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US Government has no explanation for UFO's.

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@SeekTruthyou said:


Add to that the fact that we have not matured at all psychologically as a species.

For it to be a fact you must know of a species that has matured psychologically to compare to.

So give me an example. Or is it just your opinion? If it is then it's not fact, is it!:no:

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51 minutes ago, ChrLzs said:

OK.  Anyone else? :) 

Chuck, have you taken a gander at this case? Wondering what you're take is. 

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18 hours ago, Rlyeh said:

What is "far superior" about these UFOs?  The witness accounts seem to be exaggerated when compared the the videos.

Maybe you overcritical scientist mindset types should protest and tell the governments to stop lying to the public.Tell them directly in there faces there are no such things as UFO's UAP's. Tell them to stop influencing the public to lead in the belief of alien visitation. Tell them to shut up about UFO's UAP's like they were doing before. Because one of you authoritative groups is wrong, either there is no UFO's UAP's defying the laws of physics and breaking the sound barrier or there is. Which one is it? Which one among you scientist or military is telling the rest of us the truth?

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10 minutes ago, Dejarma said:

@SeekTruthyou said:

For it to be a fact you must know of a species that has matured psychologically to compare to.

So give me an example. Or is it just your opinion? If it is then it's not fact, is it!:no:

? I wonder if you are misunderstanding what I mean by the human species maturing psychologically. As I thought I had clarified already, I am simply referring to the fact that our brains have remained virtually unchanged for 200,000 years and thus still grapple with our "reptilian brain" and its dark and deep-seated instincts. 

In light of this, your question makes no sense.

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On 6/4/2021 at 5:06 AM, Tatetopa said:

Interesting turn of events.  When I was young, they said everything had an explanation.

Now, they say it is not associated with US military or defense activity.  Our rivals in high tech know if it is theirs or not, but they won't say.

Likewise they won't believe our denial, but I have not heard any leaks of Chinese or Russian combat aircraft targeting these things or Chinese or Russian naval ships being shadowed by them, or anybody else coming forward to report. 

Is it just a distraction from something else or will matters come to a head soon? I guess we will see.'

Unless you get the straight scoop from the stay at home mom who runs the antivaxxer and alien abduction blog,  you speculate or ignore it.


Could be a small cultural revolution in the armed forces, the older generations are gone or leaving, and the younger one taking over. The historical conditions after ww2 and the cultural habits of that time are not relevant anymore. In the past the USA had to maintain dominance over the USSR and it was imperative that they should at least give the impression that they were in control. Now the cold war has ended and few other stuff has replaced it, ie the wars in the middle east, china, Putins Russia etc but none able to rival the psychological and cultural impact the USSR had in the west and in the world. The people who were relevant during the cold war has all retired by now, leaving the younger generations in dealing with...the world.

That means they are more open to...talk about things they dont know than they were in the past. Just IMO

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20 hours ago, oldnatcole said:

I think I understand what you mean. If these UFO's are not ours and they are not alien, then that can mean only one thing. Somebody else on this planet has far superior technology than our own military and we could be in trouble.

Not really, could also be natural or black technologies testing in open field with live targets? If theya re secret tech logically they are not going to talk about it. 

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I don't understand it all. Why keep it secret, why keep it from the world if it's secret goverment technology. Secret until when? 

I mean here we have all kinds of new and advanced technology being developed every day, why would people deliberately keep something like that a secret? 

The argument of  a "cold war" of sorts or that they don't want other countries to know about it, doesn't stick with me.

In the 1980s, Yugoslavia, my grandfather and father, along with a dozen other people, witnessed a giant circular object appear behind the mountain, gliding silenty over our town and fading behind a peninsula. They said it almost covered the whole sky, how big it was. 

How can that be the work of a goverment, 40 years ago. 

And if it was, why the hell fly it over Yugoslavia!?



