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Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved murder

Grim Reaper 6

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On 2/28/2021 at 4:23 AM, Grim Reaper 6 said:

Are you saying you support the crime the Saudi Prince committed, that covering it up and keeping it that way was the right thing to do?

Are you familiar with the term REALPOLITIK?  While you consider it, imagine what happens to America when the petrodollar officially dies.  

BTW - 



The United States is hardly in a position to lecture morals to anyone, now are we?  It looks like SA's leader thinks that's the case.  IF they cozy up to the CCP then our place in the ME becomes a lot less stable.  It will almost be amusing to watch the current admin making choices that cause them to have to totally stop depending on ME oil.  Right at the time when they want to strangle our production at home for purely political reasons...

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4 minutes ago, and-then said:

Are you familiar with the term REALPOLITIK?  While you consider it, imagine what happens to America when the petrodollar officially dies.  

BTW - 



The United States is hardly in a position to lecture morals to anyone, now are we?  It looks like SA's leader thinks that's the case.  IF they cozy up to the CCP then our place in the ME becomes a lot less stable.  It will almost be amusing to watch the current admin making choices that cause them to have to totally stop depending on ME oil.  Right at the time when they want to strangle our production at home for purely political reasons...

We could do it, we have plenty of resources, oh, except I almost forgot, the oil companies that extract U.S. oil are not U.S. companies for the most part.  Or are they, maybe I will find time to do some research.  It is not like we need to buy oil from other countries, we have plenty being drilled off our shores and across the whole country.    What are the "political reasons" "they" want to strangle our oil production at home?   Are you denying that oil and coal extraction are detrimental to our environment, that we don't have other options?  We have a lot of other options, maybe even finding a way to curb our idiotic contstant consumerism.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/7/2022 at 5:16 PM, Desertrat56 said:

We could do it, we have plenty of resources, oh, except I almost forgot, the oil companies that extract U.S. oil are not U.S. companies for the most part.

Once we sell them the lease to drill for oil on US public land, whether the company is US or global, the oil belongs to them to sell wherever they want.  If capitalism rules, then they sell it to the highest bidder and control supply to get the highest prices. We do export oil and import other grades.  Slightly more scary, the biggest refinery in the US which supplies a sizable portion of our domestic gas and diesel (I think near 20%) on the Texas coast near Beaumont is owned by Aramco, Saudi Arabian state oil company.  My uncle was a petroleum engineer there when Shell and other companies owned it .  The facility is set up to import and export.

The petrodollar is not an official currency, it is the acceptance of US dollars in payment for oil exported from other countries onto the world market.  As long as the US dollar remain strong and predictable it is not going to stop being used as an exchange standard,  The Yuan is getting shaky, the ruble is done, the Euro maybe but it is still a distant second.  Realpolitik is what every country uses in their dealings with every other country.  The blue chip currency is power and at the giant poker table, everybody cheats, including us.  Morals and ethics are white chips that make big visible stacks, useful for bluffing and public opinion, but don't match power in value. Realpolitik is a cool sounding word if you like foreign words and makes the game sound more like chess than poker.

The poker game is why we are helping Ukraine so much, and it is gratifying when power and morals are parallel.  It is also why we have been pushing China so hard in a period when they are facing internal troubles.  It is why we take our losses and fold a bad hand like Afghanistan. It is why Biden swallowed hard and made nice with Saudi Arabia because we are not ready to ditch them yet.  It is also why Brittany Griner was released.  All of those moves are designed to keep US dominant in  the world economy. 

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On 12/7/2022 at 7:16 PM, Desertrat56 said:

What are the "political reasons" "they" want to strangle our oil production at home?   Are you denying that oil and coal extraction are detrimental to our environment, that we don't have other options?  We have a lot of other options, maybe even finding a way to curb our idiotic contstant consumerism.

The "they" are the greenies pushing Biden's buttons.  No, of course I'm not claiming energy extraction doesn't do some harm to the environment.  What I'm saying is that trying to totally ban drilling or mining due to a desire to clean up one of the cleanest nations on the planet in regard to extracting energy is a political decision and it's foolish to assume we've done anything to stop said destruction when we instead buy all of it from countries that don't have NEARLY as many controls as we do.  Care to list those other options that can be scaled up to take the place of fossil fuels this winter, or, FTM, winter ten years from now?

