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Trump to announce 2024 run


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I mean this stuff is unbelievable , you can't make this up. And if Giuliani was involved , and i think he testified some already , then there is probably a lot more to come out on this. I got a feeling there is a lot we don't know and it just not has been released to the public because it is an ongoing case still. But in time it will become very clear to everyone on what exactly went down.

Settlement in Wisconsin fake elector case offers new details on the strategy by Trump lawyers (msn.com)


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Interesting article from 538 saying how polls have been accurate right up to 2022.


Biden's in a hurt lock right now in the polls. Dems are trying to say that in 2022 the polls failed but that's not what 538 is saying.

Suffolk, and NY Times, are both listed as the most accurate over time. And both are giving the election to Trump at this point.

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20 minutes ago, DieChecker said:

Interesting article from 538 saying how polls have been accurate right up to 2022.


Biden's in a hurt lock right now in the polls. Dems are trying to say that in 2022 the polls failed but that's not what 538 is saying.

Suffolk, and NY Times, are both listed as the most accurate over time. And both are giving the election to Trump at this point.

Trump fans can't celebrate yet. This refers to polls taken 21 days before a vote.  If Trump is still in the lead in October, maybe then start to celebrate. Though honestly,  Trump's lead only seems to be growing,  it's not too late, but the dems need something to change in their favour, and sooner rather than later,  I reckon, if they want to avoid a Trump Presidency. 

Edited by Paranoid Android
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50 minutes ago, Paranoid Android said:

Trump fans can't celebrate yet. This refers to polls taken 21 days before a vote.  If Trump is still in the lead in October, maybe then start to celebrate. Though honestly,  Trump's lead only seems to be growing,  it's not too late, but the dems need something to change in their favour, and sooner rather than later,  I reckon, if they want to avoid a Trump Presidency. 


But the arguement back last summer was, "Wait till the Spring. It will change.". And now it is, "Wait till late summer, it will change.". "People will come to their senses.". Even going as far as saying that "theyll poll against him, but on election day theyll do the right thing..."

You are right that unless something very dramatic changes, these polls wont change either.

The Biden approval polls dropped after the Afghanistan F-up. And though we were told it was temporary then too, it wasnt.

I think, regardless of the brand new border enthusiasm, they're not fooling anyone.

I read a poll the other day that 97% of people who voted Trump in 2020 plan to vote for him again. And only 83% of Biden voters plan to vote for him again. Might be "just another wonky poll", or maybe is a real, and ruinous, problem.




The poll further said that Trump was winning 97 per cent of voters who voted for him in the 2020 presidential election, while Biden was only winning 83 per cent of his 2020 voters. 

This, again, is a NY Times poll... A left bias news agency, but with the highest poll accuracy rate. So, not a "right" contrived number, and not from a fly-by-night polling agency.

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15 hours ago, DieChecker said:

You are right that unless something very dramatic changes, these polls wont change either.

US inflation is set to further recede in 2024, ending the year near the Federal Reserve’s 2% target as economic disruptions from the pandemic fade further and prices of some goods even decline.



People and their hip pockets are driving this election. If everything goes cheap under Joe near election time it could be the game changer. It's actually bizarre that some think inflation is unique to America but here we are. Yesterday a magat posted 1990s prices saying that was life under Trump. He certainly attracts the delusional and easily swayed. 

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5 hours ago, Paranoid Android said:

Let's say he stepped down. The case was only won 8-0 instead of 9-0. This is not reason to discount the court's decision! 

Agree. Its a non-issue. Would make zero difference in the decision. 

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6 hours ago, psyche101 said:

US inflation is set to further recede in 2024, ending the year near the Federal Reserve’s 2% target as economic disruptions from the pandemic fade further and prices of some goods even decline.



People and their hip pockets are driving this election. If everything goes cheap under Joe near election time it could be the game changer. It's actually bizarre that some think inflation is unique to America but here we are. Yesterday a magat posted 1990s prices saying that was life under Trump. He certainly attracts the delusional and easily swayed. 

For some reason, i think it was gas prices, people expected the price of milk/eggs/bread/McDonalds to go back to 2019 values. Gas prices here went up to almost $6 a gallon, then went back to $3.75. But grocery prices shot up snd stayed up. People are still angry over that.

People are nostalgic for just four years ago, before Covid19. And consider that inflation spike to be Joe's fault. Right, or wrong, isnt what matters, but the perception of the voters.

