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When is it ok?!


Is it ever ok to use a nuke on another country?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it ever ok to use a nuke on another country?

    • It would never be ok.
    • It would be ok if ?

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It's all fair and well to claim that the tactical use of Nukes as an (innocent) life saving measure would be acceptable, but isn't there the slightest chance that there could be other methods or weapons capable of achieving the same ends, with out the nuclear level of devastation. After all we wouldn't want to put Nuclear arms at the top of our list of defensive options, would we?

Edited by Kismit
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And I really like the idea of not using nuclear weapons at all. Never, ever, ever. In fact I would really like to see a return to stick and rock throwing.

Well, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Wouldn't a good old fashioned nuclear war accomplish just that? Return us to the days of stick and rock throwing...not to mention how it would eliminate world hunger and over-population. tongue.gif

Nuclear war has been obsolete since we nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Everyone has them and so that insures no one will use them. The really great threat is from the terrorists. If they find a way to use nuclear weapons...there is no one to retaliate against. Therefore, nuclear war is not a threat. IMO. original.gif

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Well, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Wouldn't a good old fashioned nuclear war accomplish just that? Return us to the days of stick and rock throwing...not to mention how it would eliminate world hunger and over-population.

you have a point joc, less people, more food (of course you couldn't eat any of it ). And the sticks and stones would be a little contaminated, might lose a finger or two after you carried them around for a while. Limbs dropping off of the survivors here and there and surviving the Nuclear Winter would be as simple as weaving new clothes out of the hair people lost from radiation sickness. A return to the simple life.

I do hope nobody is ever silly enough to think they would get away with a Nuclear attack.

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Me either! original.gif

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They are a bit nasty! yes.gif

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And  the sticks and stones would be a little contaminated, might lose a finger or two after you carried them around for a while. Limbs dropping off of the survivors here and there and surviving the Nuclear Winter would be as simple as weaving new clothes out of the hair people lost from radiation sickness. A return to the simple life.

I do hope nobody is ever silly enough to think they would get away with a Nuclear attack.


I always wanted to wander a desolated, post-apocalyptic world where anarchy rules. Where you have to fight hideously deformed UM Forum survivors (mutants) for the necessities of life.


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Nukes should have never been invented as far as i am concerned. I dont see the point in them. I come up with a theory that could solve all wars and loss of soldiers lives but it will never happen cus ppl r evil and love violence and fighting. Anyways i think that the leaders of countries fighting or having issues should be locked in a room together and forced to either come up with a compromise or kill eachother. I think that would work so much better than sending ppl's children to go fight over stupid crap that really has nothing to do with them.

Thats all good and great in a perfect world, but the world is not perfect.

It's all fair and well to claim that the tactical use of Nukes as an (innocent) life saving measure would be acceptable, but isn't there the slightest chance that there could be other methods or weapons capable of achieving the same ends, with out the nuclear level of devastation. After all we wouldn't want to put Nuclear arms at the top of our list of defensive options, would we?

Well, if you're talking to me, then I really wouldnt make no destinction between 1 tactical nuke, or a conventional bomb that could do the same, or even a neutron bomb... its just that, a conventional bomb/cruise missile isnt going to take out all the island that well, and there will still be resistance when the soldiers go in, posing a threat to the soldiers' lives. A neutron bomb or a tactical nuke calibrated to only kill the people on that island, however, only takes 1 use, an ICBM, and nothing on the island will escape it really, and then you can send in the soldiers afterwards with NBC suits to salvage whatever they need or do whatever they're supposed to.

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Nuclear war has been obsolete since we nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Everyone has them and so that insures no one will use them.  The really great threat is from the terrorists.  If they find a way to use nuclear weapons...there is no one to retaliate against.  Therefore, nuclear war is not a threat.  IMO. original.gif


Many people have nukes; in no way, does this insure no one will use them. The only for sure way they will never be used is if all of them are destroyed – simple! By keeping nukes, we only increase the chance of their use given time.

Terrorists are a threat I agree, but what is stopping Pakistan, India, North Korea, Iran, Russia, China etc… from giving a terrorist a nuke to use on the US; this of course could be from the government or on the black market – as in Russia’s case.

One nuke in NYC would cripple the US economy, which is already in shambles from loosing the Twin Towers, what a great way this would be for China to get ahead of the US. All china would have to say is, “sorry one got away from us / somehow opps!”

[…]its just that, a conventional bomb/cruise missile isnt going to take out all the island that well, and there will still be resistance when the soldiers go in, posing a threat to the soldiers' lives. A neutron bomb or a tactical nuke calibrated to only kill the people on that island, however, only takes 1 use, an ICBM, and nothing on the island will escape it really, and then you can send in the soldiers afterwards with NBC suits to salvage whatever they need or do whatever they're supposed to.

Yes, but you could just bomb the island for a week instead of an hour and then go in with troops, minus the NBC suits.

In your scenario, how long would the island be uninhabitable? How much radiation fall out would there be and who and what would it effect?

I looked up NBC suits cuz I didn’t know what they were – would you trust that suit to keep you safe from radiation! laugh.gif

Edited by 4dplane
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Yes, but you could just bomb the island for a week instead of an hour and then go in with troops, minus the NBC suits.

Bombing the island for a week would put many pilots at risk and, while it could take out surface targets, underground targets would be less likely to get damaged and the enemy soldiers would be able to survive or get away. It would still result in a heavy infantry clash. Afterall, thats what soldiers are for, to close with and destroy the enemy. A week of conventional bombing isnt going to cut it because theres always a place to run and protect yourself.

In your scenario, how long would the island be uninhabitable? How much radiation fall out would there be and who and what would it effect?

Well, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are habitable.

I looked up NBC suits cuz I didn’t know what they were – would you trust that suit to keep you safe from radiation!

Well, if it had a good chance of protecting me then yeah, Id take it over storming the island and loosing thousands of soldiers, me perhaps along with them. Thats assuming that you'd need to storm the beach afterwards too.

I looked up NBC suits cuz I didn’t know what they were – would you trust that suit to keep you safe from radiation!

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