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Groundbreaking method to match celestial objects across telescopes


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Groundbreaking method to match celestial objects across telescopes

New approach developed by Johns Hopkins researchers promises to improve the accuracy of celestial object matching


A team of Johns Hopkins researchers has developed a cutting-edge data science approach capable of matching observations of celestial objects taken across multiple telescope surveys, overcoming a significant challenge in modern astronomy. This new tool has the potential to enhance the accuracy and reliability of astronomical catalogs, opening doors to deeper insights into the universe and its celestial bodies.

The team's results appear in The Astronomical Journal.

"Much of our basic understanding of nature comes from these astronomical observations, so it is important to have accurate and reliable inferences about the properties of space and celestial objects out there from the raw astronomical observations," said team member Tamás Budavári, an associate professor in the Whiting School of Engineering's Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. "This new tool is a step toward making those observations more reliable for astronomy studies."

Read More: ➡️ Johns Hopkins University


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