Inflation was a little bit up this month. Which overall is normal, but you can bet that if it goes up even 0.05%, or down 0.05%, either side will alternatively, call it a victory, or a great defeat.

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19 hours ago, Razman said:

MSN is the Fox News of the Left. Highly bias.

Read, read, read.... According to some random attorney... Just goes to show, even with attorneys, if you sift through the population enough, you'll find someone to support just about any stance.

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17 hours ago, DieChecker said:

For some reason, i think it was gas prices, people expected the price of milk/eggs/bread/McDonalds to go back to 2019 values. Gas prices here went up to almost $6 a gallon, then went back to $3.75. But grocery prices shot up snd stayed up. People are still angry over that.

People are nostalgic for just four years ago, before Covid19. And consider that inflation spike to be Joe's fault. Right, or wrong, isnt what matters, but the perception of the voters.

Inflation was a little bit up this month. Which overall is normal, but you can bet that if it goes up even 0.05%, or down 0.05%, either side will alternatively, call it a victory, or a great defeat.

Actually groceries are up everywhere too.

There are multiple inquiries running on the climbing price of groceries. Here's what they are examining

Those people aren't realistic at all are they. 

That's how Trump got what he needed over Hilary. Selling the good old days. I do feel that it is astounding how he can use the same sales pitch and have people still buy it. 

It will be interesting if things turn more for Biden when inflation drops. Super Tuesday was better for him than I expected. 

It blows me away that people chose Trump over Haley. After all the talk about age it's come down to two old men a few years apart yet again. 

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18 hours ago, DieChecker said:

Agree. Its a non-issue. Would make zero difference in the decision. 

It more illustrates the bias.

With Thomas on there you might as well have put his sons and AT on the panel. Or the idiot that went to the FBI with a nail gun. 

How many on there were as far up Trump's butt as Thomas is? 

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18 hours ago, DieChecker said:

MSN is the Fox News of the Left. Highly bias.

Read, read, read.... According to some random attorney... Just goes to show, even with attorneys, if you sift through the population enough, you'll find someone to support just about any stance.

Well the article says it's an experienced federal prosecutor , rather than just a random attorney.And from the link it looks like Newsweek which is center.

Edited by Razman
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1 hour ago, psyche101 said:

Actually groceries are up everywhere too.

There are multiple inquiries running on the climbing price of groceries. Here's what they are examining

Those people aren't realistic at all are they. 

That's how Trump got what he needed over Hilary. Selling the good old days. I do feel that it is astounding how he can use the same sales pitch and have people still buy it. 

People always want to compare now to the old days.

It is unrealistic, but thats never stopped people from wanting it.


It will be interesting if things turn more for Biden when inflation drops. Super Tuesday was better for him than I expected. 

He definitely needs to up his game. I don't think the "I'm not Trump", sales pitch has the power it did in 2020. 

I'm not sure any economic change is going to matter. Economy is actually pretty good right now. He'll need to focus on the southern border, international wars, and abortion. The Left really wants abortion to be a big issue.

And I'm not sure those would win the center either. Border was left too long. Gaza is a hard issue for him. And hes always been hesitant to go after abortion.


It blows me away that people chose Trump over Haley. After all the talk about age it's come down to two old men a few years apart yet again.

Frustrating is what it is. Goes back to the famous South Park episode.



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50 minutes ago, Razman said:

Well the article says it's an experienced federal prosecutor , rather than just a random attorney.

Meh, how many federal attorneys, and former federal attorneys, are there now? Thousands? May as well be some random lawyer. 


And from the link it looks like Newsweek which is center.

True. But wki says the lawyer works almost exclusively with MSNBC.



In 2018, Vance signed a contract to become an MSNBC contributor, frequently providing on-air commentary regarding developments in the Mueller investigation and other legal issues that involved the Trump administration.[52]


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2 hours ago, DieChecker said:

People always want to compare now to the old days.

It is unrealistic, but thats never stopped people from wanting it.

True true.

It's just seems to work on Maga people exceptionally well. Better than most. 

I have noticed that older people tend to turn to Trump. I can't help but consider half his support as dementia. The bloke I saw talking about his support for Trump last night on Planet America could barely string a sentence together. He looked like he was 100 or something. He seemed to have an unrealistic idea of inflation too. 

