DarkHunter Posted February 22, 2022 #176 Share Posted February 22, 2022 America is pulling the embassy staff out of Ukraine entirely and moving them to Poland. American state department is urging the Ukranian leader to relocate to Lviv. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Hammerclaw Posted February 22, 2022 #177 Share Posted February 22, 2022 Russian aggression in Ukraine is a European Union issue. They're no more interested in opposing Russian over it than The League of Nations was interested in opposing Hitler in 1938 in Czechoslovakia. After all, Mother Russia needs lebensraum, too--do you think? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+and-then Posted February 22, 2022 #178 Share Posted February 22, 2022 Live: UN Security Council 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zep73 Posted February 22, 2022 #179 Share Posted February 22, 2022 (edited) They have begun the invasion https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/tanks-seen-donetsk-after-putin-recognises-breakaway-regions-reuters-witness-2022-02-22/ Edited February 22, 2022 by zep73 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raptor Witness Posted February 22, 2022 #180 Share Posted February 22, 2022 (edited) 10 minutes ago, zep73 said: They have begun the invasion https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/tanks-seen-donetsk-after-putin-recognises-breakaway-regions-reuters-witness-2022-02-22/ It’s the same rational that Hitler used to carve up territory, before WWII. Putin already knows that NATO won’t stop him, so he moves in baby steps, to make himself appear more moderate. Edited February 22, 2022 by Raptor Witness 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+susieice Posted February 22, 2022 #181 Share Posted February 22, 2022 I just heard too. https://news.yahoo.com/ukrainian-president-says-not-afraid-022558240.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJ4MJUM4V6FUCpmGP8kZcNwnM3bD897hPr9DyaG_3xHSW-BjGQ-JSxnKB0rNc_QceRYKvGIcztrXL6Yh0xJ_-k062dlPmyP-1DFvbY99o6SDANgtNAhdKB77ma3D_S0r7jste1CrrCFNodObn4EiNKksEqSVQBpDKdm2XWRcPanp 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+and-then Posted February 22, 2022 #182 Share Posted February 22, 2022 4 hours ago, DarkHunter said: America is pulling the embassy staff out of Ukraine entirely and moving them to Poland. American state department is urging the Ukranian leader to relocate to Lviv. If Putin rolls in as violently as we're hearing, I hope the majority of nations sanction the hell out of Russia. So far, it looks like Biden isn't going to do much of anything. I don't support putting U.S. troops into the fray but we should hammer his ass with crippling sanctions if he tries to take the whole country. He has already called the events in eastern Ukraine a "genocide" and today I saw a piece claiming there is a mass grave in one of the breakaway provinces. If he isn't seriously resisted now, he'll eventually step over the line and try his plans against Poland. In THAT situation, I'd support going kinetic on him. Most here will disagree with me but I do not believe Vlad would have gone this far if anyone OTHER than Brandon was in the big chair. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+susieice Posted February 22, 2022 #183 Share Posted February 22, 2022 This is from the Guardian. It gives a good synopsis of what the UN members are saying. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/feb/21/russia-ukraine-news-latest-crisis-putin-biden-summit-kyiv-kiev-russian-invasion-threat-live-updates?page=with:block-621450c28f081f9e465d1962 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helen of Annoy Posted February 22, 2022 #184 Share Posted February 22, 2022 7 hours ago, Hammerclaw said: Russian aggression in Ukraine is a European Union issue. They're no more interested in opposing Russian over it than The League of Nations was interested in opposing Hitler in 1938 in Czechoslovakia. After all, Mother Russia needs lebensraum, too--do you think? Oooh, look, Faux News level of cleverness. Not Putin's poodles at all, nooo, they're just objectively spewing divisive garbage. Ukraine is Europe so yes, it is EU issue in the first place. But Putin's agitprop theory that the EU won't dare opposing his majesty is a pile of steaming, deluded crap. One of the explanations for Putin's meltdown is that he started believing own propaganda, probably out of despair, since he keeps painting himself in the corner. What's your reason for swallowing Russian propaganda? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helen of Annoy Posted February 22, 2022 #185 Share Posted February 22, 2022 4 hours ago, and then said: If Putin rolls in as violently as we're hearing, I hope the majority of nations sanction the hell out of Russia. So far, it looks like Biden isn't going to do much of anything. I don't support putting U.S. troops into the fray but we should hammer his ass with crippling sanctions if he tries to take the whole country. He has already called the events in eastern Ukraine a "genocide" and today I saw a piece claiming there is a mass grave in one of the breakaway provinces. If he isn't seriously resisted now, he'll eventually step over the line and try his plans against Poland. In THAT situation, I'd support going kinetic on him. Most here will disagree with me but I do not believe Vlad would have gone this far if anyone OTHER than Brandon was in the big chair. You serious? I could puke blood just imagining what this crap would look like if it exploded with Trump in the White House. Thank God for the US has an American for president again, particularly in this moment. 