Grim Reaper 6 Posted July 27, 2022 #1051 Share Posted July 27, 2022 (edited) 25 minutes ago, Golden Duck said: To be fair, a person's place of residence is normally considered personal information and in some cases private. Debating against a position based on a personal attribute is arguing ad hominem. How can a persons place or residence be considered personal information if they have released it publicly on the forum by listing it under their under their Avatar? Are you saying you have never made reference to anyonescomments based upon the fact that they had never lived or in a country they were making statements about? Where their only knowledge of is second or third hand information gathered from conservatives political views both from conservative forum members and through conservative media sources? Please clarify your comments, they are confusing and the last thing this thread needs is more confusion!! Edited July 27, 2022 by Manwon Lender Added additional information corrected spelling 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim Reaper 6 Posted July 27, 2022 #1052 Share Posted July 27, 2022 (edited) 4 hours ago, Paranoid Android said: I'm quoting your words, mate. And now once again to quote your words from that other thread. I'm genuinely not trying to be disingenuous, I'm reading your words as they come across to me. If I am misinterpreting you it's not intentional and I request that you help explain where I'm misinterpreting you. First of all I didn’t quote anything from another thread, my quotes were all directed from this thread and directly from your responses or from my responses to you, no other thread was brought in this conversation by me! Now sincerely thank you for says your not intentionally trying to be disingenuous, I appreciate that and I could certainly be miss reading your intentions! But please bear with and explain the following: This was a post l made yesterday in response to you comments, no please read again and then explain why you responded to me this morning in the following manner. When you read my post explain how you came to the conclusions you did in your response and also explain how you could have possibly taken my comments as a personal reference or attack to you in anyway. I commented on a single sentence in your post and I explained do to my personal experience during my life growing up in America or later during my life while serving in military serving in America what occurred to me personally, what happened to my wife, and what happened to one of my soldiers in all these cases the events were first hand accounts of what I experienced personally during the events I described! So I have no idea how you came to the conclusions you did in your response to my post please explain? My post which this entire conversation started about based upon your response ! This is my full response that only quoted part of below, by doing this you left out an important Part that makes your response disingenuous and disrespectful, and from this point forward I made that clear,. I also made it why I don’t respect your comments and why I respect the comments of others who like you are not Americans. It has nothing to do with your not being allowed to respond I never that it has everything to do with the manner in which you respond. Please also keep in mind you have done this to me in many other posts in threads across this this forum! This not the first time you have done this to me, or many others! You do this frequently shther you realize or not! My full response: I disagree with the bolded comments above, because of the fact that you did not grow up in the United States..This makes you have the view you do, it’s not a dig on you personally, it’s only a lack of experience. What you choose to quote: I disagree with the bolded comments above, because of the fact that you did not grow up in the United States.. Now do you now understand how not quoting the entire sentence makes my comments appear and why I say your disingenuous and disrespectful! It’s pretty dam obvious based upon you response below why you didn’t quote the entire sentence, because if you had your response would not have not had any traction, so it appears by your response you did this intentionally, and that’s what caused this entire exchange to occur today and I refer to you as disingenuous and disrespectfui, because the post you quoted other than that sentence did reference you in anyway negative or otherwise I just shared with why I didn’t agree with one sentence of yours I quoted. The others comments were experiences during my that explained why I didn’t agree you! My response! Then you again escalate the conversation and continue to fight and call me liar, which based upon my previous comments was out if context My last response to you, I ask you to take the conversation to PM, so we can further discuss our differences you never responded! So I have reread our entire conversation, Based upon that I will at this time change none of my views. I would appreciate you at least taking the time to do the same! One thing I can say with all honesty I hold grudges, I don’t want to or enjoy having negative exchanges with anyone I would rather put this in the rear view mirror and move on with our previous discussions forgotten. However, that depends upon you and how you decide to handle this. But please don’t make the mistake that my offer in dealing with this is a sign of weakness, that would be major mistake on your part and it would also make any chances of our possible future friendship fade to black! 