We haven't accomplished anything to help the planet, just made a few lobbyists happy and harmed our economy deeply.  But that seems to have been the real goal all along. There are poor people in THIS country who may freeze this winter because the fuel they need to survive is too expensive for them to afford.  I consider THAT to be a crime and those who are causing it, murderers.

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4 minutes ago, and-then said:

The "they" are the greenies pushing Biden's buttons.  No, of course I'm not claiming energy extraction doesn't do some harm to the environment.  What I'm saying is that trying to totally ban drilling or mining due to a desire to clean up one of the cleanest nations on the planet in regard to extracting energy is a political decision and it's foolish to assume we've done anything to stop said destruction when we instead buy all of it from countries that don't have NEARLY as many controls as we do.  Care to list those other options that can be scaled up to take the place of fossil fuels this winter, or, FTM, winter ten years from now?

We haven't accomplished anything to help the planet, just made a few lobbyists happy and harmed our economy deeply.  But that seems to have been the real goal all along. There are poor people in THIS country who may freeze this winter because the fuel they need to survive is too expensive for them to afford.  I consider THAT to be a crime and those who are causing it, murderers.

One thing that could be done is to use recycled plastic to create those wind turbins that are like a tube, less noise, same amount of energy.   Put those on every roof in the country.    There are a plethora of designs that do not need heavy metal blades.

This is the one I was thinking about:


But here are some others:





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20 minutes ago, Desertrat56 said:

One thing that could be done is to use recycled plastic to create those wind turbins that are like a tube, less noise, same amount of energy.   Put those on every roof in the country.    There are a plethora of designs that do not need heavy metal blades.

That would be great except for the hundreds of thousands of people who don't get a steady supply of wind. Not to mention recycled plastics cost more than virgin. Would those power 50 floor apartment building and who is going to pay for them? The people who can barely afford their electricity bills usually can't afford a lump sum to put one on their house. It's like the politicians that are making fun of people who are having trouble paying for gas for their cars. They say to "just buy an electric one". Or the idiot who said if you can't pay for groceries eat Chef Boyardee.

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10 hours ago, Desertrat56 said:

One thing that could be done is to use recycled plastic to create those wind turbins that are like a tube, less noise, same amount of energy.   Put those on every roof in the country.    There are a plethora of designs that do not need heavy metal blades.

I'm sure we can augment capacity and use less fossil fuels but the problem with the other, cleaner options is they simply can't scale up to pull enough of the load.  If the PTB push all of us into too rapid a transition, economies could suffer serious damage and people would suffer unnecessarily.  One example is Germany.  Now that Putin's oil and gas aren't coming and they've effectively shut down all their nuclear plants, they are having to ramp up some coal-fired generating systems. 

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10 hours ago, and-then said:

I'm sure we can augment capacity and use less fossil fuels but the problem with the other, cleaner options is they simply can't scale up to pull enough of the load.  If the PTB push all of us into too rapid a transition, economies could suffer serious damage and people would suffer unnecessarily.  One example is Germany.  Now that Putin's oil and gas aren't coming and they've effectively shut down all their nuclear plants, they are having to ramp up some coal-fired generating systems. 

Think of all the new jobs that would be created.  I don't think the economy would suffer, especially if everyone had one of those small wind turbines on their roof and the sky scrapers had bigger wind turbins.   Not the ones with the blades, too fragile, but those small ones.   They could put 10 small ones on a sky scraoer to lessen the need for fossil fuels.  It could be done in a easy transition.

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On 12/16/2022 at 1:21 PM, Michelle said:

That would be great except for the hundreds of thousands of people who don't get a steady supply of wind. Not to mention recycled plastics cost more than virgin. Would those power 50 floor apartment building and who is going to pay for them? The people who can barely afford their electricity bills usually can't afford a lump sum to put one on their house. It's like the politicians that are making fun of people who are having trouble paying for gas for their cars. They say to "just buy an electric one". Or the idiot who said if you can't pay for groceries eat Chef Boyardee.

Plenty of idiots on both sides.  Today a new car, whether electric of internal combustion costs more than my first house cost. Making fun of poor people is a bad look and both parties do that too. Rich people pay their lobbyists and poor people pay for everything else.

