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badeskov, Thank you for replying replying to my question in another post :tu:

Always happy to be of service ;)

Now, if you still believe that explosives were used, then I would challenge you to explain to me how two buildings this complex could:

1) Be rigged without nobody noticing it

George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.

Marvin P. Bush, the president's youngest brother, was a director at Stratesec(Securacom) from 1993 to fiscal year 2000. But the White House has not publicly disclosed Bush connections in any of its responses to 9/11, nor has it mentioned that another Bush-linked business had done security work for the facilities attacked.

After the first attack on the World Trade Center, in 1993, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey began a multimillion-dollar, multiyear revamping of security in and around the Twin Towers



Interview with Scott Forbes a Senior Database Administrator for Fiduciary Trust and used to work in the South Tower of the WTC.

Talks about "power down" notified by the Port Authority.


That is indeed an interesting fact, however, that doesn't really change the fact that placing explosives to take down a building like the WTC is a tremendous complex task, that one cannot do over the course of one night. I would guess months of work exposing the structure of the building, tearing down walls, placing explosives, pulling wires etc. Providing electronic security wouldn't really give you that possibility, in my honest opinion. We are talking a large workforce and serious invasive work to place the demolition explosives - I just don't see it happening.

2) An estimate of the amount of explosives required (no, those calculations have for obvious reasons not been made; or, rather, I couldn't find them - but it is a lot)

Not too sure, I would assume alot but some people believe that thermite was used (along with explosives?)

Admittedly, I was searching around today to see if I could find any numbers on the amount of explosive required, but no such luck. I will look a little more, though. But I will note at this point, that in normal building demolitions the places where the explosives are placed are encapsulated to minimize debris flying around. Obviously, that would have been required in the WTC as well, as very few places would stuff come flying out the windows ;) Picture attached to illustrate (from www.implosionworld.com).

3) Why they would need to bring down WTC in the first place


Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a 1962 plan by the US Department of Defense to cause acts of simulated or real terrorism and violence on US soil or against US interests, blamed on Cuba, in order to generate U.S. public support for military action against the Cuban government of Fidel Castro.

Just to point out some odd coincidences

Agreed, there are some coincidences, in my honest opinion they are not as many as some would make them to. Agreed, Operation Northwood was a sad chapter, but undertaking a task as complex as bringing down the WTC without being discovered before the actual event just doesn't click with me. Too many variables and too many impossible tasks along the way.

I have to go with a bunch of terrorists did it.




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By all means of respect, would you please point out where my calculations are erroneous?

Secondly, obviously you cannot write of resistance; but overcoming that resistance is a question of applying enough force.

PS: I am still waiting for the answer to why Mr. Downey can be called a credible expert.

first here-

and V is the velocity that the top part had attained at the time of impact.

then here

where a is the acceleration (in this case gravity = 9.82m/s/s) and t is the time under which acceleration is exerted. We know the distance is 12 feet (roughly 4m). As distance, d, traversed is found from the velocity,

you cannot just displace 12 ft of material including the core columns,elevator shafts,stairwells,offices and furniture-- also the buildings widthstood the impacts and your equation seems to transfer the velocity from the impacts into the equation

no amount of force excluding the use of explosives can produce a freefall collapse.end of debate

why is downey credible? other than his 39 years in the nyfd and being its most highly decorated firefighter in history?

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The bomb sniffing dogs were not not completely removed as one of them died during the collapse. There were however returned to normal levels after a security alert that had raised the level. So you want us to believe that the building was wired when then had more bomb sniffing dogs there and then removed them just days prior? Or are you trying to suggest that all the planting of explosives was done in the few days when the dogs were returned to normal levels (again, not removed completely) before the collapse?

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Interesting calculations Badeskov, thanks.