5 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buzz_Light_Year Posted February 22, 2022 #186 Share Posted February 22, 2022 20 minutes ago, Helen of Annoy said: You serious? I could puke blood just imagining what this crap would look like if it exploded with Trump in the White House. Thank God for the US has an American for president again, particularly in this moment. This "crap" probably wouldn't be going down with Trump in the White House. Don't be surprised if China decides to move on Taiwan. As far as the sitting president. "If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of” Jordan Peterson 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Posted February 22, 2022 #187 Share Posted February 22, 2022 (edited) 12 hours ago, Grey Area said: Do not bring Brexit into this, Brexit shows how soft power and propaganda can try to destroy whole contintents, not just countries, politically and economically. No one but an idiot would vote to make themselves poorer, considerably poorer, and more vulnerable to global trade difficulties, to ensure the richest elite 5% got richer, but Brexit shows the power of social media. The UK did just this. Edited February 22, 2022 by The Silver Shroud 3 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Posted February 22, 2022 #188 Share Posted February 22, 2022 (edited) I wasn't going to mention Brexit ever again, but @Grey Area made me react. Brexit is part of the process:- destabilise and weaken the West. For once the Express has got it right, although they are arguing the wrong point as usual: Speaking to a fellow diplomat, Mr Yakovenko reportedly said: "We have crushed the British to the ground. "They are on their knees, and they will not rise for a very long time." 'We have crushed the British to the ground!' Russian ambassador's words after Brexit vote (msn.com) Edited February 22, 2022 by The Silver Shroud 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Hammerclaw Posted February 22, 2022 #189 Share Posted February 22, 2022 1 hour ago, Helen of Annoy said: Oooh, look, Faux News level of cleverness. Not Putin's poodles at all, nooo, they're just objectively spewing divisive garbage. Ukraine is Europe so yes, it is EU issue in the first place. But Putin's agitprop theory that the EU won't dare opposing his majesty is a pile of steaming, deluded crap. One of the explanations for Putin's meltdown is that he started believing own propaganda, probably out of despair, since he keeps painting himself in the corner. What's your reason for swallowing Russian propaganda? Hello, I hope you're having a wonderful year! The EU will do nothing but talk, prance and posture and nothing more. The natural gas must flow! Europe watched Czechoslovakia get invaded and crushed twice in one century and did nothing. They won't do anything other than feel-good gestures if Putin were to invade Ukraine. They certainly won't discomfit themselves or overly antagonize their "partner". I will be anything but disappointed if events prove me wrong. Personally, I think he will take what Russia needs for security and leave the rest of Ukraine in much the same position West Berlin was once in i.e., under Russia's thumb to be toyed with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ExpandMyMind Posted February 22, 2022 #190 Share Posted February 22, 2022 7 hours ago, and then said: If Putin rolls in as violently as we're hearing, I hope the majority of nations sanction the hell out of Russia. So far, it looks like Biden isn't going to do much of anything. I don't support putting U.S. troops into the fray but we should hammer his ass with crippling sanctions if he tries to take the whole country. He has already called the events in eastern Ukraine a "genocide" and today I saw a piece claiming there is a mass grave in one of the breakaway provinces. If he isn't seriously resisted now, he'll eventually step over the line and try his plans against Poland. In THAT situation, I'd support going kinetic on him. Most here will disagree with me but I do not believe Vlad would have gone this far if anyone OTHER than Brandon was in the big chair. Biden announced sanctions 20 minutes after Putin’s speech. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helen of Annoy Posted February 22, 2022 #191 Share Posted February 22, 2022 1 hour ago, Hammerclaw said: Hello, I hope you're having a wonderful year! The EU will do nothing but talk, prance and posture and nothing more. The natural gas must flow! Europe watched Czechoslovakia get invaded and crushed twice in one century and did nothing. They won't do anything other than feel-good gestures if Putin were to invade Ukraine. They certainly won't discomfit themselves or overly antagonize their "partner". I will be anything but disappointed if events prove me wrong. Personally, I think he will take what Russia needs for security and leave the rest of Ukraine in much the same position West Berlin was once in i.e., under Russia's thumb to be toyed with. Was that a veiled mockery, since you think I must be in mortal fear or something? Even better if it was So... aww, thanks My year is indeed wonderful and it's about to get even better. I had it up to *here* with Putin and his poodles. I had it up to *here* with veiled threats and treason. No more creeping fifth column, destroying own countries from within, hidden behind hypocritical denial, tolerated for the sake of democracy they despise and actively work against. Their boss painted himself in the corner This is the breaking point. Russian script at Faux is very far from objective situation. There's awareness in the EU, UK, US and across the world, of necessity to react, consensus based in common sense (that's important), realistic ability (another very important thing) and very clearly laid out options that will be applied. And adjusted in accordance to Putin's further actions, of course. Putin can impress various Trumps. While he can make adults cautious but he can't impress them. An illustrative example: even Orban (proverbial Putin's guy among EU politicians) stated that he will support sanctions. I'm not surprised in the slightest. When push comes to shove and such Putin's western arm is rapidly dwindling down to Tucker's audience only. But let me tell you why my year is about to get even better - Serbian papers this morning have titles such as "Ukraine attacked Russia!" and what's even more delicious "Putin sends army to connect Serbia and Srpska!" (Srpska is their entity in Bosnia & Herzegovina). It's like... geopolitical Christmas I've been waiting for this hour for 30 years. Not because I hate my neighbours. Quite contrary, I like my neighbours. I wait for them to join us in the EU with impatience. It was about time they get a real chance to free themselves from anachronism in which their country has been stuck for 30 years. Same with Belarus, same with Russia. Of course, it won't go that fast or easy. But it will go. In the right direction. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Nuclear Wessel Posted February 22, 2022 #192 Share Posted February 22, 2022 2 hours ago, Hammerclaw said: The natural gas must flow! Nord Stream 2 certification has been halted, so he (Putin) will need to rely on Nord Stream Uno and his deals with China (~$118B in LNG/crude oil in addition to the 20 year deal they already have). 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Hammerclaw Posted February 22, 2022 #193 Share Posted February 22, 2022 34 minutes ago, Helen of Annoy said: Was that a veiled mockery, since you think I must be in mortal fear or something? Even better if it was So... aww, thanks My year is indeed wonderful and it's about to get even better. I had it up to *here* with Putin and his poodles. I had it up to *here* with veiled threats and treason. No more creeping fifth column, destroying own countries from within, hidden behind hypocritical denial, tolerated for the sake of democracy they despise and actively work against. Their boss painted himself in the corner This is the breaking point. Russian script at Faux is very far from objective situation. There's awareness in the EU, UK, US and across the world, of necessity to react, consensus based in common sense (that's important), realistic ability (another very important thing) and very clearly laid out options that will be applied. And adjusted in accordance to Putin's further actions, of course. Putin can impress various Trumps. While he can make adults cautious but he can't impress them. An illustrative example: even Orban (proverbial Putin's guy among EU politicians) stated that he will support sanctions. I'm not surprised in the slightest. When push comes to shove and such Putin's western arm is rapidly dwindling down to Tucker's audience only. But let me tell you why my year is about to get even better - Serbian papers this morning have titles such as "Ukraine attacked Russia!" and what's even more delicious "Putin sends army to connect Serbia and Srpska!" (Srpska is their entity in Bosnia & Herzegovina). It's like... geopolitical Christmas I've been waiting for this hour for 30 years. Not because I hate my neighbours. Quite contrary, I like my neighbours. I wait for them to join us in the EU with impatience. It was about time they get a real chance to free themselves from anachronism in which their country has been stuck for 30 years. Same with Belarus, same with Russia. Of course, it won't go that fast or easy. But it will go. In the right direction. Sounds like interesting times--let's just hope they don't get too interesting; you know how that goes. No, I sincerely wish you well as our present administration poses no obstacle to Vlad the Invader's maniacal machinations. He perceives the Biden administration as full of silly people and Biden himself, nothing more than a tired, doddering old man whose only wish is to live out the remainder of his years and term of office in quiet and peace. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Hammerclaw Posted February 22, 2022 #194 Share Posted February 22, 2022 43 minutes ago, Nuclear Wessel said: Nord Stream 2 certification has been halted, so he (Putin) will need to rely on Nord Stream Uno and his deals with China (~$118B in LNG/crude oil in addition to the 20 year deal they already have). It will get unhalted--just wait and see. Europe can't live either with or without Russia. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
