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WORLDWIDE 'TIME SLIP?' What Happened on the Evening of January 27, 2024?


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3 hours ago, joc said:

Anything that I am doing that I am focused on results in a complete loss of all time.  

Happy Birthday Dragon Girl! :)

Thank you.


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On 2/9/2024 at 5:24 PM, PhantomsMonsters said:

From the Facebook group "Mandela Effect Glitch In The Matrix." This account was forwarded to me by my researcher friend C. Radu:

"I have come across several accounts of people who say that on the evening of January 27, 2024, something strange happened in the world, as if there was a "slip" of time globally. Several people say that time "dissolved" for several hours. Was it a secret experiment? Here's the original post (from January 28, 2024) that started it all:"

"I swear me and my boyfriend lost time last night. I got home around 9:15 pm with food, I know the time because I texted my boyfriend at 8:41 asking what he wanted from Wendy’s. I was hungry and ate as soon as I came home while reading the FB news tab. The next thing I know, my boyfriend is freaking out because it’s 12:10 AM and he was saying there was just no way that much time passed. He had been downstairs in the kitchen cleaning a little bit from a mess he made earlier. Then I’m also freaking out because I’m still eating my food. I know I eat slowly, but not that slow!

It’s so freaking weird and I can’t explain it. There’s no way I would have spent that much time reading news headlines and maybe skimming a few articles. FB news doesn't even have that much news lol. He definitely wouldn't take 3 hours cleaning the kitchen. It’s tiny and all he had to do was run the dishwasher and wipe the counter.

It was 12:10 AM when it should’ve been 10 PM at the absolute latest. I would’ve been eating really cold food if it took me 3 hours to finish it. It was just a cheeseburger and medium fries. What's even more crazy is I had a frosty that wasn’t even melted. It was just like it always is after maybe 20 minutes, just a little bit melted right around the top. How would it not be completely melted if it was sitting out for 3 hours? I’m stumped. Never had anything like this happened before, and it happened to both of us. We kept talking about it because we were both so shocked. We don’t use any substances and we don’t drink either, so we were completely clear-minded and fully aware. Has anyone else had this happen before?"

These comments followed the post:

* "Happened to me tonight! I relaxed after preparing dinner. I checked my emails, mostly deleting junk, and looked at my watch. It was 20:33 and we were going to watch a family movie. Then I took a shower and went out, and it was 00:18! I didn't even wash my hair! My child and fiance told me that time seemed to "fly by."

* "I went into the kitchen last night around 20:30 to get some popcorn and put on a movie. I remember looking at the clock. I watched 2 episodes of my show which are only about 45 minutes each (no commercials) and I came back to the kitchen and it was almost 12:30?!? I live alone and I said out loud "What the hell!?" I live in Canada near Toronto (Ontario)."

* "I'm in the UK and had a very similar thing happen to me last night with very oddly close timing! I am amazed! For me it was 20:45, then suddenly 30 minutes later it was 00:20!

* The same thing happened to me, in the same time frame, on Saturday evening, January 27, 2024, between 20:30 and 00:15. I live in North West Australia. I believe there is at least a 12-hour time difference between the United States and Western Australia. I don't know how/why these weird time slips occur, but this isn't the first time I've noticed this.

* I seriously wonder if anything happened in our time zone last night! I live in Massachusetts. I texted two friends at the same time, the last message being around 8:40 pm. I watched a movie with my husband and daughter, and I thought it was strange that both friends didn't answer me. Then I woke up a little after midnight to my phone notifications about 6 times, all of which were replies from my two friends. I spoke to them this morning and told them it was so strange that they responded at the same time so many hours later; both insisted they responded immediately shortly after 8:30 p.m.

* This is so weird because I just looked through all my messages from last night (January 27th) and couldn't find any between 20:00 and 00:00. All my conversations stopped suddenly, but after midnight they started again. I remember being on the phone almost constantly last night.

"These are just a few messages, but many have experienced something like this. What follows from all this? On the evening of January 27, 2024 (Saturday), some people experienced a time "slipping" phenomenon, as if time completely disappeared for 2-3 hours. Interestingly, electronics (mobile phones) were also affected, so it cannot be said that it was only a psychological phenomenon, on a mental level. What happened then? Was a scientific experiment done in the greatest secrecy? Has time travel or teleportation been attempted, which also affected our physical reality? Because it seems that the phenomenon has affected the whole globe, from the USA to Great Britain and Australia." C. Radu

WORLDWIDE 'TIME SLIP?' What Happened on the Evening of January 27, 2024?

If you have a clock with a ticking seconds hand then do something which absorbs your attention, and when you realise your attention is absorbed look at the seconds hand on the clock.