I don't know why the "free-fall collapse" myth has lived on this long...and to think many tout it as the strongest evidence of CD! :no:

those calculations were worthless and the freefall collapse is no myth -- did you even bother to view the link? the frame anaysis is 18 seconds long but unfortunately for you cover-up artists it doesnt even begin until the 4th second and then,unsurprisingly,his source switches feeds in midstream between second 7 and 8 just view it for yourself a complete spin designed to give those looking for a way out a chance to head for the hills-- this thread is for people blowing the whistle and exposing lies these arguments can be taken up in an existing thread or continued in a new one

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did you even bother to view the link?

I've read that page in detail multiple times before.

the frame anaysis is 18 seconds long but unfortunately for you cover-up artists it doesnt even begin until the 4th second

Wow, do you really have such a polarized way of looking at things? Disagreeing with you makes me a cover-up artist? You dont' have the slightest idea who I am or what my beliefs are, so don't pretend you do.

this thread is for people blowing the whistle and exposing lies these arguments can be taken up in an existing thread or continued in a new one

Lead by example.

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Interesting calculations Badeskov, thanks.

My pleasure, and thanks. Admittedly, I did my best in estimating the numbers I used, but they should still give a ball park figure for the forces actually involved.

I don't know why the "free-fall collapse" myth has lived on this long...and to think many tout it as the strongest evidence of CD! :no:

The explanation for that keeps eluding me as well.



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the link you provided by swan is a joke-- it does not account for the 47 solid steel box columns and trie to account for the freefall collaspe by stating that the floors above the impact zone "fell" 12ft there by hammering the lower floors below with such force to overcome the resistance yet no where does he account for the 12 ft of material(core columns,elevator shafts,drywall or stairwells) completely destroying all credibility

Have you actually read the link? Do you seriously think that plasterboard walls are structurally significant?

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you cannot just displace 12 ft of material including the core columns,elevator shafts,stairwells,offices and furniture--

no amount of force excluding the use of explosives can produce a freefall collapse.end of debate

OK, now were are getting to the core of the matter. So when the top 30 floors dropped and impacted the 79th floor, it had hadn't attained full free fall velocity? I can live with that. It was probably a bit lower. But I am not sure what you mean by displacing the material mentioned (furniture, columns etc). First of all, a lot o the columns and other supporting parts were torn over or damaged due to the impact from the plane. thus, when structural integrity failed, it did so catastrophically, like a house of cards. Therefore when the top 30 floors hit the deck of the 79th floor, it did so with near free fall velocity. And that caused a chain reaction leading the total collapse.

also the buildings widthstood the impacts and your equation seems to transfer the velocity from the impacts into the equation

I am not transferring the impacts of the planes to the velocity in the equation at all. I am talking about the velocity of the top part of the building when it hit the floor of the 79th floor. Sorry if that was unclear.

why is downey credible? other than his 39 years in the nyfd and being its most highly decorated firefighter in history?

So he is about as credible as the average Joe on the street. Thanks, that's what I thought. Just because he is highly decorated firefighter doesn't make him an expert on this; that is, unless he had expertise and experience with actual demolitions - it just makes him an excellent firefighter, for which I have all respect.



Edited for typo.

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here is one of my all time favorites-he continues to investigate and update his findings and he originally was introduced to the unbelievable claims and hoaxes perpetated by the govt in oklahoma and it continues to be one of ..

<snipped a lot of stuff>

I took the liberty of looking through your so-called whistle blowers and in all respect, I think I would be a little more careful in my selection. I am sorry if I missed them, but I didn't see any civil engineers or architects in the list. But you did mention a couple of physicists and a chemist. However, when actually looking for these distinguished individuals I ended up with....a blank!!!! Just to exemplify, the individuals are:

Dr. Frederick Hansen, professor of physics at the University of Oregon

Dr. Roger A. Raubach, a chemist who taught on the research faculty of Stanford University

Dr. Ernest B. Paxson, an engineer with over 30 years experience in civilian and defense-related projects

A quick search on said persons reveal zilch! And being a Dr. in either physics or chemistry means writing and publishing research papers! And to the best of my knowledge, University of Oregon have no knowledge of a Dr. Frederick Hansen in the Physics Department, past or present (UoE). I might be wrong, but then I would be very impressed as Dr. Hansen has distinguished himself by becoming a doctor without publishing in any paper I could find. Just for the fun, I took a couple of professors from the neighboring University and for each found a 100+ entries on Google and on scientific journal search engines.

