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and Putin just threatened Sweden and Finland


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Its on the news right now

If Sweden and Finland try to join NATO, Putin threatens them with militar action and other actions.

Now Europe is waking up and realizing that its ill prepared (when considering for single country) for it being a moron for relieing only on US defense umbrella (not criticizing the US but european countries).

This was one of the few cases where I actually agreed with Trump.

Has Putin gone mad? 

Edited by godnodog
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17 minutes ago, godnodog said:

Has Putin gone mad? 

Maybe he was diagnosed with a terminal illness and feels he has nothing to lose so now he can live out his dream of being a fascist dictator.




Russia's defense minister has said NATO's increasing ties with Sweden and Finland are "worrying" and such actions force his nation to "take response measures."

"A treaty was signed in May that provides for [Sweden and Finland's] full participation in the exercises of the alliance and the possibility of using its command-and-control systems for troops and weapons," Sergei Shoigu said Tuesday, according to state-run media. "In exchange, NATO received unrestricted access to the airspace and territorial waters of these countries."

Shoigu said that "such steps by Western colleagues" work to harm the current system of global security and create "greater mistrust, forcing us to take response measures."



Edited by OverSword
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Well that threat just made Putin's intentions clear and now Europe is going to have deal with it or not.

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4 minutes ago, OverSword said:

Maybe he was diagnosed with a terminal illness and feels he has nothing to lose so now he can live out his dream of being a fascist dictator.

Wrong ideology there OverSword. Communist Dictator.

Washed, rinsed and dried a person couldn't tell the difference though. :lol:

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10 minutes ago, Buzz_Light_Year said:

Wrong ideology there OverSword. Communist Dictator.

Washed, rinsed and dried a person couldn't tell the difference though. :lol:

Russia is too capitalist these days for him to be a communist dictator. 

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36 minutes ago, OverSword said:

Maybe he was diagnosed with a terminal illness and feels he has nothing to lose so now he can live out his dream of being a fascist dictator.

Interesting that you say that, as my girlfriend said the same thing yesterday. Might be something to it.

@Helen of Annoy said that "he doesn't look well at all" in another thread, so me-thinks you might be on to something here.

Edited by Nuclear Wessel
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1 hour ago, OverSword said:

Maybe he was diagnosed with a terminal illness and feels he has nothing to lose so now he can live out his dream of being a fascist dictator.



Okay, that was weird, because I was thinking the same thing too.  It's like he is suddenly concerned about being forgotten in history and willing to go to great lengths to ensure that he has a permanent place in it.

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1 hour ago, godnodog said:

Its on the news right now

If Sweden and Finland try to join NATO, Putin threatens them with militar action and other actions.

Now Europe is waking up and realizing that its ill prepared (when considering for single country) for it being a moron for relieing only on US defense umbrella (not criticizing the US but european countries).

This was one of the few cases where I actually agreed with Trump.

Has Putin gone mad? 

The news outlet that I'm watching isn't mainstream American news. It's very international and on one of my PBS stations. Most of the commentators are in agreement that Putin is in fact, insane. We are dealing with a madman.

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43 minutes ago, Nuclear Wessel said:

Interesting that you say that, as my girlfriend said the same thing yesterday. Might be something to it.

@Helen of Annoy said that "he doesn't look well at all" in another thread, so me-thinks you might be on to something here.

My full personal theory, for which I have zero evidence, is this: 

He always was a little **** with low self-confidence so being KGB officer was immensely important for his fragile ego. Once the Wall fell, it was personal tragedy for him (he says so too, or what amounts to that). 

He's very vain - that I do have evidence for, very rare men decide to have Botox and similar beauty treatments. Not to mention his naked from waist up "macho" attempts. Good god. He's growing old, he must stop that. How? By turning back time, of course. It's not conscious decision, but there's obviously a part of that troubled brain wanting to believe that when USSR and Cold War are back, he will be young again too.

He might have something terminally diagnosed too, that would set the above stuff to turbo. 

He obviously needs to project grandiose image of himself. (That might be just a part of legitimate disorder, abuse of substances or both.)  

He's not rational anymore and politicians who met him all agree that deteriorated lately. (It might be a part of developing organic disease that affect the brain or simply the evolution of his basic disorder.)


And he's exposed to maximum stress. Especially now when he has dropped the ball and he knows it. 

He's gaining weight, looks bloated, his eyes are literally dead. 

That funny gait of his is probably just sciatica issue, but being so vain he wants it portrayed as being ready to pull a pistol out :lol:    


Bottom line, I believe he definitely wants everyone else to die because if he can't live, no one should.  

So it's not EU's, UK's, NATO's or anyone's fault, it's Russian dictator falling emotionally and possibly physically too, apart. And all the yes-men around him can't let their positions go, while the sane and smart ones are not ready to die. 

**** it, let's hope it's terminal because no one around him has means or brains or balls to remove him. 

Edited by Helen of Annoy
i'm not too well either, lol, can't spell
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1 hour ago, OverSword said:

Russia is too capitalist these days for him to be a communist dictator. 

A greedy dictator then... maybe it would have been better for the UN and Nato listen to post Yeltsin Russia and looking at common ground than letting Putin encroaching is bitter himself there without EU friends. Right now it's just to late.

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1 hour ago, Helen of Annoy said:

He's gaining weight, looks bloated, his eyes are literally dead. 

OMG those eyes! They are cold and dead. You can't talk to someone with eyes like that. There's nobody home behind them.

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17 minutes ago, susieice said:

OMG those eyes! They are cold and dead. You can't talk to someone with eyes like that. There's nobody home behind them.

It could be that he's taking sedatives, strong painkillers or illegal substances. Or all of it. Or he's just naturally insane. 

But he won't need any laxatives any time soon :D  

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I agree with what everyone here is saying, and this whole situation seems to be very serious indeed.

Edited by pallidin
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And now, and fromy perspective, the russian foreign minister just threatened entire Europe and America.

Portuguese reporter was citing Reuters newspress

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4 hours ago, OverSword said:

Maybe he was diagnosed with a terminal illness and feels he has nothing to lose so now he can live out his dream of being a fascist dictator.



See, this is my impression too. People close to him/who have had long term contact with him are saying he’s changed over the last couple of weeks/months. He’s gotten impulsive, reckless… almost as if he’s been told some bad news and he’s taking out on the world.

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So, question. Is this event going to cause a spiraling escalation that might lead to serious conventional military confrontations in Europe, and otherwise NATO allies?

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1 minute ago, pallidin said:

So, question. Is this event going to cause a spiraling escalation that might lead to serious conventional military confrontations in Europe, and otherwise NATO allies?

In my opinion yes, I think Putin will try to take all USSR territory.

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I suspect that Putin is a bit of a loon, and he wants to go out with a bang.

Unfortunately, the bangs are RPG's. :(

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True story: I was upset about this whole uneccessary tragic mess, and was talking to myself -  according to my surprised wife. - Threw on some music and here we go...


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It's sad and I just wonder for how long his people are going to support him.

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1 minute ago, thedutchiedutch said:

It's sad and I just wonder for how long his people are going to support him.

Support who? Just for clarification.

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Support Vlad.

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1 minute ago, thedutchiedutch said:

Support Vlad.

Ok. Yeah, there's somthin' seriously wrong with him to do this and expecting no significant response. Weirdo.

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Ya know, some people think that Putrid (uh... I mean Putin) has territorial seizure ambitions including the entirety of what they lost in the '90's.

In other words, the picture hasn't even begun to be developed.






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