in a post not connected to the debate, leaving the field to my opponents if others stuck to the topic, (rather than making me the issue) and to the natural evolution of a discussion, this would not occur. Hi Walker If you bring those discussions to the thread the people that you are responding to will be there as well. I have limited my responses to you because of the complaints about off topic sidetracking and created that tread so that no one could complain about where things go. It's not a detention center, it's a thread that liberates the restrictions on arguing your ego and I will be there with bells on. jmccr8 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Sherapy Posted October 20, 2020 #87 Share Posted October 20, 2020 (edited) On 10/17/2020 at 6:07 PM, Mr Walker said: With the whale, I was neither in known /certain error, nor lying It is interesting that, after tha t acrimonious debate, and me being proven correct, against all the accusations ranged against me, that all you and a few others take from it is that, after almost 50 years i wasn't sure if the whale escaped by itself or was helped No one else is any more certain than me either. Habitat's contact said tha t divers helped the whale escape. I saw on the news the whale swimming over the pontoon surround of the enclosure So either story remains possibly true/false. Indeed both are simultaneously possible ie the divers enabled the whale to get free but it did so by itself The big picture is tha t, despite vehement denials that this ever happened, and accusations that, (for some unknown reason) i was lying, i was correct So you have nothing else (no evidences ) to justify an accusation of lying or BSing? I think it is reasonable to say that habitat isn’t a credible source. He offered nothing in the way of evidence. I think Charles ruled the day on the whale tale. Edited October 20, 2020 by Sherapy 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 20, 2020 #88 Share Posted October 20, 2020 14 hours ago, TashaMarie said: Okay so you have done many wonderful things to help those in need which is fantastic. But I ask the question why would God allow these people to be in such dire situations. First; all tha t stuff was in response to a direct question which also implied tha t maybe I'd never used the life, skills, and money, which"god" has given to me. it was a fair question and ive tried to answer it completely. The cosmic consciousness taught me that life is not about material things past the point where you are safe and comfortable. It is about the immaterial and spiritual things which bring humans happiness, purpose, and well being; like love, compassion, altruism, friendship, purpose, connection to people place and time etc As To why "god" ensured my wife and i and some others were safe but did not protect others, I gave you the best answer i could after decades of thought on such issues Maybe god tried to advise and help them but they were either too panicked or not used to hearing and obeying such instructions. eg my wife wanted me to go faster to get through the fire font I told her tha t god had promised we would be safe and I drove slowly calmly and to the very poor conditions (you couldn't see even the edge of the dirt road for thick smoke) One poor mother and her children perished because she drove too fast, missed a major intersection in the smoke and drove into a tree at the T junction Another died in her bath after sheltering in her house which burned to the ground. I dont know why "god ' helps some people to live, but doesn't save everyone . I can only use logic and rational thinking to supply any sort of answer. I know how and why we survived, and how the cosmic consciousness directed and protected us, and i know how it helped some others because the y wrote and spoke about their experiences ,but i don't know what those who died were thinking, feeling, or experiencing. I am not worth any more than any other human, so it is something else than comparative value which decided our fates. Maybe god was really trying to save my wife's life and had to save mine to do that Finally, people have free will, and make their own decisions and choices. "god" rarely, if ever, overrides those choices and behaviours. It advises but does not compel. Thus it cant kill physically a person nor easily save a person, by forcing them to behave in a certain way.(no one can claim, "god MADE me do it." but it CAN instruct them what behaviour will more likely cause their death or save their life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 20, 2020 #89 Share Posted October 20, 2020 (edited) 6 hours ago, Sherapy said: I think it is reasonable to say that habitat isn’t a credible source. He offered nothing in the way of evidence. I think Charles ruled the day on the whale tale. lol Charles was wrong People at the tuna farms confirmed the story i told . No poster at the time suggested Habitat made tha t contact up So now you are saying habitat lied and never got tha t information from the tuna people? Pathetic, but typical, You believe what you choose to believe when it fits your preconceptions and biases. I know it happend and a number of older residents also remember it, but i felt no need to try and prove it. Not even charles tried to deny the source Habitat gave us You love rewriting posting history, to serve your own ends. It is why i have to correct so many of the statements you make about me. Edited October 20, 2020 by Mr Walker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 21, 2020 #90 Share Posted October 21, 2020 7 hours ago, jmccr8 said: Hi Walker If you bring those discussions to the thread the people that you are responding to will be there as well. I have limited my responses to you because of the complaints about off topic sidetracking and created that tread so that no one could complain about where things go. It's not a detention center, it's a thread that liberates the restrictions on arguing your ego and I will be there with bells