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Is there any real mystery?


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On 10/14/2020 at 8:38 PM, TrumanB said:

I don't know where to put this thread, if this is a wrong place you may move it.

So, is there any real mystery that remains unsolved? Or we can just retire from this forum because every topic is debunked? My question is specifically directed to the sceptics of this forum. Is there any question that still excites you, makes your heart beat and feel that there is something more? Or reality is that boring and everything can be explained by plain science? Do you keep a list of unexplained mysteries ( and what are they ) or you just like to squabble with believers?

Some mysteries still need to be solved, new mysteries pop time to time. Observation, knowledge and sciense are the way to solve them but it's fun to do it !

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48 minutes ago, Jon the frog said:

Some mysteries still need to be solved, new mysteries pop time to time. Observation, knowledge and sciense are the way to solve them but it's fun to do it !

I once believed this.  I believed all things could be computed and reality was a clockwork.  

But then I discovered just how paltry human knowledge really is.  None of the important predictions can be made and no important questions answered.  There was no chance anything would change in my lifetime.  Even though human knowledge is 10,000 greater than it was then we still know nothing.  

Intuition is more effective though less reliable.  


People have been deluded into believing in  "laws of nature" and clockwork universes that simply don't exist.  We are no closer to understanding gravity than we were decades ago.  Indeed, it seems with some things that we are getting further away,  

The real problem with believing everything is known and science is omniscient is that it's easy to turn people into automatons in the service of others or the state.  

We are entering a new dark ages where people know ever less and things they must know are behind a paywall.  

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59 minutes ago, Jon the frog said:

Some mysteries still need to be solved, new mysteries pop time to time. Observation, knowledge and sciense are the way to solve them but it's fun to do it !

A great percentage of what science "knows" simply is not true or is only true in a left handed sort of way.  Even what is true is true only within the parameters of experiment, definitions, and metaphysics.  

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On 10/14/2020 at 7:38 PM, TrumanB said:

I don't know where to put this thread, if this is a wrong place you may move it.

So, is there any real mystery that remains unsolved? Or we can just retire from this forum because every topic is debunked? My question is specifically directed to the sceptics of this forum. Is there any question that still excites you, makes your heart beat and feel that there is something more? Or reality is that boring and everything can be explained by plain science? Do you keep a list of unexplained mysteries ( and what are they ) or you just like to squabble with believers?

Everything is an unexplained mystery.

But generally everyone has just about his own answer for anything.  

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45 minutes ago, cladking said:

Everything is an unexplained mystery.

But generally everyone has just about his own answer for anything.  

Great so we don't know anything? Huh

Great then why have you spent 15 years and 60k posts  trying to convince everyone that you have the answers and ancient Egypt? I mean have you been pretending for all these years to know stuff and also saying that everyone else was wrong. It would seem you are either lying now or then, which is it or have you just been playing a goofy game?


If anyone is interested in agnosticism, misologist, nihlism, helplessness and the idea that we know nothing you can read Cladking 'stuff' here: I recommend you drink heavily or ingest your favorite herb prior thou. Since our good friend has been driven away from the science boards he has drift around and been washed up here: Ranting about ramps, religion and the hopelessness of not knowing anything about anything.


This is a link to the general forum you can find his threads there: """shudder"""

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26 minutes ago, Abramelin said:

I think this is, still, a mystery:


Who made this megalith, why, and when?



It may also have been a looted item that the Roman's intended to bring back to Rome but the ship carrying it sank. The Roman's brought back obelisks and columns from a number of sites.

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1 minute ago, Hanslune said:

It may also have been a looted item that the Roman's intended to bring back to Rome but the ship carrying it sank. The Roman's brought back obelisks and columns from a number of sites.

It doesn't look much like an obelisk, and it appears it has a hole all the way through.

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6 minutes ago, Abramelin said:

It doesn't look much like an obelisk, and it appears it has a hole all the way through.

Yes, but it could have been a structural piece or part of a an another structure. Whatever it was  it was either dragged a long way or came there from a boat once the area was flooded

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11 minutes ago, Hanslune said:

Yes, but it could have been a structural piece or part of a an another structure. Whatever it was  it was either dragged a long way or came there from a boat once the area was flooded

Yes, those are possible ways that stone ended up where it did.

Here some foto's and 3D scans:


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10 minutes ago, jethrofloyd said:

How it can be from Roman's time when it is '' ...the stone indicate the stone itself to be 40,000 years old''?

How did the stone communicate this? What method of age determination would they have used?

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13 minutes ago, Abramelin said:

Maybe they assumed the monolith was made by the culture that inhabited the island 35000 years ago, and were responsible for the socalled "sesi".


Found it, thanks

The researchers dated the stone in the monolith to the Late Pleistocene, about 40,000 years ago during the last ice age, by extracting several shell fragments from the rock and doing radiocarbon dating tests on it.

I think they are referring to when the limestone formed (limestone can form very quickly -geologically speaking) not when the stone it self was 'carved' or taken from where ever it came from.

I remember this when it the story came out.


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10 minutes ago, Abramelin said:

Thanks I was just about to go looking for that paper myself. Read the conclusion/discussion will finish a bit later. A goodie

Edited by Hanslune
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I think a quite interesting mystery is the unknown burial place of Alexander the Great. To this day, the burial site of Alexander the Great has never been found. If and when it is, it is anticipated to be among the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time.

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12 hours ago, Hanslune said:

Great so we don't know anything? Huh

Funny how cladking is literally the only person who knows things and literally every other human on Earth knows nothing. 

I suspect his calculation may be off by one. 


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1 hour ago, Thanos5150 said:

This is an error. I have corrected it. I assume it was meant to be 3500BC not "35,000yrs ago""

What?? You wrote that wiki page?


You did:


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Ok, ladies and gentlemen, all those who quote from Wiki, think again.

I always said something like that, and then added to say: always check the references. And this time I didn't.

Btw., this is not about putting down Thanos.

Edited by Abramelin
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