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Evidence of fire use by early hominins found at ancient campsite in Israel

Still Waters

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A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in Israel and one in Canada has found evidence of fire use by early hominins (during the Lower Paleolithic) at an ancient camp site in Israel.

The general consensus among scientists is that fire use by early humans goes back as far as 1.5 million years and is believed to have been opportunistic—those early humans did not start fires, but took advantage of those that came about naturally due to lightning strikes. It is believed that humans did not learn to start and control fire until approximately 150,000 years ago. In this new effort, the researchers suspected that million-year-old artifacts found at a campsite at Evron Quarry in Israel might have been subjected to fire but they had no direct evidence. To address that problem they turned to artificial intelligence.


In their paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the group describes using an AI application to test for flint tool exposure to temperatures associated with fire.


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1 million years from a fire to the computer. The next million years from a computer to the dinosaur again.

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Nuh uh, it is known that our ancient ancestors were enlightened protectors of Gaia. Camp fires cause global warming. They were in tune with nature and so aware of this. Things like eating and surviving cold and wild beasts took a back seat to this climate change threat.
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4 minutes ago, jethrofloyd said:

1 million years from a fire to the computer. The next million years from a computer to the dinosaur again.

I think that at our current rate, it will be more like 3 years until the 2nd dinosaur age, with only a couple brief stops at the dark ages and the stone age. But we'll stop climate change! 

Edited by Hyperionxvii
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Using fire and creating fire are two things... Would be interesting to know when Human have been able to ligh up their own fire and not relying on natural ones.
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I have a problem with this --> "... evidence that our ancestors were capable of using fire as far back as 1 million years ago." 

Our ancestors (Homo Sapien) only go back 250,000 years. If there was a species of "human" behind all this, it was not us.  My opinion. 

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