odas Posted February 22, 2022 #195 Share Posted February 22, 2022 4 hours ago, Buzz_Light_Year said: This "crap" probably wouldn't be going down with Trump in the White House. Don't be surprised if China decides to move on Taiwan. As far as the sitting president. "If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of” Jordan Peterson This "crap" was in process whil your fat imbecill was in the white house. As for quotes from Peterson, a dogs fart has more to say or contribute to any conversation than Peterson. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buzz_Light_Year Posted February 22, 2022 #196 Share Posted February 22, 2022 1 minute ago, odas said: This "crap" was in process whil your fat imbecill was in the white house. As for quotes from Peterson, a dogs fart has more to say or contribute to any conversation than Peterson. Well he is where he is at and you are where you are at. So there's that. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Hammerclaw Posted February 22, 2022 #197 Share Posted February 22, 2022 EU contemplates responding to Russian aggression with a withering salvo of sanctions.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helen of Annoy Posted February 22, 2022 #198 Share Posted February 22, 2022 (edited) 37 minutes ago, Hammerclaw said: Sounds like interesting times--let's just hope they don't get too interesting; you know how that goes. No, I sincerely wish you well as our present administration poses no obstacle to Vlad the Invader's maniacal machinations. He perceives the Biden administration as full of silly people and Biden himself, nothing more than a tired, doddering old man whose only wish is to live out the remainder of his years and term of office in quiet and peace. I hope it gets interesting to the point where Faux propagandists are fleeing to Russia. And shove your veiled threats you know where. 20 minutes ago, Hammerclaw said: EU contemplates responding to Russian aggression with a withering salvo of sanctions.... That's pure disinformation An hour or two ago Scholz stopped NS2 process of approval and... half and hour ago Lavrov says Russia is not sending troops to Ukrainian areas Putin thinks can be made into Russian republics. Because Putin is so afraid of sanctions, his propaganda disinfo machine is blaring there won't be any sanctions. There already are. 33 minutes ago, Hammerclaw said: It will get unhalted--just wait and see. Europe can't live either with or without Russia. Of course it will get unhalted, once Putin or any clone of his is gone. Russia is EUrope too. Putin is not Russia. Edited February 22, 2022 by Helen of Annoy 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helen of Annoy Posted February 22, 2022 #199 Share Posted February 22, 2022 (edited) Faux disinfo victims, here's what you'd know if you were informed by actual news instead of Putin's agitprop: The EU has announced a sanctions plan. They note that other sanctions are possible in case the invasion occurs. The sanctions are aimed at: 351 members of the Russian parliament who supported the recognition along with 11 people who proposed it Banks that finance Russian military and other operations in these areas The ability of the Russian state and government to access EU capital and financial markets and services Trade from the two breakaway regions in the EU and from the EU First reactions to escalation of Ukrainian crisis (and let it be repeated that the escalation was Putin's one-sided decision), from around the world: Germany: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz shut down the Nord Stream 2 pipeline United Kingdom: Prime Minister Boris Johnson has unveiled the "first tranche" of British sanctions on Russia. The United Kingdom will sanction five Russian banks and three people European Union: The European Commission has proposed sanctions to EU member states similar to those following the 2014 annexation of Crimea. United States: Following the first set of sanctions announced Monday, the White House said it would impose additional "significant" sanctions on Tuesday. Turkey: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to recognize the breakaway eastern Ukrainian territories, calling it "unacceptable" and saying it was contrary to the Minsk agreements. Edited February 22, 2022 by Helen of Annoy 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helen of Annoy Posted February 22, 2022 #200 Share Posted February 22, 2022 And NATO announces an emergency meeting with Ukrainian envoy, today. Everyone knows this from the news, I'm just repeating this because I ****ing love the sound of these words. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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