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Atlantis Explained!


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Tell you what, I won’t even try and hijack Rojacks topic, even though I already have. I’ll make my own.

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23 hours ago, The Puzzler said:

Except there is no direct archaeological evidence for Doggerland to be Atlantis. Unless they were worshipping some reindeer bones in the city.

There is no archaeological evidence for anywhere to be Atlantis.   Doggerland is the only place in Europe where we know certain of the events described by Plato did in fact occur.

That said, Doggerland was not Atlantis.   Because the Doggerlanders never invaded Egypt.   QED.


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4 hours ago, Essan said:

There is no archaeological evidence for anywhere to be Atlantis.   Doggerland is the only place in Europe where we know certain of the events described by Plato did in fact occur.

That said, Doggerland was not Atlantis.   Because the Doggerlanders never invaded Egypt.   QED.


Its been beaten, minced, boiled, crush, bashed, and mulled over and in the end...nothing, no city, no nation no conquering empire. The fad now is trying to find what cultural influences might have caused Plato to write what he did. I think the Minoans and the some cultures in Sicily and Sardinia are popular and in the running for the main inspiration. My favorite aspect of all of this? Meropis

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Plato: “And Poseidon, receiving for his lot the island of Atlantis, begat children by a mortal woman, and settled them in a part of the island, which I will describe.”

Answer: Plato used the terms “island, continent, and island-continent” interchangeably. He was referring to North America, Central America, and South America together as a boundless island continent. Later, you will find that he also referred to the Americas as the whole continent. North America was what Plato called the island-continent of Atlantis. A small island in the city was also called Atlantis. Knowing that information makes decoding lest confusing. If you can translate Greek to English, you are likely to better understand the languages and the errors Plato made. https://goo.gl/maps/qc5H3vzXhKj86ms38

Question: Where was the city of Atlantis?

Answer: The City of Atlantis and the royal city were on the Florida Plain, Tampa.

Question: Where is the small island of Atlantis?

Answer: The small island of Atlantis is in the city of Atlantis. It has three canals around it.  By the way, the small island is triangular, not circular. The canals are also straight, not circular.

Question: Where is the hill that held the royal castle?

Answer: The hill that held the royal castle is in the top righthand corner of the small triangular island. This hill once had three moats around it.

Question: Where is the plain of Atlantis?

Answer: The plain of Atlantis is now the Florida Plain. Florida is flat and even.

Question: Where is the great ditch Plato described?

Answer: Part of the ditch is now the Indian River.

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3 hours ago, Rojack said:

Answer: The plain of Atlantis is now the Florida Plain. Florida is flat and even.


I lived in Florida for two years - its ain't flat nor even.......

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On 2/20/2023 at 7:24 AM, The Puzzler said:

I don't know man!  The only thing that really changed my life that I ever read was Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

I just was never interested in what happened to Atlantis, or if there was an Atlantis.  Quite frankly, I don't think there ever was.  Not because of anything I did or didn't read but just because a country that large would have left either a much larger footprint or no foot print at all.  And as such, if the only Person really writing about Atlantis was Plato...well...why?

I think the Egyptians were truly amazing and left almost eternal footprints...and then...they are gone.   and then you have places like Moundville in little ole Alabama.  It seems to me...ahem...not knowing or caring too much of a bloody goddamn about Atlantis that something powerfully destructive happened a long time ago and generations of survivors later, people were still trying to put it back together according to stories handed down...but that's just me...

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15 hours ago, joc said:

I don't know man!  The only thing that really changed my life that I ever read was Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

I just was never interested in what happened to Atlantis, or if there was an Atlantis.  Quite frankly, I don't think there ever was.  Not because of anything I did or didn't read but just because a country that large would have left either a much larger footprint or no foot print at all.  And as such, if the only Person really writing about Atlantis was Plato...well...why?

I think the Egyptians were truly amazing and left almost eternal footprints...and then...they are gone.   and then you have places like Moundville in little ole Alabama.  It seems to me...ahem...not knowing or caring too much of a bloody goddamn about Atlantis that something powerfully destructive happened a long time ago and generations of survivors later, people were still trying to put it back together according to stories handed down...but that's just me...