4 hours ago, Paranoid Android said: This is now multiple posts in which you have tried to disqualify me from sharing an opinion based on the fact that I don't live in your country (added to the other posts I've quoted so far). And honestly, I don't see what the difference is between you telling me I shouldn't comment on American issues and any of the right wingers who told @psyche101 that he shouldn't talk about American issues (I haven't seen those posts, so maybe they were somehow different). Reread the the comments above I have stated exactly why I disqualified your comments and also why I except the comments of other Non-Americans and it has nothing to do with agreement or disagreements, and @psyche101 will tell you himself we don’t agree in everything ( like my views on Guns in the United States), and still we respect each other because we realize that no two people will ever agree on everything but that doesn’t mean we can’t still respect each and continue to be friends, In my opinion you don’t understand this based on your comments in previous posts here, and even in the comments above ! Never said you should not comment, I made specific statements about the difference between the way I view your comments and those of others in my posts above this is why it’s important you read those posts I made to you today! So please take you time and reread them and respond later after you have though about it and then I will respond to you! Either way this turns thank you very much for your change in tone in this post, I appreciate and hope we can get past this! Edited July 27, 2022 by Manwon Lender 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim Reaper 6 Posted July 27, 2022 #1053 Share Posted July 27, 2022 4 hours ago, Paranoid Android said: I'm quoting your words, mate. And now once again to quote your words from that other thread. I'm genuinely not trying to be disingenuous, I'm reading your words as they come across to me. If I am misinterpreting you it's not intentional and I request that you help explain where I'm misinterpreting you. This is now multiple posts in which you have tried to disqualify me from sharing an opinion based on the fact that I don't live in your country (added to the other posts I've quoted so far). And honestly, I don't see what the difference is between you telling me I shouldn't comment on American issues and any of the right wingers who told @psyche101 that he shouldn't talk about American issues (I haven't seen those posts, so maybe they were somehow different). I have already quoted your post here, but I have been giving our exchange additional consideration and there is another subject I must get off chest. On many occasions you made fun of my posts based upon my loss of ability to properly express my in written text. ( My wording, missing words or jumbled words, and my punctuation ) You have openly joked about it even after I told that I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury or a TBI, and that this was directly do to my military service. I have stated that I was awarded 100% disability from the US Veterans Administration when I retired from the military and that still didn’t stop your jokes! Let me be clear am I embarrassed about no, does it bother me yes, however based upon this forums rules I am unable to express my feelings? So please don’t say you have never done this, because then I will be forced to post your remarks in posts in threads where you did, all I can is that making fun of disabled veteran’s isn’t funny and if you have any consciences at all you should be truly ashamed of yourself! Hopefully this clears things up and we will never have to discuss this again. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spartan max2 Posted July 27, 2022 Author #1054 Share Posted July 27, 2022 (edited) 7 hours ago, DieChecker said: Just a tangential FYI, but looks like Cheney will not be reelected... Q2 News: Liz Cheney facing huge deficit in U.S. House race according to latest poll. Edit: Kinzinger won't run for reelection. CNBC: GOP Trump critic Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois won't seek re-election in 2022. I do hope both thought this to be truly needed, since both killed their political career with this committee. Which is exactly why I'm concerned about the republican party. If you don't support the madness than you are gotten rid of. Being against efforts to overturn the election shouldn't be a political death sentence, neither should investigating Jan 6 and the overturning attempts be. Its not a good trend Edited July 27, 2022 by spartan max2 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doug1066 Posted July 27, 2022 #1055 Share Posted July 27, 2022 7 hours ago, Paranoid Android said: But you haven't shown any evidence that anyone lied. If the police went into the investigation and tried to tell the investigator that they checked the building, THAT would be an example of a lie! As it is, all you've shown is that