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Christ Rising

Crazy Horse

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6 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

You can walk any path you please, so please do, only a walk away from love is fraught with danger, pain and suffering.

And FYI, it is not I that has given out with the insults, that is not on me.

For you, being without love is fraught with danger, pain and suffering. 


What is love to you?

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9 minutes ago, Sherapy said:

It is a public forum, CH.

It's not that I am here to disrespect, or not to accept other folk's opinions, their differences, it's just that I don't care what other people think, how many times do I have to say it?

I care about GOD, who is love, which is my truth.

And it is my truth because I know how life goes with this kind of attitude. And I'm only a beginner.



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18 minutes ago, jmccr8 said:

Hi Crazy Horse

Everyone loves someone look around you with an objective mind it is part of why we are the dominant species on this planet. Humans have loved and protected each other long before any gods were created by man.

For you moving forward means agreeing with you so not sure that there can be a discussion with you that will not devolve into you rejecting everything that anyone says. I am not on a pulpit looking for recruits or telling everyone how they are going to hell if they do not accept my belief. You come here to preach and not to be objective 

Thats all fine and dandy, but all I need from you, is no agreement, just what you believe the benefits, or the positive attributes of love are?

You claim that no-one here is denying love, well ok, prove it.

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21 minutes ago, Sherapy said:

Projection on your part, CH.

What part exactly is the projection?

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Back When My Hair Was Short

Gunhill Road


Back when my hair was short
I was a white-socked sport
Wore pointed shoes and pegged pants
Drank 'til my eyes were red
Hid "Playboy" 'neath my bed
Slicked my D.A. for the dance
(When you danced, when you danced)
Back when my hair was short
I met some friends in court
For stealing hubcaps from cars
Chain-smoking under the stars
Played all night pinball in bars
And dreamed about love
We were experts on love
We talked our way all around it
And even if we had found it
We couldn't respond
Slowly I changed my ways
College and long-haired days
Seeing three concerts a week
An honest to God hippie freak
Too busy eating to speak
Except about love
We held rallies for love
But no one knew what they stood for
How many months were they good for
The meaning is gone
Soon when my hair is short
I'll make a full report
Of how I came back alive (Came back, came back alive)
And what it takes to survive
Wringing the truth out of jive
I'll tell you of love (Love)
More than ever it's love
No lack of faith undermines it
Cause it's the hope that we'll find it
That makes us go on
Back when my hair was short
I was a white-socked sport
Holding beer parties 'til three
College appealed to me
Eastern philosophy
For non-commercial use only.
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Just now, Crazy Horse said:

It's not that I am here to disrespect, or not to accept other folk's opinions, their differences, it's just that I don't care what other people think, how many times do I have to say it?

I care about GOD, who is love, which is my truth.

And it is my truth because I know how life goes with this kind of attitude. And I'm only a beginner.



This is apparent in your posts, then why are you here? To self validate, remind yourself how special you are? This is not wrong in and of itself, but what purpose does it serve to come on start a thread to share you only care about your g?d construct? 

I get that for you g?d is your coping system these days. Why the need to start threads on it, we all know your g?d construct, CH. 

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20 minutes ago, Sherapy said:

Indeed, it is impossible to have a productive dialog this way. Well said, Jay.

That right, folk who flip-flop this way and that, only for the sake of disagreeing with the OP, then it is indeed impossible to have a productive discussion.

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11 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

You can walk any path you please, so please do, only a walk away from love is fraught with danger, pain and suffering.

And FYI, it is not I that has given out with the insults, that is not on me.

Hi Crazy Horse

Your position is that love only exists if one believes in god and that before you found god that you were not capable of knowing or expressing love.

That is an insult to those of us that have no god and still love others because you reject the idea that love can exist without accepting your god.

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4 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

Thats all fine and dandy, but all I need from you, is no agreement, just what you believe the benefits, or the positive attributes of love are?

You claim that no-one here is denying love, well ok, prove it.

Love exists but that in no way is predicated on the existence of God/a god. 


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18 minutes ago, cormac mac airt said:

I’m not so sure about preaching but I believe his thread would have been better served as a blog as it really brooks no discussion which begs the question why make it a thread to begin with? 


Er, you are blaming me for the lack of discussion?

If you truly believe that, then ask me a serious question, you know it's up to you lot as to which way this flows.


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3 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

What part exactly is the projection?