on. jmccr8 generally i dont bring something. I reply to other posts However i do tend to offer alternative and sometimes unpopular views But I am more than happy to respond to any material points made I am not here to further my ego but to discuss and debate the issues within a thread Honestly i don't see my posts hijacking or derailing threads. The y sometime stir up contntionand cuase peronal attacks whichTHEN take us off topic. In 15 years ive twice been asked to cool things down, but never told by a mod that was derailing a thread I can show the links between my posts and the topic except where it becomes me defending myself from personal comments A thread topic is NOT just what the author has in their mind when introducing it. It also encompasses the many diverse opinions of others Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Liquid Gardens Posted October 21, 2020 #91 Share Posted October 21, 2020 10 minutes ago, Mr Walker said: You love rewriting posting history, to serve your own ends. Ha, you've said here (because you consider yourself always on-topic) that you made a 'mistake', and you admitted during the whale tale that you were wrong. So what are you complaining about? Yes, your mistake is actual evidence, against you. But your credibility has taken a much bigger hit since we all can see how your mistake has been spun and embellished by you over the last year. It's evidence that other tales of yours may be distorted by the same process over time, tales that all on their own just based on their content seem 'distorted' to begin with. You keep transferring opposing evidence for your beliefs. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 21, 2020 #92 Share Posted October 21, 2020 42 minutes ago, Liquid Gardens said: Ha, you've said here (because you consider yourself always on-topic) that you made a 'mistake', and you admitted during the whale tale that you were wrong. So what are you complaining about? Yes, your mistake is actual evidence, against you. But your credibility has taken a much bigger hit since we all can see how your mistake has been spun and embellished by you over the last year. It's evidence that other tales of yours may be distorted by the same process over time, tales that all on their own just based on their content seem 'distorted' to begin with. You keep transferring opposing evidence for your beliefs. Im complaining because, with no evidence and no prior discussion, Sherapy has reopened the whole debate. She NOW says she doesn't trust tha t Habitat actually did get the confirmation he posted, and now she is again saying she thinks the whole story was untrue. Unfortunately (mostly with me but also with some other posters) Sherapy has a long history of doing this sort of thing eg simply posting tha t we said something we did not or hold views we never expressed Here. when she could have presented her argument at the time and had Habitat provide confirm his source, she suddenly says she still doesn't believe it Habitat gave the name of the organisation he rang Any poster could have also rung and checked tha t his confirmation was genuine I haven't admitted to any mistake. I've said that i had two recollections of an event which occurred about 40 years ago. That the event occurred has now been acknowledged by a "reliable" independent source but the exact sequence of events is still unevidenced. There is no evidence for either other than memories and both could have been perspectives on the actual event Its fascinating tha t after i was proven totally right, some keep on trying to spin it as me being wrong. Please, where is your proof tha t either or or both of the events described did NOT take place? As posted before its not even a case of either/ or (whale breaching pontoon to escape/ whale being freed by divers ) BOTH could have been partially true. I don't remember (now ) seeing any divers in the water on the news footage That doesn't mean they weren't there. And if this is your best evidence for me bull****ting or lying, then its "no case to answer" at all. At the time i was roundly abused and called a liar, ( among other things) when i knew i was not, but no one has bothered to apologise i dont think i made a mistake at all, here, but even if i did, it is neither a case of lying or bshitting which is the accusation made about my posts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 21, 2020 #93 Share Posted October 21, 2020 13 hours ago, eight bits said: @Mr Walker In case your memory super power lost track of Jay's thread: your point being? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 21, 2020 #94 Share Posted October 21, 2020 10 hours ago, Dejarma said: we're talking 'stories' here- are we not? You may believe a story is true; an amazing ufo, ghost, bigfoot encounter for examples. But they are just stories & you me everyone will not know if what is told REALLY happened. An individual may choose to believe it's real, but that don't make it real, does it science will not look into things like this....well, Not real science with real money & real scientists- why are you arguing this point? Or are you just avin a laugh? Any experience by one person becomes a story or anecdote when shared with another person who did not actually share tha t experience My own position is not to believe a story but neither to disbelieve it i would allow many things to influence how much i accepted if the event was a physical reality, or something else However with one's own experiences, unless one has some problem ,a person should always be able to tell what is happening outside his head from what is happening inside it I know some people cant tell the difference but I have never experienced this outside of times when i was under strong painkillers and even then I knew what was unreal and was able to banish it I have to go back to my preschool years to remember things i imagined and didn't know were not real. (it helps tha t i havent drunk alcohol or taken drugs for the last 50 years) and yep real science examines such things. I've even been invited to some university studies on some of these areas . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Sherapy Posted October 21, 2020 #95 Share Posted October 21, 2020 (edited) 1 hour ago, Mr Walker said: lol Charles was wrong People at the tuna farms confirmed the story i told . No poster at the time suggested Habitat made tha t contact up So now you are saying habitat lied and never got tha t information from the tuna people? Pathetic, but typical, You believe what you choose to believe when it fits your preconceptions and biases. I know it happend and a number of older residents also remember it, but i felt no need to try and prove it. Not even charles tried to deny the source Habitat gave us You love rewriting posting history, to serve your own ends. It is why i have to correct so many of the statements you make about me. I am saying Habitat was asked for his evidence by me and a few others, he never produced any. I am saying literally, habitat isn’t a credible resource/source.without the evidence. Edited October 21, 2020 by Sherapy 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Liquid Gardens Posted October 21, 2020 #96 Share Posted October 21, 2020 47 minutes ago, Mr Walker said: I haven't admitted to any mistake. Yea, and on Saturday you said, "i got one detail wrong in retelling the story after that time". So either that statement was a mistake itself, or you just made another mistake by saying you didn't admit to any mistake. I'm done, this level you're at is really too basic for me, discussing things with you is acquiring a yucky 'punching down' quality that's no fun. 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Sherapy Posted October 21, 2020 #97 Share Posted October 21, 2020 (edited) 16 minutes ago, Liquid Gardens said: Yea, and on Saturday you said, "i got one detail wrong in retelling the story after that time". So either that statement was a mistake itself, or you just made another mistake by saying you didn't admit to any mistake. I'm done, this level you're at is really too basic for me, discussing things with you is acquiring a yucky 'punching down' quality that's no fun. Indeed, one has to have boundaries with this poster. God knows I have had too. Lol Edited October 21, 2020 by Sherapy 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 21, 2020 #98 Share Posted October 21, 2020 4 hours ago, Sherapy said: I am saying Habitat was asked for his evidence by me and a few others, he never produced any. I am saying literally, habitat isn’t a credible resource/source.without the evidence. He gave the name of the organisation he rang. You could have checked yourself. If you choose to disbelieve that is your error, and is due to your bias. Plus you never once questioned it when he was here to respond. Lets say it was YOU who rang up and verified the story. Are you saying no one should believe you? As i said originally, there is no remaining physical evidence for this event, which I can locate, so none is available to be presented. None the less it happened. Many locals remember it and the tuna fishermen's association confirmed it, from the memory of some of the older men there . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 21, 2020 #99 Share Posted October 21, 2020 3 hours ago, Liquid Gardens said: Yea, and on Saturday you said, "i got one detail wrong in retelling the story after that time". So either that statement was a mistake itself, or you just made another mistake by saying you didn't admit to any mistake. I'm done, this level you're at is really too basic for me, discussing things with you is acquiring a yucky 'punching down' quality that's no fun. Ive explained this. You are so fixed on proving me wrong tha t you cant see the issue clearly. I'm done too. I'm tired of arguing with people who are either too stupid or too willfully biased to just accept simple facts. These are the simple facts A baby whale got into a tuna pen It got out again, either under its own steam or with some help from divers (the facts are no longer known or clear and all rely on memory of individuals )I saw it swim clear over the pontoon The tuna fishermen's rep said it was helped free, and i don't argue with that as a possibility although the y do have an agenda After 30 then 40 years, i recalled two slightly different versions of the event, which actually could both have been the case, based on observation from above Now, after being vilified and accused of lying, people want to ignore that i was right and truthful, and try to say i am at fault for not being absolutely certain what happened Cant you see how stupid that is ? Can't you see how it only happens because of the personal agenda of some posters to discredit me in any way the y can, so the y dont have to think about anything i post ? Probably not It is a more refined version of the attempts at discrediting me as a person which began almost as soon as i began posting here. It started once people realised the y couldnt win an argument against my facts and knowledge. its one of the big disappointments i have with this site, and some of its posters, but, on the other hand, it keeps me posting, because i won't surrender to tha t sort of personal attack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Walker Posted October 21, 2020 #100 Share Posted October 21, 2020 (edited) 3 hours ago, Sherapy said: Indeed, one has to have boundaries with this poster. God knows I have had too. Lol See my post to LG. It applies even more strongly to you You have misrepresented and lied about my posts for over a decade. I am still not clear if this is a flaw with your thinking and comprehension, (ie you honestly can't understand the points i am making, and hence often rephrase/ repost them as the opposite to what i posted) or something less honest. Edited October 21, 2020 by Mr Walker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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