But it’s not all about a sunken lost land, it’s very interesting. It’s like The Bible, you got to read it at least once, even if you’re a non believer, because it’s part of, I dunno, our culture, our learning, our understanding of everything. It’s a bit like Think and Grow Rich.

Timaeus. How thankful I am, Socrates, that I have arrived at last, and, like a weary traveller after a long journey, may be at rest! And I pray the being who always was of old, and has now been by me revealed, to grant that my words may endure in so far as they have been spoken truly and acceptably to him; but if unintentionally I have said anything wrong, I pray that he will impose upon me a just retribution, and the just retribution of him who errs is that he should be set right. Wishing, then, to speak truly in future concerning the generation of the gods, I pray him to give me knowledge, which of all medicines is the most perfect and best. And now having offered my prayer I deliver up the argument to Critias, who is to speak next according to our agreement. 

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5 hours ago, The Puzzler said:

But it’s not all about a sunken lost land, it’s very interesting. It’s like The Bible, you got to read it at least once, even if you’re a non believer, because it’s part of, I dunno, our culture, our learning, our understanding of everything. It’s a bit like Think and Grow Rich.

Timaeus. How thankful I am, Socrates, that I have arrived at last, and, like a weary traveller after a long journey, may be at rest! And I pray the being who always was of old, and has now been by me revealed, to grant that my words may endure in so far as they have been spoken truly and acceptably to him; but if unintentionally I have said anything wrong, I pray that he will impose upon me a just retribution, and the just retribution of him who errs is that he should be set right. Wishing, then, to speak truly in future concerning the generation of the gods, I pray him to give me knowledge, which of all medicines is the most perfect and best. And now having offered my prayer I deliver up the argument to Critias, who is to speak next according to our agreement. 

I don't see the connection.  Suffice to say it is important to you...and I respect that!

Napoleon Hill

One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat. Every person is guilty of this mistake at one time or another. Before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat, and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of men do. More than five hundred of the most successful men this country has ever known told the author their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them. Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost within reach.


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Plato was not the only one to write about Atlantis.

The Story of Atlantis, by William Phelon, M. D.:


The following excerpts were taken from different parts of his book and strung together to build somewhat of a cohesive story regarding the terrain features and their locations. You will find that Tampa, Florida was considered the first and the Great City of Atlantis and Mexico City was the largest and Grandest City of Atlantis.

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46 minutes ago, Rojack said:

Plato was not the only one to write about Atlantis.

The Story of Atlantis, by William Phelon, M. D.:


The following excerpts were taken from different parts of his book and strung together to build somewhat of a cohesive story regarding the terrain features and their locations. You will find that Tampa, Florida was considered the first and the Great City of Atlantis and Mexico City was the largest and Grandest City of Atlantis.

A book written by a hack in 1903 who immediately references Le Plongeon can be dismissed for lack of evidence/knowledge of ancient times. 


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2 hours ago, Rojack said:

Plato was not the only one to write about Atlantis.

The Story of Atlantis, by William Phelon, M. D.:


The following excerpts were taken from different parts of his book and strung together to build somewhat of a cohesive story regarding the terrain features and their locations. You will find that Tampa, Florida was considered the first and the Great City of Atlantis and Mexico City was the largest and Grandest City of Atlantis.

Except Tenochtitlan wasn't built until about 1325. 

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The Troano Manuscript

The book, “Our Story of Atlantis” is difficult to follow because just like with Plato’s story, the language has become encoded. Also, some of the statements are in the past-tense and some are in the present tense. Bits and pieces of (information based on Plato’s story) have been inserted here and there to help brake the code. This also helps to bring the excerpts together and make the story flow a bit smoother. Plato’s story was originally copied from the walls of a temple in Egypt. The information for this story is believed to have been taken from clay tablets found in South America. They were called the Troano Manuscript.