someone screwed up. Presumably there was an investigation, and I'm assuming the police didn't try to claim that they searched the building. I therefore fail to see how you have demonstrated your position. They told the EMT they had cleared the building, but they hadn't. That's a lie. The sheriff certified that Bates was properly trained when he wasn't. That's a lie. Doug 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Liquid Gardens Posted July 27, 2022 #1056 Share Posted July 27, 2022 11 hours ago, Paranoid Android said: People here in Australia are saying the exact same thing about my country - that Australia is a racist country with racist cops. But as the evidence AND my personal experience proves this is not so, and there are millions of Americans saying the same about America,the logical conclusion is that the people calling both our countries racist (those on the political left) are wrong! No, that is not the 'logical' conclusion. Your personal experience is frankly worthless concerning racism as you are light years away from being any kind of 'expert' and it's silly to think that it even contributes to 'proving' anything is 'not so'. Just how large is the sample set of your population that you have personal experience with upon which you are basing your conclusions? Less than 0.001%? The evidence does not and cannot 'prove' that any country is a 'racist country' as many people can recognize that this is a subjective evaluation. It's not 'logical' to impose your specific and biased definitions of what threshold a country needs to reach in order to be 'racist' on other people and act like you've logically proven something about reality. Yours is what is called a 'belief', which as you especially should know given your Christian deconversion need not be based on anything 'logical'. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lightly Posted July 27, 2022 #1057 Share Posted July 27, 2022 (edited) 13 hours ago, Paranoid Android said: Your reference to Vietnam does date your story and the experiences you had growing up to a very particular period of time before a lot of the rights we have today have been put in place, so I'm really not sure how valuable your story is to determining whether police in 2022 are doing these things! Especially with modern technology, if this was anywhere close to a regular occurrence we'd see mobile phone footage of it happening all the time! Sorry to take a further off topic detour..but my story is rather interesting ! It was an early spring morning in 1969, my friend and I went to visit a friend. He had a houseguest who it later turned out was a young undercover cop (who had worked his way into our large group of friends..smoking pot with us too! ! He called himself Jim Moody, and his favorite band was the Moody Blues) ! To be brief as possible, he claimed he was very tired from driving all night and did anyone have any speed? (He must have known that our entire group of friends had recently acquired a stash of tiny legal by PRESCRIPTION Dexedrine (methamphetamine) pills). I said Ya, but we’ll have to go home to get it…brb. We returned shortly and I handed him ONE tiny prescription strength (white cross) Dexedrine pill. He offered to pay. (Which he knew would make it an illegal SALE of methamphetamine, a high misdemeanor, instead of a lesser charge of simple distribution). I said , nahhhh man, you can have it. He insisted that I accept a dollar bill from his hand.. (which made it entrapment..along with the fact that I had to go out of my way to get him the pill). I was arrested a couple months later.. (along with 22 other people in that sweep) ..when I stepped out of the Main Entrance of the school ,on the Last day of school ! waiting county cops and attending state troopers. After a week in jail I went to remember that part of my story. Anyway… after summer vacation (during which I had to work 12 hrs. a night ..6 nights a week, in a canning factory! to pay for my lawyer!) On the first day of the new school year, I was happily attending a rally in the Gym ..when I heard the principal ,during his welcome back to school speech, mention the fact that the school had a drug problem the previous year but that situation had been “resolved” ! He was talking about me..assuming I was in jail or would not return. When he found out I had returned he called myself and parents to an evening meeting at the school to inform us I was not welcome at the school any longer. Another school also refused to accept me. A third did accept me and I finished my senior year. Anyway…yes, your right about surveillance cameras helping prevent police improprieties ,and such things are probably less common nowadays, but it’s certainly not entirely a thing of the past !! Peace. REMEMBER Jan 6 !*!