Does it pause before ticking forwards? Did it tick backwards once before ticking forwards? Did it tick backwards once then accelerate several ticks forward? Did you see anything else that is odd go on with the seconds hand? If it didn`t work for you then repeat, after ten times you would have caught something odd going on at least once.

The above is documented in psychology, but its supposed to be down to some perceptual errors that go on in our brains. I say supposed to be, because you can set up your mobile phone recording the clock and do the experiment until you catch it going on. Then stop the recording and have a look back to see what just happened.

Time has two dimensions, something Einstein didn`t like as it can break cause and effect.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Since I believe that Mandela effect is a colorful name given to faulty memories to try to dupe money out of the credious and naive and the OP is also about profits I will move on.

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I thought everybody knew by now. We have a time slip every time there is a nuclear war, and have to go back to a save position in the simulation.

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The time slip is a program anomaly of the Matrix. It is simply the program resetting the simulation due to errors in the code.

Upsetting isn't it....Mr. Anderson.

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I lose hours every time I turn on the computer or play and RPG on Xbox. 

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I cannot recall what happened on the evening of January 27, 2024. I suspect that may have been because Bigfoot walked through our street that evening. Unfortunately me and my neighbours had our curtains closed at the time, so we did not see him or her. So, hypothetically, it may not have been Bigfoot who walked through our street that evening. It left no trace either: there was no snow, nor were any shed hairs found.


If it was Bigfoot, that may have caused a timeslip. (Summer time and winter time occur on other dates.) I wish that I could recall it, but timeslip ... and Bigfoot ... It is a mess.

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On 4/9/2024 at 12:59 AM, Duke Wellington said:

Does it pause before ticking forwards? Did it tick backwards ... anything else that is odd ...? If it didn`t work for you then repeat, after ten times you would have caught something odd going on at least once.

One of my many senseless hobbies is collecting cheap to medium price watches, eg:

And some of those 'glitches' are definitely seen in low-range watch mechanisms, and sometimes even in expensive ones.  Plus, as watches get older...

On 4/9/2024 at 12:59 AM, Duke Wellington said:

The above is documented in psychology

? Really?  Citation required, please.  I mean, I know that psychology is a rather soft and subjective 'science', but you are saying this is documented?  I look forward with anticipation of seeing that documentation...

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6 hours ago, ChrLzs said:

One of my many senseless hobbies is collecting cheap to medium price watches, eg:

And some of those 'glitches' are definitely seen in low-range watch mechanisms, and sometimes even in expensive ones.  Plus, as watches get older...

? Really?  Citation required, please.  I mean, I know that psychology is a rather soft and subjective 'science', but you are saying this is documented?  I look forward with anticipation of seeing that documentation...

Your reply reads as someone trying to downplay psychology by lessening the field.

An article on these types of effect which are deemed temporal illusions: https://www.exactlywhatistime.com/psychology-of-time/temporal-illusions/

The issue is there are research papers (and its been a long time since I looked so don`t ask me to link the one I read) where teams of quantum physicists and neuroscientists have investigated it. Like I said, its very easy to determine if its an illusion or real, as a video camera can be setup to watch what the clock is actually doing.

They do have evidence of reality playing out following the temporal illusion to match it, and the neuroscientists do have evidence of quantum effects in the brain causing it. But, its at the forefront of research, and not yet the official position. I`m pretty sure you have a time displaying device somewhere and a mobile phone to film it, why not give it a go?

Physics does have time as having two dimensions, but Einstein and quite a lot of the others really didn`t like it. Its because two dimensions of time mean that causality can be violated. I would go further and say the extra space dimensions they have convinced themselves should exist, but which must be incredibly small to explain why we don`t see them, are in fact large and accessed through what is deemed temporal illusions.

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A simple No would have sufficed.

I am tempted now to downplay it much more than I was before - as it's not worth your time to back up your claims, it's worth even less of mine.

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I can not personally attest to any real world time fast-forwards for that time period. I was unconscious in the hospital from covid.

But this subject seemed interesting enough to check on.

For the daytime hours leading upto the proposed fast-forward, more than a few websites were having problems because their Ntpd (internet time) could not access their up-stratum time servers.

In the OP's first case report, the experiencer got their time from their watch. I would be interested in knowing what kind of watch - was it an internet connected watch getting it's time from Ntpd? (which was not working so perfectly that day)


In another of the reports, they got their time from their cellphone. And cellphones do synchronize their clock to Ntpd.


Almost all of them were doing something related to the internet when time appeared to fast forward. The reports mentioning food and food not melting prove that this was not psychological. But if any internet connected time devices had been not synchronizing during the day and then did a catch-up, it might look on the surface like time had fast forwarded.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, mw.decavia said:

.. But this subject seemed interesting enough to check on.

And yet not enough that you would bother citing any of your claims?

1 hour ago, mw.decavia said:

For the daytime hours leading up to the proposed fast-forward, more than a few websites were having problems because their Ntpd (internet time) could not access their up-stratum time servers.