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8 minutes ago, Poncho_Peanatus said:

Not really, could also be natural or black technologies testing in open field with live targets? If theya re secret tech logically they are not going to talk about it. 

Then the government and military are lying about this and are ignorantly making reports of UFO's UAP's to the public and congress on the 25th.


The report determines that a vast majority of more than 120 incidents over the past two decades did not originate from any American military or other advanced U.S. government technology, the officials said. That determination would appear to eliminate the possibility that Navy pilots who reported seeing unexplained aircraft might have encountered programs the government meant to keep secret.


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54 minutes ago, oldnatcole said:

Maybe you overcritical scientist mindset types should protest and tell the governments to stop lying to the public.Tell them directly in there faces there are no such things as UFO's UAP's. Tell them to stop influencing the public to lead in the belief of alien visitation. Tell them to shut up about UFO's UAP's like they were doing before. Because one of you authoritative groups is wrong, either there is no UFO's UAP's defying the laws of physics and breaking the sound barrier or there is. Which one is it? Which one among you scientist or military is telling the rest of us the truth?

When did the government say any of this?  Maybe you UFO kooks can stop exaggerating for once.

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1 minute ago, oldnatcole said:

Why is the military, Obama, U.S. Navy pilots saying these things to the news media? And why now?


Can you please show me where the government is saying aliens are breaking the laws of physics? 

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5 minutes ago, Rlyeh said:

Can you please show me where the government is saying aliens are breaking the laws of physics? 

It's the military employed by the government. They are all part of and make up the government. As the article says they take UFO's seriously. Alens? No aliens. nice try

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17 minutes ago, CloudSix said:

I don't understand it all. Why keep it secret, why keep it from the world if it's secret goverment technology. Secret until when? 

I mean here we have all kinds of new and advanced technology being developed every day, why would people deliberately keep something like that a secret? 

The argument of  a "cold war" of sorts or that they don't want other countries to know about it, doesn't stick with me.

In the 1980s, Yugoslavia, my grandfather and father, along with a dozen other people, witnessed a giant circular object appear behind the mountain, gliding silenty over our town and fading behind a peninsula. They said it almost covered the whole sky, how big it was. 

How can that be the work of a goverment, 40 years ago. 

And if it was, why the hell fly it over Yugoslavia!?



because they need to show they are in control. But they cant if weird stuff nobody knows anything about roam our skies 

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18 minutes ago, oldnatcole said:

Then the government and military are lying about this and are ignorantly making reports of UFO's UAP's to the public and congress on the 25th.


I dont know what to tell you, could also be part of a new strategy. IE those things are not ours, we dont know what they are. So they can strike with impunity anywhere and get away with it. Kind of war without war. Interesting.

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Just now, oldnatcole said:

It's the military employed by the government. They are all part of and make up the government. As the article says they take UFO's seriously.

That's not what you said.  You said "(they're) influencing the public to lead in the belief of alien visitation" and "defying the laws of physics and breaking the sound barrier".  Besides the fact breaking the sound barrier is within the laws of physics, I cannot find any official quote from the US military that states what you said.

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On ‎6‎/‎3‎/‎2021 at 11:41 PM, oldnatcole said:

Disappointing. I was hoping it was new secret flight technology.

You're getting warmer.

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1 hour ago, SeekTruth said:

In light of this, your question makes no sense.

fair enough

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4 minutes ago, Rlyeh said:

That's not what you said.  You said "(they're) influencing the public to lead in the belief of alien visitation" and "defying the laws of physics and breaking the sound barrier".  Besides the fact breaking the sound barrier is within the laws of physics, I cannot find any official quote from the US military that states what you said.

In the article it says it says these things


In our era of life-changing innovation, there are major breakthroughs that could well come from the serious study of a phenomenon we too often mock: UFOs. The government has reversed its official position of publicly ignoring UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomenon, the new trendy name for UFOs) and is starting to tackle the subject openly. But within academia and industry, the topic is still too frequently dismissed with a chuckle accompanied by some trite remark about “extraterrestrials.”