* Edited July 27, 2022 by lightly 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Desertrat56 Posted July 27, 2022 #1058 Share Posted July 27, 2022 (edited) 13 hours ago, Paranoid Android said: Without knowing basic details like when (eg, I just finished replying to someone who mentioned potentially being shipped off to the Vietnam war, which places the scenario as decades old at least; potentially before the civil rights movement of the 1960s, or at the latest less than a decade after the civil rights movement), and what happened, and without any corroborating details, I find it hard to say much. I am not saying every cop is perfect either, but I am sharing my opinion. That's what everyone does on this forum, after all ~ Regards, PA Right, well again I am going to point out that this thread is about something that happened in the U.S. and the divergent topic of what people think the cops did or did not do, In the U.S. I KNOW that it is different in Australia and I find it irksome that so many Australians and British will argue about something happening in the U.S. when they aren't even here and most have never even visited. I won't tell You what Should be done in Australia. The only thing I know about Australia is what my cousin, who is mostly housebound, what I see on Sea Patrol and other Australian television shows, and what you all tell me. Edited July 27, 2022 by Desertrat56 1 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lightly Posted July 27, 2022 #1059 Share Posted July 27, 2022 I remember a time before “ seizure “ laws were enacted . That’s when your vehicle is used in commitment of any felony ,including possession of felony amounts of weed, it can be ‘seized’ ! Seized vehicles are auctioned off $$$$$$$$$. Houses and properties too! Only in America? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tatetopa Posted July 27, 2022 #1060 Share Posted July 27, 2022 Back on topic. Trump is guilty AF. 2 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DieChecker Posted July 27, 2022 #1061 Share Posted July 27, 2022 7 hours ago, spartan max2 said: Which is exactly why I'm concerned about the republican party. If you don't support the madness than you are gotten rid of. Being against efforts to overturn the election shouldn't be a political death sentence, neither should investigating Jan 6 and the overturning attempts be. Its not a good trend Depends. If the GOP can dump Trump, then complete unity can be a strength. As long as the "crazy element" isn't too pronounced. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Link of Hyrule Posted July 27, 2022 #1062 Share Posted July 27, 2022 10 hours ago, Manwon Lender said: I have already quoted your post here, but I have been giving our exchange additional consideration and there is another subject I must get off chest. On many occasions you made fun of my posts based upon my loss of ability to properly express my in written text. ( My wording, missing words or jumbled words, and my punctuation ) You have openly joked about it even after I told that I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury or a TBI, and that this was directly do to my military service. I have stated that I was awarded 100% disability from the US Veterans Administration when I retired from the military and that still didn’t stop your jokes! Let me be clear am I embarrassed about no, does it bother me yes, however based upon this forums rules I am unable to express my feelings? So please don’t say you have never done this, because then I will be forced to post your remarks in posts in threads where you did, all I can is that making fun of disabled veteran’s isn’t funny and if you have any consciences at all you should be truly ashamed of yourself! Hopefully this clears things up and we will never have to discuss this again. I am so confused right now. And I am going to demand an apology for your accusations. I have NEVER ridiculed you for a disability! I have mentioned your spelling TWICE! And I am going to discuss both the cases and show you exactly why this is not evidence of "on many occasions" or even an attack! The first case was extremely simple: I thought you were Korean! I even said "I thought you were Korean". On 7/13/2022 at 4:05 PM, Paranoid Android said: I thought you were Korean. Or am I mixing you up with another member? In any case, I've said my piece so I guess this is another time we'll have to agree to disagree You can follow the link to the thread, this is also the only place that I am aware of that you mentioned that you were disabled. But you did not specify the type of disability, for all I know you lost both your legs in the war. The other incident where I mentioned your spelling was after you accused me of importing Trump Kool-Aid into Australia. That's not a nice comment, my response was to make a joke out of it by referencing an incorrect spelling of "importer" Had I known you had a brain trauma I probably wouldn't have done that, I would have found another light-hearted way of dismissing your point (so you can consider that an apology, if you like). But I had no idea, and you cannot claim to be innocent in that exchange either (Trump Kool-Aid - you have to know the associations of Kool-Aid with Jim Jones and the slaughter of nearly a thousand human beings including over 300 children - link - suggesting I'm a mass murderer by supporting Trump isn't any better than making a comment about spelling, especially when I was doing it in a light-hearted manner). May I also add that you laugh-reacted to the comment: On 7/24/2022 at 1:29 PM, Paranoid Android said: I'm not as important as you think. Certainly not more importanter than any other pro-Trump individual here In any case, these are literally the only two times I have mentioned your language as far as I know. That cannot fit your description as being "on many occasions", and certainly not ANY occasions that you have mentioned to me before now that I am being insulting! As such, I would like an apology for suggesting that I have been targeting you for your language skills and picking on you for a disability. That is a gross mischaracterisation - one could even call it libelous! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Link of Hyrule Posted July 27, 2022 #1063 Share Posted July 27, 2022 9 hours ago, Liquid Gardens said: No, that is not the 'logical' conclusion. Your personal experience is frankly worthless concerning racism as you are light years away from being any kind of 'expert' and it's silly to think that it even contributes to 'proving' anything is 'not so'. Just how large is the sample set of your population that you have personal experience with upon which you are basing your conclusions? Less than 0.001%? The evidence does not and cannot 'prove' that any country is a 'racist country' as many people can recognize that this is a subjective evaluation. It's not 'logical' to impose your specific and biased definitions of what threshold a country needs to reach in order to be 'racist' on other people and act like you've logically proven something about reality. Yours is what is called a 'belief', which as you especially should know given your Christian deconversion need not be based on anything 'logical'. I disagree. There is a difference between a racist country, and having racists live in your country. If I had personal experience of all 25 million Australians, it could only demonstrate that there are racists in my country. A racist country is a country that has laws that exist to oppress minorities. Neither Australia nor America have any such laws. Therefore, neither of our countries can be racist. edit: if I'm wrong and there is a racist law on the books in either of our countries, then point it out and we can tackle together how to get rid of it. As said, we can have racists living in our country, but that's a different discussion. I was once bashed up by seven Tongans because "I was the only white guy at the pub" (their words, not mine - I even tried giving them my wallet, to which they laughed "we don't want your ****ing money"). That makes seven racist Tongans, not a nation of racists and if I went to Tonga I don't expect I'd meet many people who think that what these seven people did was appropriate! Replace "Tongan" with "white Australian" and you may find a scenario where a group of seven white Australians bashed a Tongan for "being the only black guy in the pub". But that means there are seven racists at this particular pub, not that Australia is a racist country! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the13bats Posted July 27, 2022 #1064 Share Posted July 27, 2022 3 hours ago, DieChecker said: Depends. If the GOP can dump Trump, then complete unity can be a strength. As long as the "crazy element" isn't too pronounced. Do you believe at this point the GOP is over trump? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiggs Posted July 28, 2022 #1065 Share Posted July 28, 2022 1 hour ago, Paranoid Android said: But you did not specify the type of disability, for all I know you lost both your legs in the war. Actually, he did specify. From his response to you, further down the thread you linked to: My English has not failed me in the slightest, and as far as my language is concerned I was born and grew up the US from German immigrant parents who came to the country in the 1950s. By 5 years old I was able to speak both English and German fluently. The problem your alluding to is do to being a Tracked Vehicle that hit an IED, I suffered a TBI, Fractured Vertebrae, and many other injuries barely survived so now for future reference you know why I have problems typing my thoughts Bolding mine. Whether you understood what a TBI was or not, is a different matter. It appears not. Perhaps try googling it. 1 hour ago, Paranoid Android said: In any case, these are literally the only two times I have mentioned your language as far as I know. That cannot fit your description as being "on many occasions", and certainly not ANY occasions that you have mentioned to me before now that I am being insulting! As such, I would like an apology for suggesting that I have been targeting you for your language skills and picking on you for a disability. That is a gross mischaracterisation - one could even call it libelous! My dude, you're trying to word-lawyer the difference between "many" and "more than one" with someone who has just told you that they have a traumatic brain injury. And no-one should need to be told that making a joke out of someone's spelling is insulting. And, yes — I'm aware that Manwon's not exactly an angel, either. Strongly suggest the two of you agree to play nicely with each other going forward, and we'll all try and forget this obvious misunderstanding ever happened. 