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Former CIA 'Agent Kewper' Area 51 deathbed confession resurfaces


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4 hours ago, Dejarma said:

fact is it? oh well, i'll leave you to it- have fun ;)

You can put me on the record as stating that extraterrestrials are here and the government has been releasing its declassified UFO files, which are available under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  


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9 hours ago, skyeagle409 said:

Actually, I have been aware that the military and intelligence service confirmed the UFOs in question are, in the Air Force's own words: "Interplanetary Spaceships." Intelligence services say: "Extraterrestrial. I can confirmed the objects are not ours (mankind) and that a former base of mine has been involved in investigations where saucers disabled our Minuteman missiles and I have been made aware that our space surveillance assets have been tracking the objects as they enter Earth's atmosphere as was the case that was made public regarding the 1984 DSP satellite that was buzzed by a UFO before the object curved back into space. I spoke with one of the engineers who helped developed that satellite and he confirmed to me personally when and how his DSP satellite first detected and tracked the UFO.


May 5, 1984; USDSP Satellite detects "Fast Walker"

Article by Dave Kauble

(Based on the Discovery Channel Segment, "Fast Walker")

"MAY 5, 1984, an alert was triggered at the North America Air Defense Command. Moving at 22,000 miles per hour, it was heading toward Earth and had been determined to NOT be incoming ballistic missiles, or any other type of conventionally explainable object. Once tracked, it was code-named "Fast Walker".


Fast Walker UFO



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17 hours ago, skyeagle409 said:


Look, it's a video game from 1985... no wait, they had color back then. And better, less pixelated graphics. 

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On 12/13/2022 at 8:40 PM, skyeagle409 said:

Its in the reports I have posted. In addition:


Brig. Gen. Arthur E. Exon

Former Commander, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. 

Gen. Exon has been the highest ranking military officer to come out and say directly that Roswell was the crash of a spacecraft and that alien bodies were recovered. 



What Roswell Was

(RUCU) (C&S, p. 191, 194)

"...They knew they had something new in their hands.  The metal and material was unknown to anyone I talked to.  Whatever they found, I never heard what the results were.  A couple of guys thought it might be Russian, but the overall consensus was that the pieces were from space.  Everyone from the White House on down knew that what we had found was not of this world within 24 hours of our finding it.  ...Roswell was the recovery of a craft from space."


The Crash Sites


"[It was] probably part of the same accident, but [there were] two distinct sites.  One assuming that the thing, as I understand it, as I remember flying the area later, that the damage to the vehicle seemed to be coming from the southeast to the northwest, but it could have been going in the opposite direction, but it doesn't seem likely.  So the farther northwest pieces found on the ranch, those pieces were mostly metal.

 "...I remember auto tracks leading to the pivotal sites and obvious gouges in the terrain."

 (C&S, p. 194)

"[It was] probably part of the same accident, but [there were] two distinct sites.  ...[At] the northernmost [site], pieces found on the ranch, those pieces were mostly metal."

 "Yes, I have.  In fact, I know people that were involved in photographing some of the residue from the New Mexico affair near Roswell.  There was another location where....apparently the main body of the spacecraft was...where they did say there were bodies."



(Sandow(C&S, p. 194)

[Exon spontaneously bringing up Roswell crash after being asked about rumors of little bodies at Wright-Patterson]  "Yes, I have.  In fact, I know people that were involved in photographing some of the residue from the New Mexico affair near Roswell."


Lt. Col. Raymond Madson,  Project Officer, "Project High Dive" from 1956-1960 



The 'UFO Letters' Of Senator Barry Goldwater

Barry Goldwater
United States Senate
Washington, D.C.[postcode]

March 28, 1975

Mr. Schlomo Arnon
U.C.D.A. Experimental College
308 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, California 90024

Dear Mr. Arnon:

The subject of UFOs is one that has interested me
for some long time. About ten or twelve years ago
I made an effort to find out what was in the building
at Wright Patterson Air Force Base where the information
is stored that has been collected by the Air Force, and
I was understandably denied this request. It is
still classified above Top Secret. I have, however,
heard that there is a plan under way to release some,
if not all, of this material in the near future. I'm
just as anxious to see this material as you are, and I
hope we will not have to wait too much longer.






I really hope you are copy and pasting all of that, because I'd feel really bad for you if you are working really hard on all that fluff. 

