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Karahan Tepe and Gobekli Tepe are just adorned bathing pools ?


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  • The title was changed to Karahan Tepe and Gobekli Tepe are just adorned bathing pools ?

I guess that's possible but I wonder how they'd be drained?  

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41 minutes ago, and then said:

I guess that's possible but I wonder how they'd be drained?  


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I wonder how they'd be filled.  They're not exactly water tight nor do they seem to show signs of water.  Plus... kinda deep, I think.

And then there's the question of why a seminomadic people would build a bathing place far away from everything when they regularly bathed in rivers and lakes and ponds near their own sites.

Edited by Kenemet
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2 hours ago, Kenemet said:

I wonder how they'd be filled.  They're not exactly water tight nor do they seem to show signs of water.  Plus... kinda deep, I think.

And then there's the question of why a seminomadic people would build a bathing place far away from everything when they regularly bathed in rivers and lakes and ponds near their own sites.

Oh boyyy, here we go with the logic and common-sense stuff again. I guess you're going to say the pyramids weren't bounce houses either.

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4 hours ago, Ove said:

Ancient bathing pools?



Gobekli Tepe, no, but why "bathing"? Looking at this photo there is a channel that leads to the "pool", basins I think are more apt, on the left which may have served a drainage or supply purpose. I hate to say it, but curiously these pillars are supposedly penises and the basin from above with drainage "tail" looks like spermatozoa which similar motifs have been noted on pillars and at least one bust. Not sure what that feature on the left of the left basin is. Regardless, maybe they were ritualistic perhaps having to do with fertility and/or cisterns for water collection.    

Edited by Thanos5150
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Interesting, and I guess anything is possible. But, only about the 10% of Göbekli Tepe has been excavated so far. There are at least twenty or more such a circular structures below the surface. This would mean Göbekli Tepe is/was one of the largest bathing complex in the history of a mankind. :)

Looking beneath the surface: Geophysical surveys at Göbekli Tepe – Tepe  Telegrams

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3 hours ago, Thanos5150 said:

basin from above with drainage "tail" looks like spermatozoa

When was the first time anybody could see the shape of a spermatozoa?  After the first microscope I think.

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Only if they were built by archaeologists in the past 2 decades ;)  

What appear to be "pools" are simply the limited areas that have been excavated. 

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Looks like it is a multipurpose ancient rain water storage system, carved out of a solid rock.

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10 hours ago, Tatetopa said:

When was the first time anybody could see the shape of a spermatozoa?  After the first microscope I think.

Did you see the size of those penises?   

Note I said "I hate to say it" meaning not something I support but as noted, whatever it represents, it is  a similar motif found elsewhere at the Tepe's which some alternative folk liken to a representation of sperm. There was a whole sentence there. And, again, the basin is full of penises. 

Edited by Thanos5150
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1 hour ago, Thanos5150 said:

Did you see the size of those penises?   

You see penises, I see chessmen.  Think what that might imply.

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2 hours ago, Ove said:

Roof for rain water harvesting ?


No, just a roof.

I hope you've read what I linked to.

And maybe the rest of that 9 years old thread also.

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2 hours ago, Thanos5150 said:

And, again, the basin is full of penises. 

You can't be serious, right?

Edited to add:

Ok, I had Göbekli Tepe in my minds eye.


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6 hours ago, Essan said:

Only if they were built by archaeologists in the past 2 decades ;)  

What appear to be "pools" are simply the limited areas that have been excavated. 

And that is the sanest thing I've read in this thread up to now.

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22 hours ago, jethrofloyd said:

Ancient water harvesting in India.


I doesn't even come close to the Karahan or Göbekli Tepe site.

But I assume thàt was the message, right?

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Chickens go "cluck, cluck" cows go "moo", piggies go "oink, oink" how 'bout you?

Of all the items that both sites could be, I think swimming/bathing pools is at the very far end of the spectrum of possibility.

Edited by Trelane
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