2 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Liquid Gardens Posted July 28, 2022 #1066 Share Posted July 28, 2022 1 hour ago, Paranoid Android said: A racist country is a country that has laws that exist to oppress minorities. Using your definitions. To continue with the extremes of your example, if you had personal experience of all 25 million Australians and found that 100% of them were racist, and even if the government of Australia had no racist policies, it would be entirely fair and accurate to refer to Australia as a 'racist country'. If the private media of Australia continually churned out racist material worldwide with support from its citizens to the content, it's fair to call it a racist country. The US in theory has no racist laws on the books, yet racist judges or juries can have the same kind of effect as racist policies. Without citizens there is no country. So then what percentage of the citizens need to be racist to deem it a racist country? 90%? 50%? 25%? I'll have to rely on you to determine where the 'logical' threshold is, or realize that there actually isn't any exact one. Ultimately we are both using 'country' ambiguously, you're using it to refer to strictly the laws/government and I'm pointing out that it can just refer to the citizenry also. But I'm not making statements despite this ambiguity that people who may be using the term differently from me are 'wrong' and that things are 'not so', and most of all that their wrongness is 'the logical conclusion' concerning something that is largely a judgment call. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim Reaper 6 Posted July 28, 2022 #1067 Share Posted July 28, 2022 1 hour ago, Paranoid Android said: I am so confused right now. And I am going to demand an apology for your accusations. I have NEVER ridiculed you for a disability! I have mentioned your spelling TWICE! And I am going to discuss both the cases and show you exactly why this is not evidence of "on many occasions" or even an attack! The first case was extremely simple: I thought you were Korean! I even said "I thought you were Korean 1 hour ago, Paranoid Android said: You can follow the link to the thread, this is also the only place that I am aware of that you mentioned that you were disabled. But you did not specify the type of disability, for all I know you lost both your legs in the war. The other incident where I mentioned your spelling was after you accused me of importing Trump Kool-Aid into Australia. That's not a nice comment, my response was to make a joke out of it by referencing an incorrect spelling of "importer" Had I known you had a brain trauma I probably wouldn't have done that, I would have found another light-hearted way of dismissing your point (so you can consider that an apology, if you like). But I had no idea, and you cannot claim to be innocent in that exchange either (Trump Kool-Aid - you have to know the associations of Kool-Aid with Jim Jones and the slaughter of nearly a thousand human beings including over 300 children - link - suggesting I'm a mass murderer by supporting Trump isn't any better than making a comment about spelling, especially when I was doing it in a light-hearted manner). May I also add that you laugh-reacted to the comment: In any case, these are literally the only two times I have mentioned your language as far as I know. That cannot fit your description as being "on many occasions", and certainly not ANY occasions that you have mentioned to me before now that I am being insulting! As such, I would like an apology for suggesting that I have been targeting you for your language skills and picking on you for a disability. That is a gross mischaracterisation - one could even call it libelous! Yes and I told you I had suffered a TBI, and that’s what caused those issues, if I have confused your comments partly with comments of other members like TOM100 , Elmigitron’s alter ego!! I do apologize and I mean this sincerely and in a heart felt manner! I don’t expect you to understand, even consider, think for a moment that my comments are a way to gain sympathy, or that I am using this as an excuse to explain away my behavior if I am wrong concerning my earlier comments directed at you. However, few here can possibly understand how frustrating, and terrible that injury has changed my life! Before it ever occurred, I was a completely different person and it’s like a brilliant light became less brilliant and very dim in some areas, even though it never burned out completely! I was very lucky to be born with a very very strong Eidetic Memory, ( most are unfamiliar with the definition of the Eidetic Memory) and unlike most children who do process this ability to some extent in my situation it was way above normal and testing my parents had doctor perform when I was first 2 years old and again at 5 years old proved it. In addition unlike most children again my ability’s didn’t fade with childhood it stayed with until the TBI occurred which gave me advantages in education and all phases of my life because my memory allowed me to focus and later recall things others were not able to do. So when people criticize my communication skills using text, I must bite my tongue, because it brings back a portion of my life that is now not completely gone but diminished! This has occurred many times by other members, and its very possible also do to my disability that I have confused you comments with the comments of someone else! I don’t have have time to verify this at the moment, however if I don’t respond please except my apology, it’s sincerely heat felt!! Have you considered the other part of our conversation yesterday? 