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Saw a being of light (angel/demon?) as a kid and witnessed part of an exorcism as a pre-adolescent.


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The first image on the left is the "fallen angel" statue found in Russia around the beginning of 2023. The image on the right is the closest recreation I could create to resemble what I saw as a child, a little over 20 years ago. The statue found featured wings and a sword, in my quick experience of the being of light, I did not see such things, it was motionless and expressionless. In fact, its features match identically to the statue on the left image! That is what convinced me 100% what I saw was in fact either an angel or demon made of light. For the longest time I thought/believed it was an alien and the accompanying knowledge and visions that seemingly were downloaded into me, I thought were of extraterrestrial origin. I did consider it being divine, but all I knew for sure was that it was non-threatening, and I was fascinated by it and nobody around me seemed to believe me or care about what I experienced. The being did not speak or look at me, it even had the exact same downcast gaze as the statue has and I only witnessed it for a few seconds before all my awareness/consciousness disappears until later the following day. 

A few years later, right before adolescence, I witnessed the beginning stages of an exorcism being performed on my mother by a priest. Holy water was splashed onto her back and three large marks appeared that looked like claw marks to me at the time. My brother and I stared at each other in disbelief, and only very rarely do we bring it up and usually as confirmation of something spiritual, or higher than us that we can't see but is able to interact with us. Other than the two events possibly containing an angel and a demon, or two of the same things, possibly (?), there isn't any other correlation and relevance between these two memories. They are simply just profound experiences that I have interpreted to be of supernatural origin. For the life of me, I still can't figure out why I was shown the visions I was from the light being and why it took so long for me to figure out what it actually was (100% either an angel or a demon). As for the exorcism thing, that just confirms some metaphysical negative entities truly do exist and are able to cause harm if we allow them the opportunity, which my mother did due to alcohol and extreme violence and negativity between her and my father. 

What does the knowledge of these memories/experiences mean for me, what do I do with it? Why did I see some light being in my closet as a kid and lose my memory afterwards, only to receive visions in my dreams and imparted knowledge for no identifiable reason? All I can really gather is that angels and demons exist, and that's a frightening thought. I still feel lost and bewildered and felt compelled to share this in case somebody else might have something relevant to tell me that could possibly help me make sense of all this insanity. I can elaborate further on anything if anyone actually cares at all. Hopefully this whole thing isn't too incoherent, and I apologize in advance for any grammatical or spelling errors, I typed this out without any sort of outline ahead of time. Thanks for your time to any who read this and/or respond. 

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You were shown/experienced these things for a reason, that's for sure.

And, just to be clear, beings of light are not demons.

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3 hours ago, Crazy Horse said:

You were shown/experienced these things for a reason, that's for sure.

And, just to be clear, beings of light are not demons.

Demons are able to manifest as anything they please, shapeshifting and appearing as orbs is almost a cliche. Also, Satan often disguises himself as light and is the light-bringer, the son of the morning.... The spirit world operates in ways we do not have the capacity to understand or interact with in the way they do. Don't forget that all of them were first in the kingdom of heaven for near eternity before we ever even came into being.

As far as glowing beings are concerned, it's only angels or demons. I do believe the light being was not demonic though as nothing about the entire experience was negative in anyway. Whatever the "reason" is I would very much appreciate having some sort of insight or answer to, otherwise this is rather like a bad movie that no one believes or cares about you when something important happens.


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26 minutes ago, Antivalue said:

Demons are able to manifest as anything they please, shapeshifting and appearing as orbs is almost a cliche.

Only limited by your imagination.

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41 minutes ago, Antivalue said:

Demons are able to manifest as anything they please, shapeshifting and appearing as orbs is almost a cliche. Also, Satan often disguises himself as light and is the light-bringer, the son of the morning.... The spirit world operates in ways we do not have the capacity to understand or interact with in the way they do. Don't forget that all of them were first in the kingdom of heaven for near eternity before we ever even came into being.

As far as glowing beings are concerned, it's only angels or demons. I do believe the light being was not demonic though as nothing about the entire experience was negative in anyway. Whatever the "reason" is I would very much appreciate having some sort of insight or answer to, otherwise this is rather like a bad movie that no one believes or cares about you when something important happens. 

When Isaiah was talking about "Morningstar" and "the light bringer" he was talking about the mortal king of Babylon and Demons originated as nature spirits who were.....ahem...."demonized" into servants of Satan who also wasn't created by the church until a few centuries after the growth of Christianity.

Before that Samael was just a member of El Shaddai's court whose job was the Angel of disease and a horrible death.  

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42 minutes ago, Antivalue said:

Demons are able to manifest as anything they please,

Demons are just an idea. They only exist within the mental confines of those that believe in them. In other words, a figment of the imagination. 

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9 hours ago, Antivalue said:

All I can really gather is that angels and demons exist, and that's a frightening thought.

Why is that frightening? it's just the good and bad ying yang of life.


9 hours ago, Antivalue said:

(100% either an angel or a demon).

I have seen Angels at a fatal accident and so did my daughters and have had demons visit when I nearly did the unthinkable so I know they can exist at times. I find it hard to believe you couldn't tell these apart, it's like a baby rabbit next to a rabid wolf in comparison.

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3 hours ago, Antivalue said:

Demons are able to manifest as anything they please, shapeshifting and appearing as orbs is almost a cliche. Also, Satan often disguises himself as light and is the light-bringer, the son of the morning.... The spirit world operates in ways we do not have the capacity to understand or interact with in the way they do. Don't forget that all of them were first in the kingdom of heaven for near eternity before we ever even came into being.

