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WORLDWIDE 'TIME SLIP?' What Happened on the Evening of January 27, 2024?


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From the Facebook group "Mandela Effect Glitch In The Matrix." This account was forwarded to me by my researcher friend C. Radu:

"I have come across several accounts of people who say that on the evening of January 27, 2024, something strange happened in the world, as if there was a "slip" of time globally. Several people say that time "dissolved" for several hours. Was it a secret experiment? Here's the original post (from January 28, 2024) that started it all:"

"I swear me and my boyfriend lost time last night. I got home around 9:15 pm with food, I know the time because I texted my boyfriend at 8:41 asking what he wanted from Wendy’s. I was hungry and ate as soon as I came home while reading the FB news tab. The next thing I know, my boyfriend is freaking out because it’s 12:10 AM and he was saying there was just no way that much time passed. He had been downstairs in the kitchen cleaning a little bit from a mess he made earlier. Then I’m also freaking out because I’m still eating my food. I know I eat slowly, but not that slow!

It’s so freaking weird and I can’t explain it. There’s no way I would have spent that much time reading news headlines and maybe skimming a few articles. FB news doesn't even have that much news lol. He definitely wouldn't take 3 hours cleaning the kitchen. It’s tiny and all he had to do was run the dishwasher and wipe the counter.

It was 12:10 AM when it should’ve been 10 PM at the absolute latest. I would’ve been eating really cold food if it took me 3 hours to finish it. It was just a cheeseburger and medium fries. What's even more crazy is I had a frosty that wasn’t even melted. It was just like it always is after maybe 20 minutes, just a little bit melted right around the top. How would it not be completely melted if it was sitting out for 3 hours? I’m stumped. Never had anything like this happened before, and it happened to both of us. We kept talking about it because we were both so shocked. We don’t use any substances and we don’t drink either, so we were completely clear-minded and fully aware. Has anyone else had this happen before?"

These comments followed the post:

* "Happened to me tonight! I relaxed after preparing dinner. I checked my emails, mostly deleting junk, and looked at my watch. It was 20:33 and we were going to watch a family movie. Then I took a shower and went out, and it was 00:18! I didn't even wash my hair! My child and fiance told me that time seemed to "fly by."

* "I went into the kitchen last night around 20:30 to get some popcorn and put on a movie. I remember looking at the clock. I watched 2 episodes of my show which are only about 45 minutes each (no commercials) and I came back to the kitchen and it was almost 12:30?!? I live alone and I said out loud "What the hell!?" I live in Canada near Toronto (Ontario)."

* "I'm in the UK and had a very similar thing happen to me last night with very oddly close timing! I am amazed! For me it was 20:45, then suddenly 30 minutes later it was 00:20!

* The same thing happened to me, in the same time frame, on Saturday evening, January 27, 2024, between 20:30 and 00:15. I live in North West Australia. I believe there is at least a 12-hour time difference between the United States and Western Australia. I don't know how/why these weird time slips occur, but this isn't the first time I've noticed this.

* I seriously wonder if anything happened in our time zone last night! I live in Massachusetts. I texted two friends at the same time, the last message being around 8:40 pm. I watched a movie with my husband and daughter, and I thought it was strange that both friends didn't answer me. Then I woke up a little after midnight to my phone notifications about 6 times, all of which were replies from my two friends. I spoke to them this morning and told them it was so strange that they responded at the same time so many hours later; both insisted they responded immediately shortly after 8:30 p.m.

* This is so weird because I just looked through all my messages from last night (January 27th) and couldn't find any between 20:00 and 00:00. All my conversations stopped suddenly, but after midnight they started again. I remember being on the phone almost constantly last night.

"These are just a few messages, but many have experienced something like this. What follows from all this? On the evening of January 27, 2024 (Saturday), some people experienced a time "slipping" phenomenon, as if time completely disappeared for 2-3 hours. Interestingly, electronics (mobile phones) were also affected, so it cannot be said that it was only a psychological phenomenon, on a mental level. What happened then? Was a scientific experiment done in the greatest secrecy? Has time travel or teleportation been attempted, which also affected our physical reality? Because it seems that the phenomenon has affected the whole globe, from the USA to Great Britain and Australia." C. Radu

WORLDWIDE 'TIME SLIP?' What Happened on the Evening of January 27, 2024?

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Well the first story included two people in the same shocked at a once and only in a lifetime experience. That grabs my attention.

I do hear of other time glitch stories on another forum and I would have to check if they lineup with this January 27th.

It was certainly not a universal phenomena, because I don't recall anything weird with my sense of time.

You mentioned 'Mandela Effect' too in the title. Some very out-there speculation from me would be the merging of timelines for a group of individuals. It is strongly postulated by Mandela Effect theorists that there are groups that experience different Mandela Effects that other groups don't. Perhaps those affected on January 27th were part of a collective group.

Another out-there theory would be a group alien abduction experiment for those in the same household??

I tend to heavily doubt this is an activity caused by current humans. 

It could be a group of people collected for a mass prank too. However, research into the independence of the reports might shed some light on that possibility.

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I was going to check to see if I have emails at this time but realized there isn't really any way to tell when this happened as most the comments in the OP refer to roughly the same time but in different parts of the world; this was not a simultaneous event, 8:30 pm in Massachusetts is morning I think in Australia.  Makes me suspicious then, I'd wager that if the original commenter said it instead happened from 11am to 4 pm there'd still be people, maybe the same people, commenting 'oh yea me too'.

