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I hear something upstairs.


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I am not making this up.  I have been posting on the forum since I finished putting gear away from two shows I had the fortune of playing tonight.  Plus, my wife is out of town, and I admittedly have been drinking.  And, therefore, I could just be dismissed because he has been drinking.  That would be wrong.  Yes, I have been drinking, but physics are physics.  When you heard someone walking around upstairs and there’s no one else home but you? 

Say what you will. I am here at home alone right now, my wife is out of town.  It’s late, I played a show and have been partying…it can so easily be dismissed.  But, while I was posting on this very forum I heard what sounds like someone upstairs, and I know there’s no one home but me, unless someone snuck in while I was away and was hiding.  I will go check that.

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OMG.  I just checked every room in this house.  There is no one here but me.  But, I swear I just heard like footsteps walking upstairs.  I had no music playing, I had paused it so I could post on another thread….then I hear this sound.  I know what the pipes sound like, I heat them all the time…this was not that.  This was as if there was someone else besides me walking upstairs.  I freaked out mildly….I was like no way.  Then, I stopped to listen carefully and it sounded like someone was walking upstairs.  There was a cat in my back yard today, but I don’t think it got in.  And in fact, even though I checked every room, I’m still hearing the sounds.  OMG?! I must be totally losing it.

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Either my house is condensing so rapidly from the variance in temperature between night and day…..it literally sounds like people walking around.  I have lived here for a long time and have never heard anything like that.  It’s still happening.  It must be the result of extreme weather.  I don’t believe my house is haunted, I did not see a cat in here, and there is no one else home.  

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It is possible I could have something wrong with my hearing since I was performing this evening but I swear to you that would not be what just happened. I have heard people walk around upstairs a thousand times and I know what that sounds like.  This is different.  The sounds are happening more rapidly than normal.  I am beginning to truly freak out.

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OMG.  I must be losing it.  I am going back upstairs to check every room and closet again.

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I have checked every inch of the interior of my house twice, and I find no explanation for those sounds.  I wish I could say I knew it was the sounds of the house settling in a cold night, but that’s not what I heard. Crap.  

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I am not afraid.  There is no one here but myself.  I have checked every place twice. I don’t know how to explain these sounds at all. It’s not as bad as before, now it’s just jumping back from left to right intermittently.  It must be me.  I have had allergies today…but my ears seem clear. I could swear someone was walking around upstairs but there is no one there. I must be mistaken, except…I still hear the sounds.  

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This can’t be real.  I apologize for wasting your time. I must be having auditory hallucinations. Which I have never had before BTW, and I have been here alone many, many times.  Here’s the problem I have with dismissing myself….over the years, I have learned how to feel sound.  I am sure there a natural explanation for this..never mind.

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Ok. Now I am officially scared.  I have never heard my house sound like this even during an earthquake and there is no one else here.

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Dude… call the fuzz, you’ve got an uninvited guest. 

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I wish I could say this is a figment of my imagination but it’s not.  I am hearing sounds…not as pronounced as before.  But I hope to God I do not get a haunted house.  I do not want one.  I don’t want to move, and I don’t wish to live with a ghost. This sucks.  But, I haven’t heard anything for over one minute, so that is positive.

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I just went outside to check the temperature.  It is really cold, and it is wet.  It must have caused the house to contract simultaneously.  Maybe the house is just getting old and sometimes makes some really weird sounds?  Aaaaugggh.  I don’t know what to say.  I heard what sounded like footsteps upstairs but it has stopped now.

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I did just hear a great horned owl hoot outside my window.  Maybe if it had landed on my roof and run around that could explain the sounds I just heard? I really hope so.

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14 minutes ago, Guyver said:

I just went outside to check the temperature.  It is really cold, and it is wet.  It must have caused the house to contract simultaneously.  Maybe the house is just getting old and sometimes makes some really weird sounds?  Aaaaugggh.  I don’t know what to say.  I heard what sounded like footsteps upstairs but it has stopped now.

How old is the house? 

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3 hours ago, Guyver said:

I am not making this up.  I have been posting on the forum since I finished putting gear away from two shows I had the fortune of playing tonight.  Plus, my wife is out of town, and I admittedly have been drinking.  And, therefore, I could just be dismissed because he has been drinking.  That would be wrong.  Yes, I have been drinking, but physics are physics.  When you heard someone walking around upstairs and there’s no one else home but you? 

Say what you will. I am here at home alone right now, my wife is out of town.  It’s late, I played a show and have been partying…it can so easily be dismissed.  But, while I was posting on this very forum I heard what sounds like someone upstairs, and I know there’s no one home but me, unless someone snuck in while I was away and was hiding.  I will go check that.

You see, in the USA if we hear footsteps upstairs and there isn't supposed to be anyone up there, we grab our AR-15 and head right up there and blow away our teenage daughter and her boyfriend who have crawled in thru the window for a secret make-out session.  You can have my gun when you pry it from the cold dead fingers of my 3 year old grandson !

Anyhow Guyver, don't worry too much, it was probably just the hobo who lives in your walls stretching his legs.  If you want him to stop, go and make some noise, and he will realize you are home and crawl back in the vent.