As far as glowing beings are concerned, it's only angels or demons. I do believe the light being was not demonic though as nothing about the entire experience was negative in anyway. Whatever the "reason" is I would very much appreciate having some sort of insight or answer to, otherwise this is rather like a bad movie that no one believes or cares about you when something important happens.


I disagree..

Demons are pathetic, deceitful, ugly beings of darkness.

They use the shadows, smoke and mirrors, lies, deceit, fear, and sheer ugliness to scare folks into submission and compliance.

And besides, Satan and Lucifer are not the same being, one is an angel, and Satan is simply the king of the demons. 

And so the only power these demons have, is that which we choose to give.

Stand-up, stay strong, and face your demons with a steelie determination, they have zero power against the good.

We allow them access due to bad behaviour.

Your choice.

Edit: @XenoFish Care to tell everybody why you think this post is funny?

Edited by Crazy Horse
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7 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

Edit: @XenoFish Care to tell everybody why you think this post is funny?

Because it takes a Christian to have faith in Satan. Which in and of itself is an absurd thing. Satan is the Christian scapegoat. No one believe in ol'scratch than them. 

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10 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

Because it takes a Christian to have faith in Satan. Which in and of itself is an absurd thing. Satan is the Christian scapegoat. No one believe in ol'scratch than them. 

You don't think that other religions have the same figure as Satan?


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2 hours ago, XenoFish said:

Demons are just an idea. They only exist within the mental confines of those that believe in them. In other words, a figment of the imagination. 

You could be right, I was thrown upside down against a wall when I was about to do something there was no coming back from. It could have been the power of my not right mind at the time or it could have been Angels in disguise because I didn't go through with it after that, but I was thrown. What are your thoughts on Angels Xeno? If you want to say.

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1 minute ago, Crazy Horse said:

You don't think that other religions have the same figure as Satan?


Same issue. A way to skirt responsibility from the self to an imaginary being. An egregore to blame for all the ill's of life. 

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1 minute ago, openozy said:

What are your thoughts on Angels Xeno? If you want to say.

Same thing, an idea. There is only one place God's and monster's exist, in the minds of those who believe in them. It becomes a part of their subjective reality tunnel.

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2 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

Same issue. A way to skirt responsibility from the self to an imaginary being. An egregore to blame for all the ill's of life. 

Buddhism doesn't skirt self reasonability in the least.

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3 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

Buddhism doesn't skirt self reasonability in the least.

Does Buddhism have a devil or a god? 

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1 minute ago, XenoFish said:

Same thing, an idea. There is only one place God's and monster's exist, in the minds of those who believe in them. It becomes a part of their subjective reality tunnel.

Not really a believer in God myself or monsters, just good and bad. It's a biggy for me to know what threw me though, some kind of telekinesis? it messed me up very bad at the time and have never found an answer more than 30 years later. My friends witnessed this.

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9 minutes ago, openozy said:

could have been Angels in disguise because I didn't go through with it after that, but I was thrown.

I could make that same claim in regards to when I dislocated my right arm last year. God let it happen for a reason or a demon did it. 

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2 minutes ago, openozy said:

Not really a believer in God myself or monsters, just good and bad. It's a biggy for me to know what threw me though, some kind of telekinesis? it messed me up very bad at the time and have never found an answer more than 30 years later. My friends witnessed this.

If that's your story, so be it. In all the years that I was active in the occult. I got maybe a handful of weird events. None deeply or profoundly convincing. 

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2 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

If that's your story, so be it. In all the years that I was active in the occult. I got maybe a handful of weird events. None deeply or profoundly convincing. 

I've asked a few people with knowledge of these things, I remember you had experience with this stuff so worth a try, thank you.

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2 minutes ago, openozy said:

I've asked a few people with knowledge of these things, I remember you had experience with this stuff so worth a try, thank you.

Not a problem. I'm done with this thread anyways.

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1 hour ago, XenoFish said:

Does Buddhism have a devil or a god? 

I don’t think so….but, there seems to be some belief in a multitude of other beings and spirits?  …Some absorbed from Hinduism . ?


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3 hours ago, Crazy Horse said:

I disagree..

Demons are pathetic, deceitful, ugly beings of darkness.

They use the shadows, smoke and mirrors, lies, deceit, fear, and sheer ugliness to scare folks into submission and compliance.

And besides, Satan and Lucifer are not the same being, one is an angel, and Satan is simply the king of the demons. 

And so the only power these demons have, is that which we choose to give.

Stand-up, stay strong, and face your demons with a steelie determination, they have zero power against the good.

We allow them access due to bad behaviour.

Your choice.

Edit: @XenoFish Care to tell everybody why you think this post is funny?

A different perspective: Devils, demons are archetypes symbolizing the internal and external struggles humans face when confronted with their own moral choices and desires, Basically the devil archetype represents the complexities and duality of human nature, aka shadow self that is the unconscious aspects of the undesirable, repressed or suppressed aspects of self. When we examine our own past actions and behaviors that may have led to trouble to begin with, understanding the motivations and underlying unresolved issues that contributed to the choices, by honestly acknowledging one’s shadow aspects in other words taking responsibility for them, the triggers, the behaviors, the beliefs we hold blindly too, biases etc.  


The devil’s/demon’s are the ones used to externalize blame, as opposed to taking responsibility for one’s owns actions and learning from them. 


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3 hours ago, XenoFish said:

Does Buddhism have a devil or a god? 

Of course..

A whole realm of gods, and demi gods..

And hell realms too. 

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12 minutes ago, Crazy Horse said:

Of course..

A whole realm of gods, and demi gods..

And hell realms too. 

Such as?

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