Honestly, I find some of the so-called whistle blowers to lack the credibility that they should have to be used as authoritative sources.

Just my two cents!



Edited to add University of Oregon's physics department's homepage..

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Honestly, I find some of the so-called whistle blowers to lack the credibility that they should have to be used as authoritative sources.

Thanks for the research Badeskov. I think that will be the case for most of the conspiracy believers "credible" sources. :yes:

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Thanks for the research Badeskov. I think that will be the case for most of the conspiracy believers "credible" sources. :yes:

Oh, no thanks needed, but I appreciate the acknowledgment nonetheless ;) It is a habit of mine that if an individual is referenced and his/her information should be trusted to find out why said individual is actually trustworthy!

And, unfortunately I think you are correct in your assessment that a lot of CT sources are less than credible. But this also has wider implications. Just for random picks I looked at 4 individuals:

Ray Downey, the decorated firefighter. That he is an excellent firefighter I do not dispute, but I have yet to ascertain where his expertise in demolition is and why. I picked him because he was in one of the lasts posts when I started reading this thread.

Then the 2 physicists and the chemist, none of which apparently exists - at least not with the alleged credentials. Those I picked because I figured I'd try and find some architect/civil engineer whistle blowers in the list and started from page 1; and I figured a couple of physicists and a chemist should know enough math to have an educated opinion.

Thus, it was 4 people out of 4 that I picked at random, touted as credible and authoritative sources in this matter, turned out to be quite the opposite. This negates the credibility of this whole thread and is it basically not worth the server space it occupies. It is up to the poster to ensure that posted references are credible, not the casual reader.



Edited for typo.

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the absurdity of denial should be the new issue-- what kind of blind faith,absent minded,evil neocon do you have to be to not see the forest among the trees? there is surely still a large group of people that have not investigated the evidence and the time is short-- it is not only our right to inform others of the lies surrounding the 9/11 inside job but our patriotic duty! tell everyone you know the truth about the federal reserve,the unconstitutional income tax,9/11 inside job and the tale of how they are all connected to one another along with the first two world wars in a carefully constructed plot by international bankers to create a global prison planet where the inmates are tricked into auto-genocide through a carefully indocterinated method involving a carefully constructed rat race of basic survival,religous turmoil and war-- if nothing else tell at least one person a day!!


September 23, 2007 at 08:53:46

Seven CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report

by Alan Miller

Official Account of 9/11 a “Joke” and a “Cover-up”

September 23, 2007 – Seven CIA veterans have severely criticized the official account of 9/11 and have called for a new investigation. “I think at simplest terms, there’s a cover-up. The 9/11 Report is a joke,” said Raymond McGovern, 27-year veteran of the CIA, who chaired National Intelligence Estimates during the seventies. “There are a whole bunch of unanswered questions. And the reason they’re unanswered is because this administration will not answer the questions,” he said. McGovern, who is also the founder of VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity), is one of many signers of a petition to reinvestigate 9/11.[1]


Raymond McGovern


William Christison


Melvin Goodman, PhD


Robert Baer


Robert David Steele


Lynne Larkin


David MacMichael

Their letter read:

"[W]e the undersigned wish to bring to the attention of the Congress and the people of the United States what we believe are serious shortcomings in the report and its recommendations. …

Omission is one of the major flaws in the Commission’s report. We are aware of significant issues and cases that were duly reported to the commission by those of us with direct knowledge, but somehow escaped attention. …

The omission of such serious and applicable issues and information by itself renders the report flawed, and casts doubt on the validity of many of its recommendations. ...

