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Hidden Chambers Filled with Sand - Great Pyramid of Egypt Facts


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If you don't want to study the pyramids scientifically or explain them with actual evidence then just pencil whip 'em.

I've said it many times before but it doesn't matter even if the pyramid is all hill; the simple fact is almost all the work of lifting the stones went into lifting the stones at the top.   

He also omitted the presence of vaterite in the sand the Japanese team sampled.  

It is highly illogical to suppose the builders hauled sand from great distances to put into the pyramid.  There is also "foreign" sand in massive quantities inside the enclosure at Saqquara.  Are we to believe the king liked a specific sand to squish his toes in when he stepped out at night?  

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11 hours ago, cladking said:


If you don't want to study the pyramids scientifically or explain them with actual evidence then just pencil whip 'em.

I've said it many times before but it doesn't matter even if the pyramid is all hill; the simple fact is almost all the work of lifting the stones went into lifting the stones at the top.   

He also omitted the presence of vaterite in the sand the Japanese team sampled.  

It is highly illogical to suppose the builders hauled sand from great distances to put into the pyramid.  There is also "foreign" sand in massive quantities inside the enclosure at Saqquara.  Are we to believe the king liked a specific sand to squish his toes in when he stepped out at night?  

It is interesting to find out what's behind those sand walls 👀

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One of the more far-fetched theories about the pyramids is that they were originally hills. The theory was first proposed in an 1844 article that suggested 'the pyramids were isolated hills, used as quarries from which stones were drawn' and 'pyramids were built from the top downward'

https://www.dhscaffoldservices.co.uk/how-were-the-ancient-pyramids-built/#:~:text=One of the more far,built from the top downward'.

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  • 2 months later...

 Lost labyrinth of Egypt. Find out what the labyrinth of Hawara is, understand its significance, and discover its location. 

https://www.thearchaeologist.org/blog/the-lost-egyptian-labyrinth-of-hawara-is-a-2000-year-old-mystery-finally-solved#:~:text=Known also as the Labyrinth,during the 5th century BC.


Archaeologists uncovered what is believed to be the remains of a "lost labyrinth" below the sand

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Hidden chambers filled with sand?  I guess Ben Carson was almost right but they are  sand graineries. rather than granaries.  

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It was interesting in that movie how the builders were closing the tomb in the  great pyramid by releasing the sand  and it drops a stone block on top of another stone block,

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"A chamber filled with sand, in the Saharan desert???? Could this be evidence of a lost civilization influenced by extraterrestrials? Ancient Alien theorists say 'yes'."


Personally, I would be more intrigued if there were a chamber filled with sugar.

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On 6/7/2024 at 1:49 PM, docyabut2 said:

 Lost labyrinth of Egypt. Find out what the labyrinth of Hawara is, understand its significance, and discover its location. 

https://www.thearchaeologist.org/blog/the-lost-egyptian-labyrinth-of-hawara-is-a-2000-year-old-mystery-finally-solved#:~:text=Known also as the Labyrinth,during the 5th century BC.


Archaeologists uncovered what is believed to be the remains of a "lost labyrinth" below the sand

The thread is G1 hidden chambers filled with sand. And the Hawara Labyrinth was hidden under the sand. 

Hidden things with sand in or on them for $1000.  

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This film was so interesting when the sand was used for the hiding of the dead Khufu plus his best friend, priests and his wife  and could be the unknown labyrinth , 

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8 minutes ago, Trelane said:

I suspect sand removal is an constant task there at Giza and other AE sites.

It was a constant process even during the time of the Egyptians. If sites weren’t continuously maintained they’d get covered over, which did happen at several points during their history.

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5 hours ago, Trelane said:

I suspect sand removal is an constant task there at Giza and other AE sites.

If sand removal were a major factor at the time great pyramids were built than Djoser's complex would not be full of foreign sand.  Djoser is not far from G1 and would have very similar conditions.  

It is known that there was substantially more rainfall especially in the spring in those days.  While sandstorms existed it's likely they were much less frequent and deposited much less sand which was a finer consistency since it was carried further.  

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1 hour ago, cladking said:

If sand removal were a major factor at the time great pyramids were built than Djoser's complex would not be full of foreign sand.  Djoser is not far from G1 and would have very similar conditions.  

It is known that there was substantially more rainfall especially in the spring in those days.  While sandstorms existed it's likely they were much less frequent and deposited much less sand which was a finer consistency since it was carried further.  

