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Shoplifting and looting becoming more common


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Well, Finland seems to have cured the problem of migrant rape altogether. Kudos, lefties!


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Lefty created problems, lefty logic solutions! All genius!

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On 6/24/2024 at 6:48 AM, itsnotoutthere said:


The democrats show us how dumb they are.

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32 minutes ago, Myles said:

The democrats show us how dumb they are.

Jewelry store robberies aren't very common due to store location and security.  Vehicle theft seems to be the more common form of stealing https://www.nicb.org/news/news-releases/vehicle-thefts-surge-nationwide-2023 and most of that ends up in chop shops: https://www.carfax.com/blog/what-happens-to-stolen-cars

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3 hours ago, Zebra3 said:

Well, Finland seems to have cured the problem of migrant rape altogether. Kudos, lefties!


It's not a bad idea.

People coming into a new country aren't often aware of the rules of the new country.  In some Arabic-speaking countries, women who dress in Western wear are harassed by touching and so forth in order to force them to stay home -- and when out to dress in burkas, so some raised in this culture feel it's "okay" to touch because their patriarchy has given them permission to do so.

Being educated that "it's a terrible idea and you're going to end up in trouble and removed from the country" will stop a lot of it and change the culture from "feeling up a woman is okay" to "we don't do that here."

It's a better answer than cutting off hands, etc.

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16 hours ago, Kenemet said:

It's not a bad idea.

People coming into a new country aren't often aware of the rules of the new country.  In some Arabic-speaking countries, women who dress in Western wear are harassed by touching and so forth in order to force them to stay home -- and when out to dress in burkas, so some raised in this culture feel it's "okay" to touch because their patriarchy has given them permission to do so.

Being educated that "it's a terrible idea and you're going to end up in trouble and removed from the country" will stop a lot of it and change the culture from "feeling up a woman is okay" to "we don't do that here."

It's a better answer than cutting off hands, etc.

Not a bad idea??  No-No Square Dance?  Not a bad idea?  Are we educating four year olds?

Not allowing people incompatible with your culture to live in your country seems like a common sense idea to me.  

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Shockingly tiny size of Oakland's police patrols are revealed, as city descends into lawlessness after progressive mayor voted to defund its police department

Crime-ridden Oakland has just 35 officers on patrol across the city at any given moment, the police department has admitted.

The admission by Oakland Police Department came after local news station KTVU asked them how it took cops 48 hours to respond to a July 4 shooting at an apartment complex during which residents reported hearing over 100 gunshots.


Good job, lefties!

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On 7/9/2024 at 1:29 PM, Zebra3 said:

Well, Finland seems to have cured the problem of migrant rape altogether. Kudos, lefties!


Oh, I'm sure that'll work.

After Finland deports all foreign born males.

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On 7/12/2024 at 10:32 AM, Zebra3 said:

Shockingly tiny size of Oakland's police patrols are revealed, as city descends into lawlessness after progressive mayor voted to defund its police department

Crime-ridden Oakland has just 35 officers on patrol across the city at any given moment, the police department has admitted.

The admission by Oakland Police Department came after local news station KTVU asked them how it took cops 48 hours to respond to a July 4 shooting at an apartment complex during which residents reported hearing over 100 gunshots.


Good job, lefties!

O M G...

So thats like one cop per 12,000 citizens. What could go wrong?

Normal is 2 cops per 1000. That's not all out patrolling though, but still...

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Portland is cracking down on shoplifters.


What i find interesting is nearly everyone they caught had a warrent also. Half of them for felonies.

WTH? Must be stupid people. If I had a felony warrent, the last thing I'd do is go looking to get caught committing petty crime for a handful of cash. But, like I said, these are stupid people.

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Why haven't I   seen this   on local news in  SA? The city has a mix of various groups, but has always had a  majority hispanic population.. It was founded 300 years ago by people from the Canary Islands which was and is part of Spain. When Atifa and that crowd tried to wreck a few places here, the news showed white and hispanic business owners working TOGETHER to  clean up the mess.  That bunch didn't get very far with  some of their antics here because people won't put up with it.

 In April we have Fiesta which celebrates the Battle of San Jacinto if i recall. Every race comes together to watch the various parades and  enjoy the festivites. We have the largest MLK Day parade in the country in a majority hispanic city.

 Guess they forgot that one.We have had nothing like that here.

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On 7/19/2024 at 10:49 AM, Zebra3 said:

Yeah, when her career is on the line.

Even uber liberal San Francisco-ians will start talking about voting out politicians when the poop piles up too high, and the Stupid gets out of control.

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