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Bob Taylor's West Lothian UFO encounter still intrigues 43 years on


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Taylor's boss, who was initially skeptical of his story, changed his mind when he also found evidence of unknown machinery at the site at which the encounter had taken place.

Wow, evidence! Whatever happened to this undeniable physical evidence that the alien visitors left behind?

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I remember also once reading that how this case was actually rationally explained. I don't remember a details, but the explanation was something like this: The "flying dome" Bob Taylor saw was actually a small oval tank that was used, among for other things, for the meteorological tests. The two round metalic balls that allegedly approached Taylor and "ivestigated" him were part of the metrological setup he was accidentaly running on. Everything else was mostly attributed to his fancy and a certain fear that overcame him when he approached that meterological facility. I remember also he said in an interview that he didn't even know for the existence of that meteorological facility before his UFO 'case' happened.

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55 minutes ago, FJM said:

If had been a metrological setup then the police would have known this after they investigated

I believe this article is based on the explanation I am writing about:


Bob Taylor simply saw tthe dome-shaped water tower near Livingston. Everything else is just his imagination.

The dome-shaped water tower near Livingston

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9 hours ago, FJM said:

If had been a metrological setup then the police would have known this after they investigated

I thought police are trained to investigate crimes, not UFO sightings.

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7 hours ago, FJM said:

It was a crime he was attacked

No, he claimed he had been attacked. Which doesn't mean they had the skills to properly investigate a UFO sighting, especially one that had all the qualities of a hoax.

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11 hours ago, jethrofloyd said:

Those two orbs which supposedly came out of the spaceship and attacked him could have been the two so-called ball lightnings.

I like the wiki explanation..


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