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Scientists are working on an official new alien contact protocol

Still Waters

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If extraterrestrial life sent us a message tomorrow, how would humanity respond? According to researchers, we don't know yet — and that's a problem. 

That's why, for the first time in 35 years, a team of policy experts and scientists have united to establish a set of alien-contact protocols for the entire world to follow in the event of a sudden encounter with E.T. 

"Science fiction is awash with explorations of the impact on human society following discovery of, and even encounters with, life or intelligence elsewhere," John Elliot, a computer scientist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, said in a statement. Elliot is the coordinator of the University of St. Andrews' newly established SETI Detection Hub, the cross-disciplinary organization that will establish the new alien contact protocol. 




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  • The title was changed to Scientists are working on an official new alien contact protocol

Scientists:  Let's see now, as a professional grant writer, I'm going to need to get me some funding. Let's see, I need some ideas, cure cancer? Send humans to Mars? Nah, that stuff is hard. I need me some fluff. What about how I can control the climate if only I get enough funding? No, everyone is already doing that. I got it, space aliens! I can contact them even though they do not exist! Well, no one can prove that they don't exist because even if they do, they are too far away to ever respond to my my contact efforts, that is it! 

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On 11/5/2022 at 4:34 AM, Still Waters said:

If extraterrestrial life sent us a message tomorrow...

We wouldn't know about it for hundreds, if not millions, of years from tomorrow.

Now, if we receive a message tomorrow..."

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It is probable that by the time we got a deep space message that an alien civilization might not be around any longer. Also, they might consider us a virus who is destroying his own planet and would not want anything to do with the human race. 

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