Xeno isn’t here first of all and second of all he is known for his radical honesty, yet it is given fairly and humbly. It can only be you who is angry and cannot stay away. My two cents is you are afraid of your own anger, perhaps it has gotten you in hot water, so coming here starting threads provides an outlet for you to project and release it. Of course, I can be wrong. 

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Just now, Crazy Horse said:

Er, you are blaming me for the lack of discussion?

If you truly believe that, then ask me a serious question, you know it's up to you lot as to which way this flows.


Nope, I’m saying there really is no reason for a discussion. You have a belief, so what? Billions of other people do too. 


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19 minutes ago, cormac mac airt said:

Evidence to you maybe but not to anyone/everyone? else.



What do you expect me to do about it?

I'm not trying to change your mind, I am trying to express my truth, my love, and my beliefs etc.



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2 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

Er, you are blaming me for the lack of discussion?

If you truly believe that, then ask me a serious question, you know it's up to you lot as to which way this flows.


What the hell is love?

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33 minutes ago, Sherapy said:

It comes of as you are seeking validation and when you do not get it you lash out.


I am not seeking validation from you, or anyone else, I don't mind what you think of me, I am free, I am in love, I am that I am.

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7 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

That right, folk who flip-flop this way and that, only for the sake of disagreeing with the OP, then it is indeed impossible to have a productive discussion.

It is impossible for you, why is that? Your thoughts?

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4 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

I am not seeking validation from you, or anyone else, I don't mind what you think of me, I am free, I am in love, I am that I am.

What is love? Let’s discuss.

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6 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

Thats all fine and dandy, but all I need from you, is no agreement, just what you believe the benefits, or the positive attributes of love are?

You claim that no-one here is denying love, well ok, prove it.

Hi Crazy Horse

Whether you believe or think you know what love is doesn’t change that we all have family and friends that we love. I didn’t ask you to prove your love simply because in this medium you have not been able to demonstrate it with your words and actions here. Yes I think you do love and express it to those close to you that you interact with in the physical world you live in. You do not accept that others that do not share your belief can and do love others as evidenced by your contributions in discussions.

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1 minute ago, Crazy Horse said:


What do you expect me to do about it?

I'm not trying to change your mind, I am trying to express my truth, my love, and my beliefs etc.

And this is a PUBLIC forum, so the real question IMO should be “Why” does anyone else need to know your beliefs? 


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4 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:


What do you expect me to do about it?

I'm not trying to change your mind, I am trying to express my truth, my love, and my beliefs etc.



Why is it important to you to express your truth/beliefs? Personally we all have beleifs/personal truths it is the human condition.  

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Looks like wringing the truth out of jive is a lot harder than we thought. Hard to have a civil discussion when the OP won't answer questions.

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1 hour ago, Crazy Horse said:

Well, you are getting closer.

My beliefs are seen as The Universal Truth, but also a subjective experience too.

But perhaps you are right about my blindingly positive view, and it can come across as very simplistic at times, but then, GOD is LOVE and we are ONE, isn't such a complex idea. Although, if you want more detail XeonFish, then you only have to ask.

Pride by ye sin.

1 hour ago, Crazy Horse said:

Says the man who can't keep away from my thread. Even when it triggers him into anger.

The only thing I care about is the truth, which is love, which is GOD.

And of course, holding fast to those beliefs, experiences, feelings of love.

No anger at all. 

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19 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

That right, folk who flip-flop this way and that, only for the sake of disagreeing with the OP, then it is indeed impossible to have a productive discussion.

Hi Crazy Horse

Flip flop, what does that mean as they responses that you get are fairly consistent and have been for years.

I accept that your belief is yours and am under no obligation to make your belief mine, that is what acceptance means.

No one challenges your right to believe what you do which is not something you are willing to allow others. Why do you need to make others submit to your ideals not that you are having much success anyway? Do left handed people bother you? When my older brother went to school they would make him sit on his left hand and force him to use his right hand. That is how your religious perspective comes across as you cannot accept differences.

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11 minutes ago, Hammerclaw said:

Looks like wringing the truth out of jive is a lot harder than we thought. Hard to have a civil discussion when the OP won't answer questions.

Well love is nurtured with basic respect for each other, trust, honesty and communication. 

Communication is vital to love, crucial in fact,  it is how we resolve conflict, communicate needs, understand each other, share ourselves, offer feedback etc. etc. 



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