The Commission, with its incomplete report of "facts and circumstances", intentional avoidance of assigning accountability, and disregard for the knowledge, expertise and experience of those who actually do the job, has now set about pressuring our Congress and our nation to hastily implement all its recommendations. …

We the undersigned, who have worked within various government agencies (FBI, CIA, FAA, DIA, Customs) responsible for national security and public safety, call upon you in Congress to include the voices of those with first-hand knowledge and expertise in the important issues at hand. We stand ready to do our part.”

And they and thousands of dedicated, loyal, and experienced military officers, intelligence service and law enforcement veterans, and government officials still stand ready to provide assistance for a thorough, impartial, and honest investigation into the terrible acts of 9/11.

Statements questioning the official account of 9/11 and calls for a new investigation by hundreds of credible individuals can be found at http://PatriotsQuestion911.com

full details and individual comments can be found here

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what are we(americans) gonna do to regain our dignity?? we absolutely must save face by seizing the criminals involved and strike at the root of the problem by going all the way to the corrupt international bankers that have been responsible for all the world wars and the oil monopoly that has a stranglehold on progress-- only by handing over the guilty to the victim nations can we hope to be vindicated-- before its too late


A View on 09/11/01

R-N prof and dean, Dr. Barry R. Komisaruk brings up evidence surrounding 9/11, questioning the official account

Dr. Barry R. Komisaruk

Issue date: 9/11/07

Dr. Barry R. Komisaruk is a Professor II of Psychology and Associate Dean of the Graduate School. He is also a Rutgers Board of Govenors Distinguished Service Professor.These questions are not mere academic exercises. Rather, they challenge the entire official dogma of what happened on that fateful day. The observations are readily available and clearly evident from existing news reports, books, and photos and videos on the Internet. They have not been accounted for convincingly, or even at all, by the official U.S. government reports, and they have not even been challenged by the mass media. They raise serious doubts and questions as to what really happened on that day.

If the assumptions about the true nature of the events are erroneous, then the policies that have been justified by those assumptions must be questioned -ongoing policies that include the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and suspension of the guarantees provided by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution - against torture and against warrantless spying on U.S. citizens.

If we turn a blind eye to the truth about the events that occurred on September 11, 2001, we do so at our peril, for revealing the truth may well change profoundly the course of future events.

Based upon my reading, published evidence leads me to a terribly disturbing conclusion as to the veracity of the official government accounts. Here are some of my questions. Can you answer them?

#1: In fact, no commercial jetliner debris - no engines, tail section, luggage, bodies, are visible in photos of the Pentagon just after whatever collided with it. Why has no film of any collision with the Pentagon ever been shown to the public despite the existence of all the Pentagon's surveillance cameras? Contrast that absence with the unendingly repeated films shown of the planes hitting the twin towers.

#2: The Pentagon is protected by surface-to-air missiles. Why were they not deployed to shoot down whatever it was that hit the building?

#3: The twin towers fell at almost free-fall velocity, which means that they had no resistance as they fell. If they "pancaked" down, as the official reports claim, the resistance of the lower floors would have drastically slowed the fall. The near-free-fall speed, the concrete dust that was so finely pulverized, and the molten structural steel, are evidence that explosions, not planes, brought down the towers - a demolition process that must have been put into effect well prior to 9/11.

#4: Building 7 of the World Trade Center was reported to have been "pulled," as in a planned demolition, collapsing at free-fall velocity later the same day, never having been hit by the planes that hit the twin towers. It takes days to set explosives in a building to prepare it for demolition. Those explosives must have been placed also in that building prior to 9/11.

#5: Debris from flight 93 that crashed in Shanksville, Penn., was scattered over an area of several square miles. If a plane crashes into the ground, it is impossible for its debris to bounce for miles around. That means that the plane must have been blown up in midair. Was it shot down, and if so, by whom?link

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barry jennings damning testimony

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  • 3 weeks later...