Citation please.

1 hour ago, mw.decavia said:

In the OP's first case report, the experiencer got their time from their watch. I would be interested in knowing what kind of watch - was it an internet connected watch getting it's time from Ntpd? (which was not working so perfectly that day)

Smart phones usually get their time from their carrier, do they not?  It's quite common for them to be out by ten seconds or more, here in Oz, but that is not what you are claiming.  Again, citation please - where did you get this information from?

1 hour ago, mw.decavia said:

In another of the reports, they got their time from their cellphone. And cellphones do synchronize their clock to Ntpd.

But again, the claim is that time servers were several hours out.  But nobody using any other time systems or plain old mechanical watches, raised an eyebrow?..

1 hour ago, mw.decavia said:

Almost all of them were doing something related to the internet when time appeared to fast forward. The reports mentioning food and food not melting prove that this was not psychological. But if any internet connected time devices had been not synchronizing during the day and then did a catch-up, it might look on the surface like time had fast forwarded.

For several hours...  And again you haven't referenced anything.

Edited by ChrLzs
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On 5/4/2024 at 8:51 AM, ChrLzs said:

A simple No would have sufficed.

I am tempted now to downplay it much more than I was before - as it's not worth your time to back up your claims, it's worth even less of mine.

Cookie very rarely provides links to his claims. He just pukes some nonsense as fact and then wanders off in another sub forum to lather, rinse repeat.

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On 5/1/2024 at 11:16 PM, Alchopwn said:

I thought everybody knew by now. We have a time slip every time there is a nuclear war, and have to go back to a save position in the simulation.

AKA SCP-2000.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the first I am hearing anything about this. Considering I do look into stuff like this and find it interesting, I have to assume this was not as widespread as it seems and likely just a coincidence. For all we know these two were smoking weed. lol If you mentioned anything on the internet, there is bound to have people be attracted to it because they feel they experienced the same thing. I can't remember what it is called but it makes one person's experience seem a lot more extraordinary than it is when another person says they had a similar experience. 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/21/2024 at 10:41 PM, mestlc said:

Considering I do look into stuff like this

Before getting too enthusiastic.... can you please address the huge, heavy and very real elephant in this claim...

As I stated above, there are millions of ways people tell the time.  From a simple mechanical wristwatch, thru to Android and Iphones (all of which get their time from the owners chosen internet providers).  Then there are all of the millions of ordinary battery clocks on household walls or by your bed, through to the many independent atomic clocks owned by specialist providers, universities, astronomical observatories.  Then there are big public clocks like Big Ben, or on electronic billboards, through to all the clocks on every smart TV, or other connected digital devices, even old VCR players and similar.  Then there are all the clocks in cars, old and new (my car has two, one in the dash and one in the stereo, both of which I have to set manually) thru to the clocks in the multitude of GPS-related systems.  Then there are independent devices like echo sounders and radars on boats and ships, thru to the clocks in household security systems...  I could go on for hours.

And the claim here is that for just a few people - none of whom are offering any physical evidence - somehow, several hours have disappeared, without anyone else noticing, and nary a peep about it on mainstream media.  None of those 'witnesses' have mentioned having to reset any devices.

And we know that 'losing time' is a well-known psychological issue...


I'm sorry but this needs to be relegated to the level of flat earth belief... :D  

Edited by ChrLzs
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13 hours ago, ChrLzs said:

Before getting too enthusiastic.... can you please address the huge, heavy and very real elephant in this claim...

As I stated above, there are millions of ways people tell the time.  From a simple mechanical wristwatch, thru to Android and Iphones (all of which get their time from the owners chosen internet providers).  Then there are all of the millions of ordinary battery clocks on household walls or by your bed, through to the many independent atomic clocks owned by specialist providers, universities, astronomical observatories.  Then there are big public clocks like Big Ben, or on electronic billboards, through to all the clocks on every smart TV, or other connected digital devices, even old VCR players and similar.  Then there are all the clocks in cars, old and new (my car has two, one in the dash and one in the stereo, both of which I have to set manually) thru to the clocks in the multitude of GPS-related systems.  Then there are independent devices like echo sounders and radars on boats and ships, thru to the clocks in household security systems...  I could go on for hours.

And the claim here is that for just a few people - none of whom are offering any physical evidence - somehow, several hours have disappeared, without anyone else noticing, and nary a peep about it on mainstream media.  None of those 'witnesses' have mentioned having to reset any devices.

And we know that 'losing time' is a well-known psychological issue...


I'm sorry but this needs to be relegated to the level of flat earth belief... :D  

Like I said, seems more likely these people were all smoking pot and that was the common theme here. lol

I follow circles that talk about stuff like this and no one is talking about it. I do have a friend that "lost time" before and it was because he was high... 

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