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Biblical inerrancy


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2 hours ago, SHaYap said:

Is this "YHHW"   YHWH's ma or pa ? 





Why not look it up? It's in every encyclopedia. Go ahead, look it up.

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On 8/17/2022 at 10:28 AM, Guyver said:

Correct.  It is not every day you get to read a thread where a person is advocating the God of the OT over the God of the NT . . ."



The same God inspired both the Hebrew and the Greek Scriptures, Guyver. One is no better than the other, no matter what they say.  

All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight,for disciplining in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. 2Timothy 3:16-17

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57 minutes ago, larryp said:


That's not the point, Piney. The fact is that the Roman culture is what polluted YWHW's pure worship.

Yahweh’s “pure worship” was already polluted that’s why Israel split in two originally, becoming The United Monarchy of Israel and The Kingdom of Judah. The Romans had NOTHING to do with that. 


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4 hours ago, larryp said:


The earth being round is backed up. It is backed up when YHWH told the Jews two hundred years in advance that the Medes and the Persians would liberate them from Egyptian bondage. When YHWH mentioned Mesopotamian King Nebuchadnezzar was backed up. When YHWH instructed the Israelites to bury their trash, long before Louis Pasteur and the discovery of microbes was backed up. I could go on and on . . . So, what part of that don't you understand, Piney?

Your evading the question. Name the geologists, historians and archeologists you keep talking about.

And like I said before. My people buried their trash for 10,000 years.

1 hour ago, larryp said:



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1 hour ago, cormac mac airt said:

Yahweh’s “pure worship” was already polluted that’s why Israel split in two originally, becoming The United Monarchy of Israel and The Kingdom of Judah. The Romans had NOTHING to do with that. 



Before the split, under King David, all 12 tribes were one, and pure worship abounded. 

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41 minutes ago, larryp said:


Before the split, under King David, all 12 tribes were one, and pure worship abounded. 

Which means you lied about the Romans being responsible. Imagine that. 


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All righty everyone, this thread is requiring regular cleanups due to rule breaking behaviors. Everyone knock it off and discuss the OP topic within the site rules or it will need to be shut down. 

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7 hours ago, larryp said:

The point was the word "Hell" is not in the Dead Sea Scroll, so why is it in the Catholic Douay version? Because the Hebrew sheʼohlʹ and the Greek haiʹdes were mistranslated into the word Hell. Got it!!

Hi Larry

They don’t describe the same place either got it. It wasn’t translated into hell, hell is a place known to describe a place in another religion and culture so that they could identify an idea from Jewish teachings. The Gehenna describe in the Dead Sea scrolls described and actual physical location that was a garbage dump where they burnt the bodies of sinners. Hell is an imaginary place so not the same.

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33 minutes ago, jmccr8 said:

Hi Larry

They don’t describe the same place either got it. It wasn’t translated into hell, hell is a place known to describe a place in another religion and culture so that they could identify an idea from Jewish teachings. The Gehenna describe in the Dead Sea scrolls described and actual physical location that was a garbage dump where they burnt the bodies of sinners. Hell is an imaginary place so not the same.

It's also a Christian invention, a darker, evil version of the Greek Hades, to which Hellenized Jews had become acculturated to. A place of torment and punishment, the prison of Satan, nothing like it exists or ever existed in Greek religion or Judaism. 

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13 hours ago, larryp said:


That's not the point, Piney. The fact is that the Roman culture is what polluted YWHW's pure worship.

This is getting confusing: who is YWHW? Yoohoo?

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10 minutes ago, Abramelin said:

This is getting confusing: who is YWHW? Yoohoo?

He screwed up, it’s YHWH. 


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13 hours ago, larryp said:


The same God inspired both the Hebrew and the Greek Scriptures, Guyver. One is no better than the other, no matter what they say.  

All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight,for disciplining in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. 2Timothy 3:16-17

Except the god of the Old Testament is two different gods from separate pantheons, El initially then the merged El and Yahweh under the latter’s name. 

The above is archaeological, historical and textual fact. 


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On 8/14/2022 at 10:14 AM, cormac mac airt said:

Yeah, for some the only real morality is predicated on their belief that someone, ie. God, is watching. Without their God they’re no different than animals in a zoo. 



Jah sees it differently:  

"For when people of the nations, who do not have law, do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them, and by their own thoughts they are being accused or even excused." Romans 2:14 

So people obey laws according to their conscience, not because God in the sky is watching.

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1 hour ago, larryp said:


Jah sees it differently:  

"For when people of the nations, who do not have law, do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them, and by their own thoughts they are being accused or even excused." Romans 2:14 

So people obey laws according to their conscience, not because God in the sky is watching.

Yahweh doesn’t see anything, that’s what Paul says. 


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On 8/17/2022 at 12:10 AM, psyche101 said:

3,000 B.C. in Knossos, Crete.

People dug deep holes to hide refuse, which they would then cover with dirt. 

Where is this written?

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On 8/17/2022 at 2:10 AM, psyche101 said:

3,000 B.C. in Knossos, Crete.

People dug deep holes to hide refuse, which they would then cover with dirt. 

Interesting how the Minoans knew about waste disposal before the Israelites even existed, isn’t it? :lol:


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23 minutes ago, cormac mac airt said:

Interesting how the Minoans knew about waste disposal before the Israelites even existed, isn’t it? :lol:


I think the Minoans knew a lot more than we know they did. 

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On 8/17/2022 at 12:10 PM, cormac mac airt said:

Which is an outright lie as archaeologists, geneticists and such say that we are some 300,000 years old. 



Show me!! Or explain it to me without all those links. If you know what you're talking about, you should be able to sum it up.

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The links are not the problem Larry. The fact that Piney, Cormac, and others post them is so that others (including myself) can go check out the information for themselves.  

Sure you’ve quoted scripture but that in itself doesn’t prove the inerrancy of the bible. Perhaps if You posted links to the supposed Scholars, Archaeologists, and  others that you claim to support your argument for said claims, then we can go and examine and compare these statements against established facts. Otherwise we’re just watching spinning wheels, even that in time is no longer amusing and this discussion becomes counterproductive.

So I propose that you provide the non scriptural proofs to your claims on the inerrancy of the bible, sure this might take a bit of research on your part but at least it gets us of the repeated “Bible Real!”, “No it’s not!” loop.

Edited by newbloodmoon
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5 hours ago, larryp said:


Show me!! Or explain it to me without all those links. If you know what you're talking about, you should be able to sum it up.

The earliest Homo sapiens remains are from Jebel Irhoud in Morocco dating to circa 300,000 BP, followed by Omo Kibish at circa 195,000 BP and then the Herto remains circa 160,000 BP. The latter two are from Ethiopia. 


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"The first modern human" as far as skull morphology goes, doesn't equate to the first human. Intelligence is roughly based on brain size and Homo Erectus evolved brain sizes well within the modern range and Homo Neanderthalis brain size was greater than that of Homo Sapiens.

Brain size of the prehistoric humans | Short history website

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On 8/20/2022 at 7:21 AM, cormac mac airt said:

Interesting how the Minoans knew about waste disposal before the Israelites even existed, isn’t it? :lol:


Larry's god playing favourites....... :rolleyes:

With till the Minoans and Israelites get to heaven and see god in the same room..... Gods going to have some explaining to do......



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