Phelon’s story starts with the storyteller giving a description of what he believes is the long-ago sunken continent of Atlantis:

Dr. Phelon:

Our Continent follows the general outline of all the others continents found on Earth. It is about 1,000 miles broad at its (narrowest) point (measured between Florida and Guatemala), and 3,000 miles long at its longest dimension (measured between New York and California). The surface is mostly level, consisting of vast fertile plains (America’s Great Plains states).

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18 hours ago, cormac mac airt said:

A book written by a hack in 1903 who immediately references Le Plongeon can be dismissed for lack of evidence/knowledge of ancient times. 



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No, seriously who was that guy who had the Atlantis America theory years ago, he was quite solid with it….I want to direct Rojack to the link.

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The King’s Palace

(To the Southwest sets a series of mountains called the Sierra Madres.) From these mountains, the city of cities, extends in a circular form southward. The whole city is built of a pure white marble, taken from quarries in the Northern Hills, whose supplies are used not only for building at home, but also for export. So fine is the grain and so elegant the polish that the blocks are used over and over in rebuilding in the cities of the Mediterranean. This stone cannot endure the extremes of temperature of the Northern climate, but is amply strong for all that may be demanded under an Atlantean sky.

From what I have already said, perhaps it will be plain, the city is laid out like a disc, with a segment wanting, where it is fitted against the foothills of the Northern Mountain ranges.

"Broad avenues in semi-circle begin at the mountains and end in the mountains. These are crossed at regular intervals by other avenues, forming the radii of the circle, the center of which is the King’s palace.

Note: The King’s Palace is now El Caracol, Texcoco in Mexico City. Visit it to see if it matches Phelon’s description of the king’s palace:

https://goo.gl/maps/fbBdJwnRRLA2 Zoom in and zoom out to examine this feature and the surrounding area.

Having thus far advanced in the description of the most wonderful city ever known to man, permit me to quote from the words of one who saw what he so fluently and graphically describes for you:


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4 minutes ago, Rojack said:

Note: The King’s Palace is now El Caracol, Texcoco in Mexico City.

We shouldn't be able to see it because it's supposed to have SUNK.

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10 minutes ago, Abramelin said:

We shouldn't be able to see it because it's supposed to have SUNK.

This is crux.

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Please wait 12 seconds before another search…ffs, who runs this site? What am I, in the 90’s?

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47 minutes ago, Rojack said:

The Troano Manuscript

The book, “Our Story of Atlantis” is difficult to follow because just like with Plato’s story, the language has become encoded. Also, some of the statements are in the past-tense and some are in the present tense. Bits and pieces of (information based on Plato’s story) have been inserted here and there to help brake the code. This also helps to bring the excerpts together and make the story flow a bit smoother. Plato’s story was originally copied from the walls of a temple in Egypt. The information for this story is believed to have been taken from clay tablets found in South America. They were called the Troano Manuscript.

Phelon’s story starts with the storyteller giving a description of what he believes is the long-ago sunken continent of Atlantis:

Dr. Phelon:

Our Continent follows the general outline of all the others continents found on Earth. It is about 1,000 miles broad at its (narrowest) point (measured between Florida and Guatemala), and 3,000 miles long at its longest dimension (measured between New York and California). The surface is mostly level, consisting of vast fertile plains (America’s Great Plains states).

It’s a sad state of affairs that you have to use poor fabrication of history to promote your fantasy. 


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1 hour ago, The Puzzler said:

Tony O’Connell,, that wasn’t his name on here. 

That's the creator of the Atlantipedia site. He stopped with his website after he himself published hìs book about Atlantis. Twas kind of disappointing.

Did you check all the others mentioned on that page?

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59 minutes ago, The Puzzler said:

Please wait 12 seconds before another search…ffs, who runs this site? What am I, in the 90’s?

That's to prevent bots clogg the search.

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1 hour ago, Windowpane said:

It must be someone's lucky day.

This one's just come out.

Even our Dennis Brooks wouldn't believe thàt 'theory'.

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