BOO YAH!! in your face!


Former CO Gov Describes

'Crime Of Century'

By Frosty Wooldridge

10-17 -7

Last month, I participated in the annual gathering of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR ­ www.fairus.org) in Washington, DC. Former Colorado Governor Lamm was a keynote speaker ­ giving us a STARTLING speech

Few Americans understand the Faustian dilemma awaiting their children with the federal deficit now at $8.7 trillion. Although Bill Clinton left office with a balanced budget, and precious little national debt ­ Mr. Bush raised the federal debt level to nearly $10 trillion in seven short years.

On an individual level, if you earned $50,000.00 a year, but ran up your credit card debt to $500,000.00 a year, how would you pay for your financial liability? Answer: you couldn't. Bankruptcy becomes your only option. However, what happens when an entire country bankrupts?

The dollar's value falls world-wide. Our annual trade deficit exceeds $700 billion. Our manufacturing base vanishes with millions of U.S. jobs outsourced overseas. Our government must borrow $2 billion each and every day to keep our economy afloat. Unbeknownst to most Americans, their tax dollars pay in excess of $400 million daily to pay the interest on the federal debt.

The greatest embezzlement in all of history .

Governor Lamm said,

"I have participated in the greatest embezzlement in all of history. In my seventy plus years, I have never seen such a perfect crime.

"Like most other master criminals, I am heady with success ­ and feel a need to brag. I kid you not ­ never before has one group appropriated as much money that belonged to another group in the history of crime.

"The victims, while they are increasingly suspicious, still do not know they have been had. It was literally and figuratively as easy as taking candy out of the mouths of babies."

To pull off a giant embezzlement, you need a naive patsy

Lamm continued, "Here is how we did it. The first rule of embezzlement is to find some naive patsy. We sensed forty years ago the younger generation was not paying enough attention to public policy, so we quietly found ways to maintain our lifestyle and charge it to the next generation ­ and their children.

"While those of you under 45 were preoccupied with other things, my generation dumped the largest load of debt on you that history has ever seen ­ and found ways to maintain our lifestyles on your credit cards.

"A good scam needs a compassionate come-on. In our case, we developed a new phrase: "poor elderly." To this day, most Americans do not understand that this is actually two words, and that "poor" no longer adequately describes the elderly as a class.

Ponzi scheme to benefit the oldsters!

"Next, we devised a number of systems that allowed us to charge our retirement to the next generation of Americans, who will wake up to find they are on the losing side of a Ponzi scheme," Lamm said. "Like all good con artists, we relied on "trust."

Trust fund; to benefit both Medicare and Social Security!

"We told them there was a "trust" fund for both Social Security and Medicare," Lamm said. "Of course, this was a lie. There is no "trust" fund, in the normal sense of the word, because we take this month's Social Security taxes from today's workers and pay them to today's elderly. Then, we tell today's workers not to worry ­ the money is being held "in trust."

But, there is no trust fund!

"In actual fact, they would be no better off if the fund was invested in confederate war bonds," Lamm said. "The trust fund is a sham because it only contains IOU's that tomorrow's generation of workers will have to pay off themselves.

"They will have to pay for both our retirement and a good part their own. We succeeded in taking money from poor workers in St. Paul and sent it to wealthy retirees in St. Petersburg, FL ­ and no one was the wiser."

The perfect embezzlement maximizes its take.

"We soon found there was money left over after paying the Social Security funds to today's elderly, and we did not want to stop half way," Lamm said. "What self-respecting crook would leave money lying in the bank vault after a robbery?"

Clever scheme; consolidated budget.

"We completed the job by something called the "consolidated budget," Lamm said. "This allowed us to quietly take the Social Security funds left over -- to reduce our taxes by spending the money on current government services. Under the "consolidated budget," we could legally "borrow" the money in the "trust fund" left over every year, and spend it on current government services; thereby, reducing our yearly taxes. Virtually every year for the last 40 years, we understated the yearly deficit and understated the total federal debt.