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Link of Hyrule Posted July 28, 2022 #1068 Share Posted July 28, 2022 43 minutes ago, Tiggs said: Actually, he did specify. From his response to you, further down the thread you linked to: My English has not failed me in the slightest, and as far as my language is concerned I was born and grew up the US from German immigrant parents who came to the country in the 1950s. By 5 years old I was able to speak both English and German fluently. The problem your alluding to is do to being a Tracked Vehicle that hit an IED, I suffered a TBI, Fractured Vertebrae, and many other injuries barely survived so now for future reference you know why I have problems typing my thoughts Bolding mine. Whether you understood what a TBI was or not, is a different matter. It appears not. Perhaps try googling it. Yeah, that's my bad. I didn't realise TBI meant that. I read it as "I suffered TBI Fractured Vertebrae" and just assumed TBI was associated with a vertabrae injury of some kind. Suffice it to say it was not my intent to insult anyone. 43 minutes ago, Tiggs said: My dude, you're trying to word-lawyer the difference between "many" and "more than one" with someone who has just told you that they have a traumatic brain injury. And no-one should need to be told that making a joke out of someone's spelling is insulting. And, yes — I'm aware that Manwon's not exactly an angel, either. Strongly suggest the two of you agree to play nicely with each other going forward, and we'll all try and forget this obvious misunderstanding ever happened. Fair call 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Link of Hyrule Posted July 28, 2022 #1069 Share Posted July 28, 2022 37 minutes ago, Liquid Gardens said: Using your definitions. To continue with the extremes of your example, if you had personal experience of all 25 million Australians and found that 100% of them were racist, and even if the government of Australia had no racist policies, it would be entirely fair and accurate to refer to Australia as a 'racist country'. If the private media of Australia continually churned out racist material worldwide with support from its citizens to the content, it's fair to call it a racist country. The US in theory has no racist laws on the books, yet racist judges or juries can have the same kind of effect as racist policies. Without citizens there is no country. So then what percentage of the citizens need to be racist to deem it a racist country? 90%? 50%? 25%? I'll have to rely on you to determine where the 'logical' threshold is, or realize that there actually isn't any exact one. Ultimately we are both using 'country' ambiguously, you're using it to refer to strictly the laws/government and I'm pointing out that it can just refer to the citizenry also. But I'm not making statements despite this ambiguity that people who may be using the term differently from me are 'wrong' and that things are 'not so', and most of all that their wrongness is 'the logical conclusion' concerning something that is largely a judgment call. Is 100% of the Australian population racist? Does the private media of Australia continually churn out racist material? The answer to both questions is "no", so this is a hypothetical question that doesn't resemble the truth. On a worldwide stage we can compare America and Australia to the rest of the world, and I think any fair and impartial analysis would reveal that both countries are among the least racist and most welcoming countries on our entire planet. America takes in more refugees than any country in the world. Australia takes in more refugees per capita than anyone in the world, how can we be a racist country if we are doing that? Obviously I can't say that there are no racists in Australia or America. I've met racists from both countries. But without literally changing human nature, I cannot see how you can call either of our countries "racist". The actions of a minority of people doesn't make the whole country racist! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Link of Hyrule Posted July 28, 2022 #1070 Share Posted July 28, 2022 33 minutes ago, Manwon Lender said: Yes and I told you I had suffered a TBI, and that’s what caused those issues, if I have confused your comments partly with comments of other members like TOM100 , Elmigitron’s alter ego!! I do apologize and I mean this sincerely and in a heart felt manner! Yeah, I misunderstood you, you did say you had a brain injury, I misunderstood it for a physical injury. In any case, I apologise. 33 minutes ago, Manwon Lender said: Have you considered the other part of our conversation yesterday? Not yet, I read that post last night just before bed, didn't have much time to think about it, then this morning I saw your new post and replied. I'll look at your other reply later in the afternoon after I've finished work. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim Reaper 6 Posted July 28, 2022 #1071 Share Posted July 28, 2022 (edited) 2 hours ago, Tiggs said: Actually, he did specify. From his response to you, further down the thread you linked to: My English has not failed me in the slightest, and as far as my language is concerned I was born and grew up the US from German immigrant parents who came to the country in the 1950s. By 5 years old I was able to speak both English and German fluently. The problem your alluding to is do to being a Tracked Vehicle that hit an IED, I suffered a TBI, Fractured Vertebrae, and many other injuries barely survived so now for future reference you know why I have problems typing my thoughts Bolding mine. Whether you understood what a TBI was or not, is a different matter. It appears not. Perhaps try googling it. My dude, you're trying to word-lawyer the difference between "many" and "more than one" with someone who has just told you that they have a traumatic brain injury. And no-one should need to be told that making a joke out of someone's spelling is insulting. And, yes — I'm aware that Manwon's not exactly an angel, either. Strongly suggest the two of you agree to play nicely with each other going forward, and we'll all try and forget this obvious misunderstanding ever happened. Thank you very very much Tiggs, I sincerely appreciate your response and your help rectifying this situation, I have responded to the Paranoid Androids comments, I did apologize if my comments very confused with other,forum members who have intentionally used my disability to ridicule my, even after I explained the situation that was causing my difficulties with concentration and my expression of my thoughts when typing text. Tiggs, I am very willing to forget this occurred, also I am not now and never have used my disabilities as a way to explain way the indiscretions and bad behavior or as a way to gain sympathy for myself, I always excepted responsibility for my behavior both bad or good equally and fir those who know me they 1st are aware my comments are accurately stated. However in the the previous posts between us yesterday above where I stated he very was disingenuous and disrespectful based upon the manner in which he has repeatedly and intentionally has taken quotes made by me out of context! Thanks Tiggs, I will respect you wishes concerning the manner in which I respond to him in the future and again thanks for bring out what you did I; response to his comments,! Hey Tiggs, I’M CERTAINLY NO ANGLE and since I have i problems with text I have provided a video that explains this better than I am able to!! Edited July 28, 2022 by Manwon Lender 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
psyche101 Posted July 28, 2022 #1072 Share Posted July 28, 2022 6 hours ago, DieChecker said: Depends. If the GOP can dump Trump, then complete unity can be a strength. As long as the "crazy element" isn't too pronounced. MTG for president? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doug1066 Posted July 28, 2022 #1073 Share Posted July 28, 2022 19 hours ago, Paranoid Android said: And honestly, I don't see what the difference is between you telling me I shouldn't comment on American issues and any of the right wingers who told @psyche101 that he shouldn't talk about American issues The empty wagon makes the most noise. Doug 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grim Reaper 6 Posted July 28, 2022 #1074 Share Posted July 28, 2022 1 hour ago, Paranoid Android said: Yeah, I misunderstood you, you did say you had a brain injury, I misunderstood it for a physical injury. In any case, I apologise. Not yet, I read that post last night just before bed, didn't have much time to think about it, then this morning I saw your new post and replied. I'll look at your other reply later in the afternoon after I've finished work. Thank you for your comments I will wait for your response, like I said take you time but please don’t forget to respond! We need to settle our differences once and for all one way or the other! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Link of Hyrule Posted July 28, 2022 #1075 Share Posted July 28, 2022 21 hours ago, psyche101 said: If an American stated something uniquely Australian, I suspect you're reaction might be of a similar type. Mine would. This is a big difference between us, because I can confidently answer - No I wouldn't! Because I know that I don't speak for all Australians. If an American asked me about Australian politics I'm sure they would get a different response than if they asked you about Australian politics. Considering two Australians can't agree on Australian politics why would I silence an American who had a different opinion? Especially if the American was espousing views consistent with what other Australians say about Australian politics, even if I disagree with them I couldn't tell them to be quiet. I would say something like "I appreciate that this might be your impression/understanding of xyz based on what you have read/seen/etc, but that is not how I would categorise it, as I would categorise it as abc instead". I can't see any reason why I would disqualify an American from talking about Australian politics simply because they aren't Australian. 21 hours ago, psyche101 said: Donald yes, Jan sixth no. That's completely an American issue. I guess we can agree to disagree on this too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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