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Call to phase out greyhound racing in Australia after 3 dogs euthanised in 8 days

Still Waters

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Pecan Minelli became the third greyhound to be euthanised at a West Australian racetrack in eight days after breaking a leg while racing on Tuesday night.

Speaking to ABC Perth's Mornings program, Greens MLC Brad Pettitt said the sport, with its dwindling public support, should be phased out over a two-year period.

"We're going to be asking some questions of the Racing and Gaming Minister [Tony Buti] through the parliamentary process," he said.

"Too many dogs are getting injured and too many are getting killed."

Mr Buti told the ABC he was greatly concerned about animal welfare.




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  • 2 years later...

Dying for sport: Abuse claims rock Australian greyhound racing

In 2015 Australia’s multi-billion-dollar greyhound racing industry vowed it would clean up its act.

A damning investigation at the time had exposed the preventable deaths of as many as 17,000 young dogs a year - revelations so shocking the government of the day rushed to implement an ultimately short-lived ban.

Almost a decade later, Greyhound Racing New South Wales (GRNSW) - the epicentre of the sport in the country - is back in the spotlight for alleged abuse, due to the work of one whistleblower.


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It’ll never happen while the governments make too much money from the industry. 
Hell, we KNOW smoking is dangerously lethal but it’s still perfectly legal because of the tax on the smokes. 

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Greyhounds aren’t horses and fixing dogs’ broken legs should be the default response to a racetrack accident.  These dogs make lovely, quiet pets.  I have never owned one but we have several living around us that are retired racing dogs.

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7 hours ago, Susanc241 said:

Greyhounds aren’t horses and fixing dogs’ broken legs should be the default response to a racetrack accident.  These dogs make lovely, quiet pets.  I have never owned one but we have several living around us that are retired racing dogs.

Of course mending a dogs injury should be the default option but sadly these dogs are merely commodities to be bought, sold then thoroughly exploited and when the time comes that they no longer turn a profit for the owner then they are disposed of. It is horrible but it is all symptomatic of this pervasive concept that everything around us is only valuable if we can make money off it or otherwise exploit it in some manner.

On 7/18/2024 at 5:53 PM, Sir Wearer of Hats said:

It’ll never happen while the governments make too much money from the industry. 
Hell, we KNOW smoking is dangerously lethal but it’s still perfectly legal because of the tax on the smokes. 

Not quite the same thing; our healthcare industry (and it is an industry) banks its continuing existence on keeping the populace just barely 'healthy' enough to keep working so one can continue to be 'treated' for some malady and be billed every single step of the way. Can't risk curing a person otherwise that person no longer makes a profit for the industry.

In the minds of the race dog owners, choice dogs are not only raced to death but bred so when one dies, another has already been 'trained' so it can fill in that void and as long as people keep paying money and betting on these races nothing will ever change.

And further there are many who don't care about what happens to these animals so long as they can gamble on what dog they think will win.

I am glad that some countries are at least attempting to clamp down on this sort of thing.

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Being a dog person, owning and hunting with running dogs (greyhounds, whippets, staghounds) most of my life I am totally against greyhound racing. The people are not dog people just greedy, uncaring scumbags who undeservedly own a breed only owned by royalty not that far back. How many pups actually are track worthy, maybe 1 in 10, what happens to the other 9 beautiful creatures? Running dogs are the most gentle, loving animals and deserve a good owner. My dogs are with me until old age/death whether they are champion hunters or not, they are my family and live in the house with their own lounge. Ban greyhound racing and horse racing too while they're at it. The blue and white is a staghound cross whippet and the smaller one is a young whippet cross greyhound.


Edited by openozy
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On 7/21/2024 at 12:48 AM, Susanc241 said:

Greyhounds aren’t horses and fixing dogs’ broken legs should be the default response to a racetrack accident.  These dogs make lovely, quiet pets.  I have never owned one but we have several living around us that are retired racing dogs.

I thought we did. This is horrible to hear. One of my friends was seeing a lady who organised homes for retired racers. There are organisations to rehome racers here, this simply shouldn't happen.

I'm another that wouldn't be upset if dog racing went away altogether.


PS outta likes for today.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Phase it out. Then start to phase out horse racing as well. Nobody watches either of these sports purely for the enjoyment of spectating running animals. It's because both greyhound racing and horse racing are adjuncts of the gambling industry.

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