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Woman records eerie 'Bigfoot' howling in Ohio


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3 hours ago, LadyPhoenix said:

If you want citations, go look them up.  I am not your researcher.

Your claims your burden; that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.  Not to mention intellectually lazy.

3 hours ago, LadyPhoenix said:

Certainly, something close to chimp DNA wouldn't be mundane in Kentucky. 

"Something close" to chimp DNA is hopelessly vague and sounds as scientific as **** all.  You understand human beings share 98% of their chromosomes with chimps, right?

3 hours ago, LadyPhoenix said:

We likely have not, but when a sound matches nothing known, there is a good chance that it is because the sound is from an animal that isn't yet catalogued. 

Huh? How did determine this?  By what metric?  Again, not every animal vocalization has been observed.  This is just a bare assertion.

3 hours ago, LadyPhoenix said:

New species are discovered far more often than many realize. 

6 to 9ft bipedal apes sharing a continent with millions of human beings for thousands of years?

3 hours ago, LadyPhoenix said:

Assuming some wild, prolonged howl, unlike anything anyone has heard from "known" species, is something we have simply missed cataloguing before is a bit presumptuous.

No, it isn't. A bigfoot doing anything has never been reliably observed and documented.  How the hell can it be assigned any attributes?  Another assertion.

3 hours ago, LadyPhoenix said:

Common sense dictates that all possibilities be considered, including that the sound could be from an  animal not yet "discovered" as being just as likely as a new sound from an animal long known and studied.

That's not common sense, that's wishful thinking, and yet another assertion; see above.  What metric did you use to determine this?

3 hours ago, LadyPhoenix said:

Hair doesn't always produce DNA, and analysis isn't 100% certain.  Many animals, however, avoided leaving such evidence for ages, some of which have been discovered quite recently. 

Please provide an recent animal discovery anywhere close to analogous to a breeding population of 6-9ft bipedal apes sharing a thoroughly explored and settled continent with millions of human beings for thousands of years

3 hours ago, LadyPhoenix said:





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On 11/28/2022 at 2:57 AM, LadyPhoenix said:

* comment removed *

Skeptics believe lots of things, they just proportion that belief to the available evidence.

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I find it highly unlikely, there are any BF type creatures in any part of Kentucky. There's no way a breeding population of such a creature could go so long without being either definitively captured on video/photo or flat out killed by a hunter in that region.

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