On 12/16/2022 at 11:28 PM, and-then said:

I'm sure we can augment capacity and use less fossil fuels but the problem with the other, cleaner options is they simply can't scale up to pull enough of the load.  If the PTB push all of us into too rapid a transition, economies could suffer serious damage and people would suffer unnecessarily.  One example is Germany.  Now that Putin's oil and gas aren't coming and they've effectively shut down all their nuclear plants, they are having to ramp up some coal-fired generating systems. 

It does not have to be all, or all at once.  Incremental is an option.  You don't even have to do it to benefit.   Just sit back and let your neighbors or us crazies on the West Coast do it for you.  Remember how cheap gas was during Covid because demand dropped? If we replace even 15% of fossil fuel power with alternatives, it creates a surplus and petroleum  prices drop.  Everybody with an IC or diesel car benefits from cheaper gas whether you have a wind turbine or solar cells on your house or not.

Even the patriot survival channels are hawking solar recharging systems for refrigerators, phones, and small appliances.  If shooting out power substations becomes a thing the secessionists do frequently,  a backup system of some sort may be a survival tool.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/28/2021 at 11:06 AM, Grim Reaper 6 said:

Like you I would also like to see our Soldiers out of the Middle East. Geopolitics is not my thing, but as far as why they are there, in my opinion it's all about keeping the oil flowing. As far as Saudi Arabia is concerned, I have never trusted them. Especially since 9/11 occurred, in my opinion they are no different then Iran, but it's obvious our government thinks a good relationship with them is important. I suppose we will have to wait and see what actions Biden Administration takes now that they made this an issue and declassified and release proof the Saudi Prince was responsible for the crime. The fact that they did this, in my opinion means our current relationship with them is going to change.

Like you I think a discussion on the subject would be great, I am certain there is much I could learn.

Take Tate

Oil might not matter as much but weapons sales and trade still does. 

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On 11/19/2022 at 6:19 AM, and-then said:

Seems like the one in charge of Joe's brain finally realized that public anger at the Saudis comes with a price.  He may have well and truly ended the Petrodollar.  Oh well... let it burn, eh?

there's no room for the petrodollar in the age of renewables, anyway

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12 minutes ago, Unusual Tournament said:

Oil might not matter as much but weapons sales and trade still does. 

Well, Weapons sales are kind of bargain basement in the Middle East, at least in the Arab Nations. I am retired US Military, I had two Combat Tours of Duty there ( Operation Desert Storm - Operation Enduring Freedom ) and one in Africa ( Operation Restore Hope - Battle of Mogadishu ) I joined the US Military in 1978 and retired in 2003. Then starting in 2005 began work as US Contractor Middle Eastern Operation and retired in 2019.

Like I said the Middle East and especially African are countries that purchase bargain basement weapons. Specifically, Soviet Union and Russian Federation Weapons which the United States has known the vulnerabilities of since 1990 during Desert Storm. Like, Tank Ammunition Storage in the Turret, which win hit blows the entire Turret with two crewmen 50 feet in the air, which was never corrected even on there latest Battle Tanks. Anyone, following the Ukrainian Conflict knows Russian equipment is junk or bargain basement weapons.

Sincerely, not trying to be know it all or disrespectful only trying to make a valid and accurate point!

Sincerely, have a wonderful New Year, Good Health and Prosperity!:tu:

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1 minute ago, Grim Reaper 6 said:

Well, Weapons sales are kind of bargain basement in the Middle East, at least in the Arab Nations. I am retired US Military, I had two Combat Tours of Duty there ( Operation Desert Storm - Operation Enduring Freedom ) and one in Africa ( Operation Restore Hope - Battle of Mogadishu ) I joined the US Military in 1978 and retired in 2003. Then starting in 2005 began work as US Contractor Middle Eastern Operation and retired in 2019.

Like I said the Middle East and especially African are countries that purchase bargain basement weapons. Specifically, Soviet Union and Russian Federation Weapons which the United States has known the vulnerabilities of since 1990 during Desert Storm. Like, Tank Ammunition Storage in the Turret, which win hit blows the entire Turret with two crewmen 50 feet in the air, which was never corrected even on there latest Battle Tanks. Anyone, following the Ukrainian Conflict knows Russian equipment is junk or bargain basement weapons.

Sincerely, not trying to be know it all or disrespectful only trying to make a valid and accurate point!

