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Russia Masses Military Equipment Near Ukraine Borders: A Prologue to WWIII?

Grim Reaper 6

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17 minutes ago, godnodog said:

How much bigger was China's population than Japan's ww2 (I'm taking a guess ut was bigger), what about the full allied ww2 (even without the ussr) than Germany and Japan combined?

Numbers isn't everything.

Why does anyone care what Musk has to say? 



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1 hour ago, Nuclear Wessel said:

No idea why people care. It’s problematic when he discusses matters that he has no clue about, as he has millions of followers and his statements can make a lasting impression.

 Those that do seem to do so because they are attracted to those who seemingly hold contrarian views or who otherwise attempt to challenge the status quo. Mostly edgy teenagers and young adults are his demographic I think. 

Certain people seem to think that being a  billionaire qualifies you as a policy expert, unless you use those billions to help those in need, in that case you are just straight evil. Go figure.

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7 hours ago, Likely Guy said:


There is certainly a parallel here.

2014 could be seen as the annexation of Czekoslovakia, while 2022 is the invasion  of Poland. 

The moral of the story is that appeasement doesn't work against someone who doesn't care about the agreements he makes.

Edited by Noteverythingisaconspiracy
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3 hours ago, Occult1 said:

China Warns U.S. of Grave Consequences if Ukraine Joins NATO

''China warned the United States it could face severe consequences—including the prospect of nuclear war—if it allows Ukraine to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), drawing the 30-member alliance into the country's conflict with Russia.

In a Sunday editorial in the state-owned Global Times, Beijing warned that allowing the country into the alliance—as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has requested—would lead to an inevitable escalation in the conflict, prompting Russian President Vladimir Putin's threats to use nuclear arms against the West.''


"In that case, there will be no security for anyone, not for Ukraine, and not for the world," the newspaper wrote. "Instead of pursuing resolutions to end the conflict, Washington has, over and over again, displayed that the US is charging toward the other direction—fanning the flames of war."


So the CCP don't want Ukraine to join NATO.

Cool, pretty good indication that the best thing for us is Ukraine joins NATO.

3 hours ago, Occult1 said:

There are reasons why Russia has entered Ukraine. Unless we address those reasons and find solutions, compromises and negotiate peace, they will not leave.

Then they can stay and help grow the sunflowers. But it's their choice to continue the war.

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Ukranian forces seem to have liberated Dudchany and are advancing to Mylove in Kherson oblast.  

From Mylove to Berislav is about 31 km.  The significance of Berislav is that it is close to the Nova Khakova damn and it has a highway that connects to Dabydiv Brid which is near where Ukraine has its Inhulet river crossing.

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This settlement was a stronghold in Kherson, Ukraine have spent weeks liberating it. Massive win.

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1 minute ago, Mr.United_Nations said:

Literally they are collapsing like dominoes 

I'm surprised how fast they've collapsed, bare in mind alot of these troops will be regular military as opposed to conscripts etc. This moblization wont work and shows how desperate they are.

Plus people keep bleating on about how russia will use nukes "if Ukraine or NATO cross the red lines" which is more bs because they have repeatedly yet russia do nowt apart from target civilians. Even Putler has said hes gonig to redefine "russian borders" in Ukraine since these counter attack PMSL. 2nd most powerful country in the world, peeeleeaaaase.

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2 hours ago, Cookie Monster said:

Why is everyone being mean to Musk?

Because he watched like one or two videos on YouTube and read through a few Russian telegram channels and suddenly he thinks he has a “peace plan” that is going to work.

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3 minutes ago, ThereWeAreThen said:

More than likely true. But unsure.

Doubt it, they been fighting for two months and now suddenly collapse 

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15 hours ago, Nuclear Wessel said:




Hi. Thought you would like to know. ;)


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6 minutes ago, Katniss said:

Hi. Thought you would like to know. ;)

Yes, I'm sure that's exactly what you thought. ;)

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Russia Praises Elon Musk's Peace Plan to End Ukraine War: 'Very Positive'

Russian officials have praised Elon Musk's peace plan for Ukraine, claiming "many ideas" raised by the Tesla CEO "deserve attention."


Dmitry Peskov, Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman, welcomed the proposals and said Musk is "still trying to look for ways to achieve peace."

Speaking to the state-controlled RIA Novosti news agency about the plan, Peskov said: "Many ideas deserve attention there.



But the warmongers on the pro-Ukrainian, pro-NATO side are not interested in peace.

Edited by Occult1
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