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10 hours ago, Hyperionxvii said:

I still don't see any space aliens... waiting...

You can review the following  performance data,  which a number of advanced airborne and ground-based tracking systems irecorded at the same time, Similar data as presented below is why  the Air Force concluded in 1948 and 1952 that the objects are "Interplanetary Spaceships." However, the Air Force knew extraterrestrials were here before 1948.

No aircraft built by mankind today can perform the maneuvers as presented in the following Belgian Air Force F-16 data. I also added the F-16''s footage video from where this data was acquired and a photo of the presentation by the Belgian Air Force during its press conference. and take note of the speed and altitude change in seconds, which definitely exclude aircraft and compare image #2 with data on line 12.




Image #1


Image #2


Seconds / Heading / Speed / Altitude / lock-on (degrees) (knots) (feet)

     00            200          150        7000

    01             200           150        7000

   02             200           150         7000

   03             200           150         7000

   04 sharp 200 acceleration 150 6000 <<<<

   05 turn 270 = 22 g 560      6000 <<<<

   06            270             560        6000

   07            270             570         6000

   08            270             560         7000

   09           270             550         7000

  10            210            560          9000

  11           210            570          10000

 12            210            560          11000

 13           210             570          10000 <<<<
 14          270             770           7000 <<<<

15           270             770           6000

16           270             780           6000

17           270             790          5000 <<<<

18          290           1010          4000 <<<<<
19         290             000           3000 <<<<

20         290            990            2000 <<<<

21        290            990             1000 <<<<

22        300            990             0000 <<<<

22.5    300     980     0000 Break lock  <<<<>>>>>>>


UFO Statement by Emile J. Schweicher, Professor Emeritus at the Belgian Royal Military Academy

Professor Schweicher was interviewed in the German UFO documentary film, “UFOs 2000” (RTL) regarding the Brussels radar UFO incident that involved Belgian Air Force F-16 jet fighters and several radar stations on 30-31 (p.m. into a.m.) March 1990:

"... radar expert Professor Emile J. Schweicher says the following: “The UFO could make right angle turns at constant speeds. That is impossible according to our mechanical laws of motion. I don’t think it’s possible to explain away UFO incidents that involve multiple radar stations by saying that all the radars had the same malfunction at the same time. That’s highly unlikely! There exist different types of radar systems, different sorts of antennas. And the radar antennas orientation towards the UFO were all different. I’m going to get fired – but I’m of the opinion that it’s highly likely that extraterrestrial intelligence is behind the UFO phenomenon!”

Emile J. Schweicher,
Professor Emeritus (Ret.)
Royal Military Academy, Belgium






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11 hours ago, Hyperionxvii said:

I really hope you are copy and pasting all of that, because I'd feel really bad for you if you are working really hard on all that fluff. 

I've acquired much of the information and links over the years and retained them in my files, including documentation from the Air Force, NSA, DIA, and the CIA, which are available under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The U. S. government and those around the world have been releasing their UFO files over the years. Here is an interesting report.

Cometa Report

An independent report on UFOs written by the French association COMETA. This report details the results of a study by the Institute of Higher Studies for National Defence

https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_cometareport01a.htm#What Should We Prepare For


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  • 4 weeks later...

Every time get sick, I reveal the location of the Lost Dutchman Mine. I'm feeling pretty good though, so...

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One thing drives my motivation downwards although " I want to beleive" is the lack of photography from area 51 of the allege ships and aliens . There were so many cameras back then and now,  even in glasses or contact lenses. The lack of photos , missing leaks makes me highly circumspect. 

I am starting to believe the USA military machine is using former employees to spread lies about ufos rather than revealing secret technologies. This way it's easy to spy and travel all over the world in ufo's rather than violating space of alies or enemies with high tech new technologies. 


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4 hours ago, qxcontinuum said:

One thing drives my motivation downwards although " I want to beleive" is the lack of photography from area 51 of the allege ships and aliens . There were so many cameras back then and now,  even in glasses or contact lenses. The lack of photos , missing leaks makes me highly circumspect. 

I am starting to believe the USA military machine is using former employees to spread lies about ufos rather than revealing secret technologies. This way it's easy to spy and travel all over the world in ufo's rather than violating space of alies or enemies with high tech new technologies. 


Yeah its convenient that all they ever have are unsupported stories and when they do produce a pic on their deadbeds its a halloween alien prop from Kmart.

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