Sincerely, have a wonderful New Year, Good Health and Prosperity!:tu:

Happy New Year to you too. I appreciate the feedback. enjoy learning. Sounds like an interesting career. 

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45 minutes ago, Unusual Tournament said:

Oil might not matter as much but weapons sales and trade still does. 

Frankly, the Middle East since the 1970, when Islamic Terrorism first began with high jacking of Commercial Aircraft to where it has lead the Global Today has been directly caused by oil, directly or indirectly. If it were up to me I would shut it all down, I would use the small W54 US Tactical Nuclear Weapon that weighed 30 pound with a adjustable Nuclear Yield from 1-10th Kiloton to 1 Kiloton. I would drop down major Oil Well heads with there timer engaged and since many of the under Oil Lakes are interconnected only a few Weapons would be needed. Once the weapons detonate all lost the entire Oil Reserve of the Middle East would exist no longer. No Oil, No Need For Weapons and Eventually No More Terrorism! :D

Its a very effective plan, this is what happens when you spend too much time in the Middle East!:lol:


However, sincerely I am not actually crazy I am just joking nothing more!:tsu:


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2 minutes ago, Grim Reaper 6 said:

Frankly, the Middle East since the 1970, when Islamic Terrorism first began with high jacking of Commercial Aircraft to where it has lead the Global Today has been directly caused by oil, directly or indirectly. If it were up to me I would shut it all down, I would use the small W54 US Tactical Nuclear Weapon that weighed 30 pound with a adjustable Nuclear Yield from 1-10th Kiloton to 1 Kiloton. I would drop down major Oil Well heads with there timer engaged and since many of the under Oil Lakes are interconnected only a few Weapons would be needed. Once the weapons detonate all lost the entire Oil Reserve of the Middle East would exist no longer. No Oil, No Need For Weapons and Eventually No More Terrorism! :D

Its a very effective plan, this is what happens when you spend too much time in the Middle East!:lol:

  Reveal hidden contents

However, sincerely I am not actually crazy I am just joking nothing more!:tsu:


...you had me going for a while until i read the 'reveal hidden content' link - Haha. Sounds like your little nuclear experiment might just work thou. I hope no nut job with a nuclear bomb is reading this. Just thought of that movie 'Syriana' with George Clooney and Matt Damon. "When the oil runs you'll all go back to eating lizards and cutting off each others heads with swords. I think without the money to quell religious fundamentalism it prolly will get worse. 

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16 minutes ago, Unusual Tournament said:

Happy New Year to you too. I appreciate the feedback. enjoy learning. Sounds like an interesting career. 

Thank you very much, I am like you I enjoy learning in many different fields of Study. However, my Military and Contractor Careers we’re in the same field of study which was Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare. That is the only field of study I am a Subject Matter Expert in, my username here was my radio call sign when I was a Contractor the reason 6 was added is because my teams also used the call sign but when 6 is added to any military call sign it identifies that the individual is the Senior Leader and in charge, so someone considers it, it’s very fitting actually!:lol:

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1 minute ago, Unusual Tournament said:

...you had me going for a while until i read the 'reveal hidden content' link - Haha. Sounds like your little nuclear experiment might just work thou. I hope no nut job with a nuclear bomb is reading this. Just thought of that movie 'Syriana' with George Clooney and Matt Damon. "When the oil runs you'll all go back to eating lizards and cutting off each others heads with swords. I think without the money to quell religious fundamentalism it prolly will get worse. 

In reality it would work, however getting there hands on a functional Nuclear Weapon, especially one that small is not possible to my knowledge! So, it’s not a concern because a nut job couldn’t get their hands on one of those weapons. I think I saw that movie, it was hilarious, but I do have a bit of a sick sense of humor!:lol:

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On 2/27/2021 at 11:03 AM, Grim Reaper 6 said:

The Biden administration on Friday released a long-secret intelligence report concluding that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved the operation that led to the killing of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.


Intellegents report released by the Biden Administration 


Without meaning to justify or belittle a lost life. Leaders have people killed every day using snipers, poisons, prison, drones and torture. The hypocrisy 

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3 hours ago, Unusual Tournament said:

Without meaning to justify or belittle a lost life. Leaders have people killed every day using snipers, poisons, prison, drones and torture. The hypocrisy 

Your certainly right, but in the past the media didn’t get the information and now no holds barred it’s released and accurate for the most.

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