What exactly does “foreign sand” refer to?

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2 hours ago, Antigonos said:

What exactly does “foreign sand” refer to?

I've never seen an analysis of it but i believe it is very similar to the sand found in the walls of the horizontal passage of G1 but a little yellower in color.  I have an hypothesis of where these two sands originated and can quote ancient sources that seem to confirm it but people hate that.

The sand in the walls of G1 is largely unremarkable 1 to 100 micron quartz of rounded and partially rounded grains and contains small amounts of calcium carbonate and vaterite: A form of calcium carbonate associated with geothermal activity and geysers.  There is apparently a very large amount of non-local sand all over the Saqqara enclosure.  I'm guessing most of it is near the pyramid especially on the north and east sides but it has never been studied apparently.  Like most things it is just considered a mere curiosity unworthy of study.  The only place reported for the sand is south of the pyramid.  

Of course it's entirely possible that they'd clean wind-blown sand away from the pyramid and leave the foreign sand for some purpose during construction but it's hard to come up with any explanation why they would import sand of any type into a desert.  It's also possible this sand was hauled in after construction for some unknown reason.  But its presence certainly suggests the builders were not cleaning the site during or immediately after construction.  

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12 hours ago, Antigonos said:

What exactly does “foreign sand” refer to?

Implied racism 😜


Anyway, back to one item. If these are "hidden" chambers, then how do we know about them?

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15 hours ago, Antigonos said:

What exactly does “foreign sand” refer to?

From nearly 8yrs ago:

I've asked you at least 3-4 times now in no uncertain terms to provide a source about the "foreign" sand at Saqqara that you claim is "similar" to what was found in G1 and each time you deflect and offer nothing. Just say you don't remember or that you just made it up or whatever it is with you. It is not a game of putting you on the spot to show how little you actually know, this is a given, I am asking because if there is any truth to what you are saying I want to research it, but unfortunately you are not a credible nor reliable source of information or logical thought.

Do you have a source to back up your claim the sand at Saqqara is "foreign" and "similar" to what is found in G1?

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12 minutes ago, Thanos5150 said:

From nearly 8yrs ago:

I've asked you at least 3-4 times now in no uncertain terms to provide a source about the "foreign" sand at Saqqara that you claim is "similar" to what was found in G1 and each time you deflect and offer nothing. Just say you don't remember or that you just made it up or whatever it is with you. It is not a game of putting you on the spot to show how little you actually know, this is a given, I am asking because if there is any truth to what you are saying I want to research it, but unfortunately you are not a credible nor reliable source of information or logical thought.

Do you have a source to back up your claim the sand at Saqqara is "foreign" and "similar" to what is found in G1?

Thanks, I thought it sounded familiar. 

@cladking you said you “can quote ancient sources that seem to confirm this”. I’d like to read them for myself to understand the context. Can you provide some relevant quotes, or at least specify in which sources they can be found. 



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2 hours ago, Antigonos said:

@cladking you said you “can quote ancient sources that seem to confirm this”. I’d like to read them for myself to understand the context. Can you provide some relevant quotes, or at least specify in which sources they can be found. 

I'd love to do this but frankly I'm very very hesitant to do so because everyone hates it so much.  Here is the most relevant mention of sand at an identifiable pyramid;

"...he is the sandbank of horrible face four hundred and forty cubits by four hundred and forty cubits giving water".  This one is known only from about 1800 BC but obviously is in reference to G1 and apparently much older than the source.

1424b. one is behind N.; the other is before N.;

1424c. one gives, water; the other gives sand.

This is from the PT.  

The Pyramid Texts: The Pyramid Texts: 33. Texts of Miscellaneous Contents, Utterances 564-569 (sacred-texts.com)

236c. Be thou watered (washed), O desert; (let there be) water, not sand.

The Pyramid Texts: The Pyramid Texts: 6. Mostly Serpent Charms, Utterances 226-243 (sacred-texts.com)

The sand in G1 is of a type often called "whispering sand" because of the sound it makes when you walk on it.  There is reportedly a huge amount of foreign sand in the Saqqara Enclosure.  There is a very high density region in the outer 30" of G1 right at the chevrons and extending to the  N/S CL from a few feet above them all the way to the pavement.  I believe this is caused by every void being full of this sand and that this region extands all the way to the queen's chamber.  Don't forget the recently found passageway goes through this region and pictures suggest there might be a little sand on the floor.  .  

There are a few mentions in the Coffin Texts as well.  

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