2 hours ago, DieChecker said:

He definitely needs to up his game. I don't think the "I'm not Trump", sales pitch has the power it did in 2020. 

I'm not sure any economic change is going to matter. Economy is actually pretty good right now. He'll need to focus on the southern border, international wars, and abortion. The Left really wants abortion to be a big issue.

And I'm not sure those would win the center either. Border was left too long. Gaza is a hard issue for him. And hes always been hesitant to go after abortion.

I don't know about that. The split in December was four points. Now it's two. Super Tuesday had a blue tinge to it. It's starting to turn already, heck, Taylor Swift alone could make the difference here. While Biden's approval ratings might currently be lower than Trump's were at this point in the term, he's still got a healthy economy good employment and if he gets Gaza right, he is likely to keep trending upwards. And he's always got the " not Trump" card. It might not mean what it once did but it's still an advantage. 

I was saying earlier to someone else that it's the fence sitters who I think they need to target. I would guess that the majority of Americans want neither as president but are stuck with another 2016 style election. At that time, the fence sitters comprised about 14% of voters, but in 2024 it's more like 19%. It made the difference for Trump them by getting the "not Hillary" voters who in turn probably tipped Biden into the white house. Trumps a salesmen. He would have done really well if born into a poor family and became a used car salesman. He sold America what they wanted to hear in 2016 and if he does that again it may well work again. However if he doesn't I'm pretty sure it would spell his doom finally. 

There's a lot of room for change and there has been some. Slight but noticeable. 

2 hours ago, DieChecker said:

Frustrating is what it is. Goes back to the famous South Park episode.




Perfect call. Ive seen it and it's absolutely hilarious. 

Bloody Paramount hogging all the Southpark....... <_<


Amazing. It's still a wonder how people see Joe as old, but not Trump. Bizarre. Both old farts. And yet Haley gets the gold watch from the people when she is at least half their age. She must be crushed to lose to such a scummy old man candidate. WTF America? Is the entire country on drugs or something? Why complain about old people and reject young blood st the same time? 

America is bizarro world. 

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3 hours ago, DieChecker said:

Meh, how many federal attorneys, and former federal attorneys, are there now? Thousands? May as well be some random lawyer. 

True. But wki says the lawyer works almost exclusively with MSNBC.




You guys got a Joye Vance?

We have a Vance Joy!! 

It's down under after all!! 


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On 3/5/2024 at 3:57 AM, DieChecker said:

Interesting article from 538 saying how polls have been accurate right up to 2022.


Biden's in a hurt lock right now in the polls. Dems are trying to say that in 2022 the polls failed but that's not what 538 is saying.

Suffolk, and NY Times, are both listed as the most accurate over time. And both are giving the election to Trump at this point.

538 got the aggregate house of reps decently correct.

But they got key races pretty off.

For example the 538 aggregate polls for Pennsylvania for 2022 had the Senate race going R +0.5 but it ended up going D at +4.8.

Arizona Senate race polls aggregate was D+1.5 points but it went D +4.9

Nevada Senate rolls polls aggregate had R+1.4 and it ended up D+0.9. So that one was within the margin of error but even so there was a consistent Democrat overperformance in key races.

Theres much more races like that in 2022 but I'm not going to take the time to list them as you get the point. (Special elections since 2022 have been like that too)

But the reason polls seem off to me right now it because the real world results haven't tracked with them. Republicans haven't won a popular vote in decades. And Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and lost it by an even greater amount in 2020. Yet some of these polls claim he is ahead in the popular vote and even claim that Trump's winning with young people who vote Democrat by like +28 ? Common sense says no.

Trump could very much win in a similar way that he did in 2016. But these polls are wild.




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On 11/15/2022 at 2:21 PM, susieice said:

Our news said they are covering the announcement at 9 pm tonight. He's never going to get the nomination.


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Well, looks like susie overestimated the American people. Alas.

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On 11/15/2022 at 6:47 PM, susieice said:

Don't hurt yourself Hank. Not worth it. I still see the same thing. CNN hates him. FOX loves him. And he's not going to get that nomination.


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On 11/16/2022 at 1:58 AM, Grim Reaper 6 said:

I am certain trump won't win the nomination from the Republican Party. 


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On 11/16/2022 at 8:31 PM, acidhead said:

Is going to be a fun next 2 years no matter who wins in 2024!  






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