U.S. ­ $50,000,000,000,000 National Debt today, including interest

"Even though the official federal debt is approximately $9.5 trillion, the amount actually passed on to the next generation is closer to $50 trillion."

My generation ­ master embezzlers!

"The entire scheme was done with clever accounting gimmicks, which allowed us to .....FULL ARTICLE HERE

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Sonofone, after Badeskov's revelations about the questionable existance of some of your "whistle-blowers", you need to give us an explanation of how you came to take all these dubious sources at face value without any checking.

You do not need to go on merrily providing more of the same.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sonofone, after Badeskov's revelations about the questionable existance of some of your "whistle-blowers", you need to give us an explanation of how you came to take all these dubious sources at face value without any checking.

lol :no: how sad! the way anybody that wants to know the truth does by researching for my self -- first by investigating the links thoroghly and then performing my own google searches and comparing the two-- go back to the beginning of this thread and go down the rabbit hole for yourself and report back with the revelations badskoff proved nothing more than the ineptitude of his research

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...badskoff proved nothing more than the ineptitude of his research

How come you haven't addressed his results, then?

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Sonofone, after Badeskov's revelations about the questionable existance of some of your "whistle-blowers", you need to give us an explanation of how you came to take all these dubious sources at face value without any checking.

You do not need to go on merrily providing more of the same.

What proof is more than credible than the list below?????

Just some of the information you probably missed;

  • John O’Neil, the former deputy FBI director
  • Timothy McNiven -a 29yr defense department operative
  • Sibel Edmonds who is a former FBI wiretap translator who spoke publicly about US prior knowledge. Sibel D. Edmonds and 24 other former federal employees signed and are prepared to tell all to a grand jury. There is also over 200 former federal employees, also willing to tell all to a grand jury.
  • FBI Special Agent Robert Wright who got on national TV and practically cried as he talked about how his bosses wouldn’t let him do his job in protecting the American people and preventing the WTC attacks.
  • Bill Manning, editor of the 125-year-old monthly that frequently publishes technical studies of major fires
  • Louie Cacchioli, 51, is a firefighter assigned to Engine 47 in Harlem.
  • USAF Col. George Nelson (ret.), a 30 year veteran, aircraft accident investigator and expert in aircraft maintenance and aircraft identification.
  • Morgan Reynolds, Ph.D, a former member of the Bush team who also served as director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis headquartered in Dallas.
  • Paul Craig Roberts, listed by Who’s Who in America as one of the 1,000 most influential political thinkers in the world.
  • Former MI5 agent David Shayler, who previously blew the whistle on the British government paying Al Qaeda $200,000 to carry out political assassinations
  • William Rodriguez , the WTC janitor who heard and felt a strong explosion in the basement levels of the north tower just seconds before...including 100's of others who felt the same explosion....
  • There was no fooling former Air Force and commercial pilot Russ Wittenberg the morning of 9/11. He knew it was an inside job from the get-go, knowing the ‘big boys’ were up to the same dirty tricks they played in the Kennedy assassination and Pearl Harbor.
  • Jose Sanchez, while working in a sub-level 4 workshop of the north tower on 9/11, heard a bomb-like explosion, had his hair burned and rescued a co-worker who had his leg and knee broken from the basement blast taking place at the same time the jetliner struck the top floors.
  • Rene Welch knew her life would never be the same when she went public about her two 1987 encounters with Saudi royals, including two of the bin Laden brothers, who claimed the U.S. government was actively involved in pre-arranging 9/11.
  • Besides being verified by Ronald Logsdon, 49, of Philadelphia, a scientist who worked in a NASA program with Welch and also present at the bin Laden meetings, this week long time Sedona resident, Naomi Niles, also verified the Sedona meeting took place.
  • Despite threats on his life, Dr. Bill Deagle went public after being told by credible sources U.S. government brought about Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11 tragedy.
  • Homeland Security whistleblower Mary Schneider is naming names, revealing that former FBI Director Louis Freeh, Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI Director Robert Mueller and numerous U.S. senators and congressmen knew before the September 11 attacks that U.S. immigration officials were bribed by an illegal Moroccan Muslim allegedly linked to Osama bin Laden’s half-brother. This according to Schneider, who was told about the illegal alien's ties to terrorism by outside informant Bonnie Sharrit.
  • It is quite plausible that explosives were pre-planted in all three (WTC) buildings," BYU physics professor Steven E. Jones
  • Distinguished University of Minnesota Philosophy Professor Joins 9/11 Fight, Saying the Truth Must Be Uncovered James H.Fetzer, PhD.
  • Glen Standish, an airline pilot for over 20 years stated, “The plane seen in various video clips of the attack could not have been UA flight 175, due to the extra equipment that appears to be attached to the bottom of the fuselage”. Many others agree......
  • Nila Sagadevin, a seasoned airline pilot of over 20 years, examined photos of the engine that was found at the Trade Center site. He stated, “The engine found at the Trade Center was a CFM-56, which is not utilized on a Boeing 767”, confirming that the south tower was not hit by flight 175, but by another plane that had taken its place.
  • Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine, US Army (ret.), an expert in photo analysis, reviewed the photos taken at the Pentagon before the collapse and concluded, “The plane does not fit in that hole!” indicating that the damage was inconsistent with a 757 strike.