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The website in reference is absolutely junk, filled with advertisement and pop-ups l. I am calling out the OPs threat not trustworthy, redirecting traffic for the sole purpose of financial gain.

Edited by qxcontinuum
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24 minutes ago, qxcontinuum said:

The website in reference is absolutely junk, filled with advertisement and pop-ups l. I am calling out the OPs threat not trustworthy, redirecting traffic for the sole purpose of financial gain.

Thank you for the warning. 👍

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55 minutes ago, qxcontinuum said:

The website in reference is absolutely junk, filled with advertisement and pop-ups l. I am calling out the OPs threat not trustworthy, redirecting traffic for the sole purpose of financial gain.

The paranormal 'Weekly World News'.

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You know, ignoring the possible intent of the OP, I think I seem to recall something weird happening around that that night too … waking up feeling like it should be 3am not 5am that sort of feeling. I’m not sure if it was the 27th but it was about two week ago. 

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I was at a buck's party on the 27th.  We had to be at specific places at specific times.  No missing time.

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7 minutes ago, Golden Duck said:

I was at a buck's party on the 27th.  We had to be at specific places at specific times.  No missing time.

Aw c’mon GD it was a bucks party must have been missing time at some point in the night….🥴

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Apart from being self-promoted spam...  I haven't spent any time deeply researching this claim, but why on earth would anyone?  It's daft - and I do know a fair bit about many of the thousands, nay millions of systems that are out there discretely and separately and thus verifiably, measuring time passing.  One rather widespread example would be wristwatches....

The whole idea makes zero sense.  But missing time is a well-known and explained psychological phenomena - the time only goes missing from your head.


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17 hours ago, PhantomsMonsters said:

some people experienced a time "slipping" phenomenon, as if time completely disappeared for 2-3 hours.

One shot, two shot, three shot, floor. 

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Interesting how all the alleged events occurred at completely different times  ;)  

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10 hours ago, Essan said:

Interesting how all the alleged events occurred at completely different times  ;)  

Yes, I'm pretty sure this is an example of the incredibly rare phenomenom of ... Reverse Synchronicity!!!1!!!1!!  It's (obviously) a quantum effect that apparently is dependant on IQ....

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19 minutes ago, ChrLzs said:

Yes, I'm pretty sure this is an example of the incredibly rare phenomenom of ... Reverse Synchronicity!!!1!!!1!!  It's (obviously) a quantum effect that apparently is dependant on IQ....

Don't you mean a reverse interdimensional relativistic quantum vibration in spacetime energy synchronicity ? 

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Double post. Sorry.

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7 minutes ago, Noteverythingisaconspiracy said:

Don't you mean a reverse interdimensional relativistic quantum vibration in spacetime energy synchronicity ? 

Indeed it is.  But the acronym for that, RIDRQVSTES, is not well-known across all social groups, so I went for its commonly used nickname....


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On 2/10/2024 at 5:21 PM, Noteverythingisaconspiracy said:

Double post. Sorry.

Time slip at it again.

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At least once every week, often more, I drive close to 200km in a day.  Same route over and over.  And going back a few years, once every few months  I would drive about half way across Australia, ~ 2350km and then back again, over a few days of traveling.  In both cases I learned to zone out (not sleep!) for long periods - I drive a manual, btw.  Not once did I have a scary moment, other than a couple of easy swerves around kangaroos.  If you asked me what happened or what I was thinking as I drove along those long stretches, I would say that it was just lost time.  I would often surprise myself by being a few hundred kilometres further along my journey than my brain was expecting.

IE ..... It Happens.

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2 hours ago, ChrLzs said:

At least once every week, often more, I drive close to 200km in a day.  Same route over and over.  And going back a few years, once every few months  I would drive about half way across Australia, ~ 2350km and then back again, over a few days of traveling.  In both cases I learned to zone out (not sleep!) for long periods - I drive a manual, btw.  Not once did I have a scary moment, other than a couple of easy swerves around kangaroos.  If you asked me what happened or what I was thinking as I drove along those long stretches, I would say that it was just lost time.  I would often surprise myself by being a few hundred kilometres further along my journey than my brain was expecting.

IE ..... It Happens.

I call it auto pilot.

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Geesh it is getting so a guy can't go to his secret lab and do time differential experiments anymore???

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seriously, how many people have been scrolling through social media or reading something and losing track of time? It is very easy to do. I'm constantly losing time when I read.

I lost no time on 27th January and would have been very annoyed if I had, as it was my birthday.

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Posted (edited)
On 2/10/2024 at 5:52 AM, Piney said:

The paranormal 'Weekly World News'.

I think it may have actually occurred and believe it was caused by the glitch in the Hadron Collider (particle accelerator) in CERN, Switzerland. I believe the entire planet experienced a Quantum Leap, backwards and then forward, while it seemed like a few hours it was actually days long. I know the OP didn’t explain it this way, it’s most likely that he doesn’t understand what occurred. I have been expecting a problem like this to occur since the Hadron Collider was first built, now we are all screwed.

Now before anyone asks for source I don’t have one, I received this information from Aliens during meditation!!:w00t::P:lol:


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3 hours ago, TashaMarie said:

Seriously, how many people have been scrolling through social media or reading something and losing track of time? It is very easy to do. I'm constantly losing time when I read.

I lost no time on 27th January and would have been very annoyed if I had, as it was my birthday.

Anything that I am doing that I am focused on results in a complete loss of all time.  

Happy Birthday Dragon Girl! :)

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