Edited by Alchopwn
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3 hours ago, Guyver said:

I am not making this up.  I have been posting on the forum since I finished putting gear away from two shows I had the fortune of playing tonight.  Plus, my wife is out of town, and I admittedly have been drinking.  And, therefore, I could just be dismissed because he has been drinking.  That would be wrong.  Yes, I have been drinking, but physics are physics.  When you heard someone walking around upstairs and there’s no one else home but you? 

Say what you will. I am here at home alone right now, my wife is out of town.  It’s late, I played a show and have been partying…it can so easily be dismissed.  But, while I was posting on this very forum I heard what sounds like someone upstairs, and I know there’s no one home but me, unless someone snuck in while I was away and was hiding.  I will go check that.

Did you go up and check?   Do you have racoons in the neighborhood?   Sometimes they walk on the roof and it sounds like a large person walking on the roof.

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38 minutes ago, Desertrat56 said:

Did you go up and check?   Do you have racoons in the neighborhood?   Sometimes they walk on the roof and it sounds like a large person walking on the roof.

I have squirrel parties on my steel awnings and the cats peeling wheels to get to the widows to scope them out. What a racket.

Edited by Piney
brain fart
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I think this can happen more often than some may think. The other day my wife went next door to feed the cats for the neighbor since they were on vacation.

That left me in the house alone. The main door was open and the storm door was closed but unlocked because my wife had just left a little while ago. I had to use the rest room and while I was in there, I distinctly heard our front door open and close. Of course I figured it was my wife returning because she had forgot the key or something. But when I came out of the restroom and went back to the living room, my wife nor anyone else was there. I called out and searched the whole house but no one else was present. I called my wife and asked if she had come back to the house for something. But she said no and she was still in the process of feeding the cats.


And I also know I didn't imagine it.

To this day I can't resolve what happened because I have heard that storm door open and close umpteen times with the way it hesitates at the last second and then drops closed with a little bang.

So don't feel like you're alone here, you have company.


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26 minutes ago, Piney said:

I have squirrel parties on my steel awnings and the cats peeling wheels to get to the widows to s ope them out. What a racket.

The racoons sound like chldren or dogs running back and forth on my roof.   The cat used to get up there when she was young too but she doesn't anymore.

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1 minute ago, Desertrat56 said:

The racoons sound like chldren or dogs running back and forth on my roof.   The cat used to get up there when she was young too but she doesn't anymore.

My cats are indoor cats. But you reminded me of a family of raccoons who moved in under a neighbor's roof mounted solar panels.

That was a hoot. 

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I wish I could say that was my imagination.  But there’s just no way.  I hate to be the guy who makes a thread like this….I know people hear things at night and the sound seems magnified because it’s so quiet late at night.  And I know on a windy day it can make sounds…I get that.  But I know many of you know what I’m talking about when you have a two story house and someone is walking around upstairs.  You can hear the sounds kindof traveling down the walls in that portion of the house where the sounds were coming from.  That’s what I was hearing.  I did check the house completely, and there’s no one here but me.  No one is hiding, no creeper came in and I did not make up hearing the sounds.  Someone said it could have been a raccoon or squirrel on the roof, and that is possible.  I know sometimes Great Horned owls do land on our roof, and I have heard them before while laying in bed at night.  But this time I was downstairs so…..IDK.  I did hear an owl or possibly two outside, and maybe they landed on my roof and were walking around and that’s what I heard.  I don’t know, but I was not drunk enough to be hearing or seeing things, I only had three drinks.  I did hear something, but I don’t know what it was and it’s not happening now.

Edited by Guyver
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9 hours ago, Piney said:

How old is the house? 

It’s 35 years old.  And the upstairs is carpeted so that automatically dampens some of the sound when people are walking up there.  It was really weird.  Had to be owls.

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24 minutes ago, Guyver said:

It’s 35 years old.  And the upstairs is carpeted so that automatically dampens some of the sound when people are walking up there.  It was really weird.  Had to be owls.

Oh Jeezus...

I have to get you to come here. We have a 100 year old former lake resort guest house and later a boarding house run by a German  Evangelical fruitloop and we purposely decorated in Period Creepy. Except for the study. That's 1970s Monday Night Movie Horror. 

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11 hours ago, Guyver said:

OMG.  I just checked every room in this house.  There is no one here but me.  But, I swear I just heard like footsteps walking upstairs.  I had no music playing, I had paused it so I could post on another thread….then I hear this sound.  I know what the pipes sound like, I heat them all the time…this was not that.  This was as if there was someone else besides me walking upstairs.  I freaked out mildly….I was like no way.  Then, I stopped to listen carefully and it sounded like someone was walking upstairs.  There was a cat in my back yard today, but I don’t think it got in.  And in fact, even though I checked every room, I’m still hearing the sounds.  OMG?! I must be totally losing it.

A common cause of footstep sounds in a house is the thermal expansion and contraction of structural framing, pipes, or ducting.

If ever you think you might have an intruder, call the police and have them search your house for you. It's not something you should ever do on your own.

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