In June, a new task force championed by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., must submit an unclassified report on unidentified aerial phenomena to Congress. It comes as several erstwhile officials, including former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and two former CIA directors, have called for a more rigorous look at these sightings.



The most famous example (the one Musk was asked about) occurred when Navy pilots reported a craft resembling a Tic Tac that was moving unlike anything seen in the U.S. arsenal: They said it “wasn’t behaving by the normal laws of physics.”

The craft’s movements were, however, typical of both military and civilian UFO reports: Descending from 80,000 feet to 20,000 feet in an instant; stopping in midair and reversing direction without inertial effects; exceeding the speed of sound without generating a sonic boom; and submerging into the ocean. After The New York Times and The Washington Post reported on it in 2017 along with the military’s secret UFO tracking program, the Pentagon publicly acknowledged last year that the leaked videos in the stories were authentic.




Now recently retired national security officials are speaking out. In the run-up to the task force’s report in June, John Ratcliffe, former director of national intelligence, told Fox News last month that there were “a lot more sightings than have been made public.” Similarly, James Woolsey, former director of the CIA, said on a podcast this month he was taking the subject seriously, as did a successor at the CIA, John Brennan, in December.

The Pentagon hasn’t offered an official explanation for UAPs like the Tic Tac craft, calling them “unidentified.” Former officials don’t seem to be willing to utter the word “alien,” but it’s the implication of what they do say. Lue Elizondo, who ran the secret Pentagon UFO tracking unit, has publicly ruled out the theory that the Tic Tac craft came from the U.S. arsenal or from the arsenals of our adversaries, leaving only the theory that it came from “someone or something else.”


I want to know why these things are being said if UFO's don't exist. Not aliens. UFO's.

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7 minutes ago, Trelane said:

One word: diversion


If they're making stuff up and lying and hiding secret tech, I'll be happy.  If they're not, I'll be worried we are in deep crude.

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One idea I've seen bounced around is that UFO's are not aliens, but time traveler's. I mean, what if that's true. Could be they're trying to find the point in time where civilization went to absolute hell. Congrats, you've found it.

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2 hours ago, Poncho_Peanatus said:

Not really, could also be natural or black technologies testing in open field with live targets? If theya re secret tech logically they are not going to talk about it. 

Exactly the point I keep making

And suggesting that if not extraterrestrial, they could be Chinese or Russian just shifts attention even further away - as well as worrying their "enemies" (because the Russians will now think it's the Chinese, and vice versa)

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If you want to test your new black projects against "live" enemy - and see the actual results - you do it by targetting your own military (not telling them what you are doing).   Secret Ops 101.

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If you've been secretly developing and refining flight technology for integration for space based capabilities you try to avoid too many prying eyes and loose lips.

30 years or so from the initial planning phases of spaced based military applications there sure have been a lot of amazing and "out there" stories. Is it that shocking there's been this uptick of leaks, and statements made by former officials over the last few years that just happen to coincide with the formal creation and naming of Space Force?

Not that I'm definitively stating this is the case of course. It's just my humble opinion.

Edited by Trelane
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5 hours ago, CloudSix said:

I don't understand it all. Why keep it secret, why keep it from the world if it's secret goverment technology. Secret until when? 

I mean here we have all kinds of new and advanced technology being developed every day, why would people deliberately keep something like that a secret? 

The argument of  a "cold war" of sorts or that they don't want other countries to know about it, doesn't stick with me.

In the 1980s, Yugoslavia, my grandfather and father, along with a dozen other people, witnessed a giant circular object appear behind the mountain, gliding silenty over our town and fading behind a peninsula. They said it almost covered the whole sky, how big it was. 

How can that be the work of a goverment, 40 years ago. 

And if it was, why the hell fly it over Yugoslavia!?



I dont know, I really dont. That most have been one good view.

But I was talking about this incident, not historical ones....

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