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Loch Ness Monster hunter 'wins lottery' after capturing video of 'obvious' creature


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A Nessie hunter said he “won the lottery” when he caught footage appearing to show the mythical monster stalking a boat in its Loch home.

Eoin O’Faodhagain spotted the mysterious presence on Tuesday while watching the water online. The footage shows something emerging from the loch and moving a short distance north, before it dived back down as a boat approached.

The "hump" then follows the boat north for two minutes, before it breaks away, moves to the centre of the loch and disappears.

A few seconds later, it resurfaces nearer the boat, revealing what Eoin described as the “definite black shape of a hump”.

Loch Ness Monster hunter 'wins lottery' after capturing video of 'obvious' creature (msn.com)

Edited by pellinore
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Ooh!  Looks like he's spotted an otter this time!  

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Sturgeon, otter, seal (They've swam up the loch), duck/loon.

Mystery solved.

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I wonder if the resolution will allow for a more close-up.

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8 hours ago, PugNugget said:

That could literally be anything..

Anything including the loch Ness monster? Maybe not :P  There was something though.

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16 hours ago, Jon the frog said:

Yeah, that was my other thought - common enough on Loch Ness (and the way they dive down and resurface some distance away will certainly confound people like O’Faodhagain who spends 98% of his time in his bedroom watching webcams and probably has little experience of the natural world).

Except, they're called black throated divers in this country :P      

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'Stalking' the boat ? whatever it is, it's nowhere near the b****y boat!

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4 hours ago, smokeycat said:

That's Lochness Park (Blaine, Minnesota).  ;)

To me it looks like an Otter swimming in calm waters.

My bad but they have loons in Scotland at the loch too...they have also otters and seals...


Edited by Jon the frog
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  • 1 month later...

Whatever it is, it's obviously not even a meter long. Probably half that.

I'd go with otter as my guess.

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5 minutes ago, DieChecker said:

Whatever it is, it's obviously not even a meter long. Probably half that.

I'd go with otter as my guess.

Nessie Mini-Me.

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6 minutes ago, Resume said:

Nessie Mini-Me.

If there is any real Nessies, there'd have to be baby ones, yeah? Unless it's immortal...

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20 minutes ago, DieChecker said:

If there is any real Nessies, there'd have to be baby ones, yeah? Unless it's immortal...

Absolutely.  There would also have to be biological evidence of all stages of Nessie development.  There isn't. That I'm aware of.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Lets cut the foreplay.

Whatever this is it is big and has barnacles growing on it,so a 50/50 chance of a dinosaur or Whale.

But either way they don't live forever so there must be a cave system leading to the ocean which, (unfortunately) is hinting at a Whale since Dinosaurs would have been hunted or seen globally.

The real mystery is LockNess may not be a lock, and nessie is probably a whale who has found a way in and out.

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45 minutes ago, parafish said:

Lets cut the foreplay.

The video in your post is being discussed in another thread. It's here:


42 minutes ago, parafish said:

The real mystery is LockNess may not be a lock

What do you think Loch Ness is?


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