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Human brains are capable of 'mental time travel'


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Reminds me of that time when a pal of mine flirted with the idea of astral travelling to Saturn with the mind, I just advised him to move in the right direction and not end up in Uranus. 


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'Mental Time Travel'.
AKA memory.
We can also make things up. It's called 'Imagination'.

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19 minutes ago, Seti42 said:

'Mental Time Travel'.
AKA memory.
We can also make things up. It's called 'Imagination'.

We can also physically time travel. But only into the future, and only very slowly.


1 hour ago, third_eye said:

Reminds me of that time when a pal of mine flirted with the idea of astral travelling to Saturn with the mind, I just advised him to move in the right direction and not end up in Uranus. 


Can I see Uranus? Eh? Eh? (Harry Potter Reference!)

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4 hours ago, third_eye said:

Reminds me of that time when a pal of mine flirted with the idea of astral travelling to Saturn with the mind, I just advised him to move in the right direction and not end up in Uranus.

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3 hours ago, Seti42 said:

'Mental Time Travel'.  AKA memory.  We can also make things up. It's called 'Imagination'.

No - Imagination is now called 'Creative Time Travel'.  Learning your multiplication tables is 'Times Time Travel'.  Archaeology is to be rebranded 'Past Times Time Travel'.  And archaeologists' clocks will be 'Past Times Time Travellers' Time Time Travel Devices'.  You'll get the hang of it, eventually.

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"Time" may not be what we think it is.

"Time" as we know it is a construct made by our brains.

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Are Human brains are capable of 'mental time travel'? Perhaps and that will explain why we see corpses (people) brainlessly walking and taking every day. ;)

Edited by josellama2000
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  • 6 months later...
On 7/2/2021 at 9:53 PM, Abramelin said:

"Time" may not be what we think it is.

"Time" as we know it is a construct made by our brains.

Agree.  Time is a human creation due to the function of memory and our awareness of change.

Everything occurs in the present.  When you remember the past, you do it in the present.

When you fantasize about the future, it happens now.


There is the present and our processing of our awareness of change, is what we call memory and the ordering of it, is called time.  It leads to a persistent but illusory projected delusion that we 'travel from the past to the future'.  It's darned persistent.  Kinda like when we assumed the world was the unmoving center of the universe.  It's a persistent fallacy due to the limitations of our perceptual modeling process.

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I remember once looking out at the sky , and i just had this peculiar feeling briefly that it was always the same eternal moment , even way back to the ancient of days . Hard to explain , like no time had actually passed. Strange it was.

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On 6/30/2021 at 1:42 PM, SHaYap said:

Reminds me of that time when a pal of mine flirted with the idea of astral travelling to Saturn with the mind, I just advised him to move in the right direction and not end up in Uranus. 


Would also be a bad day to be a phrenologist

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4 hours ago, Frank_Hoenedge said:

Would also be a bad day to be a phrenologist

Was there ever a good day for one? 


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