We then provide you with the statements made on the day of 9/11 with people using such words as "explosions", "bombs going off", "flashes of light" - there incredible choice of words i must say.

I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence. There's a knob called "brightness", but it doesn't work; damn :cry:


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What proof is more than credible than the list below?????

Just some of the information you probably missed;




William Rodriguez , the WTC janitor who heard and felt a strong explosion in the basement levels of the north tower just seconds before...including 100's of others who felt the same explosion....




Did you get this list from one website without any further research, as sonofone appears to do, or do you have links for each of these individuals?

To take just one name from your list, he may have been a hero on the day, but here is a link that tells how he has changed his story over time:


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  • 3 weeks later...
Did you get this list from one website without any further research, as sonofone appears to do, or do you have links for each of these individuals?

To take just one name from your list, he may have been a hero on the day, but here is a link that tells how he has changed his story over time:


i recomend dave von kleist's "911 the ripple effect" for william rodriguez's official position of which you have no clue swan

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i recomend dave von kleist's "911 the ripple effect" for william rodriguez's official position of which you have no clue swan

I don't have 87 minutes of my life to spare on it. What are the highlights?

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  • 1 month later...

learn of the truth movement making its way into the realm of the japanese parlaiment!! the end is near for the corporate death conglomerate


Transcript Of Japanese

Parliament's 911 Testimony

From Benjamin Fulford


Below is a transcript of testimony in the Japanese Parliament that was broadcast live nationwide on NHK television. The Member of Parliament talking about 911 is Yukihisa Fujita from the Democratic Party of Japan. After the testimony Mr. Fujita says he got lots of phone calls from other members of Parliament thanking him for having the bravery to bring up 911 in Parliament. He also got one death threat.

Meanwhile, I asked the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan to invite him for a press conference. Each of several attempts to send an e-mail to the FCCJ about this resulting in my hotmail account freezing and my computer crashing. Also, it was amazing to watch the shameless verbal acrobatics of American corporate journalists trying to prevent this press conference from taking place. Fortunately, journalists from the rest of the world supported a press conference and we will try to get it to take place as soon as possible.

The secret government's control of Japan is falling apart. A few weeks ago one of Japan's leading commercial TV networks also broadcast a 911 truth program during prime time. One other national network and several local networks have also broadcast such programs.

The people of Japan do not want to finance genocidal mass murderers any more///


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