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Nikola Tesla once picked up a strange signal that he thought could be alien


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Possible but we'll never know.  There was a strange signal lately to turned out to be a truck...

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20 minutes ago, OpenMindedSceptic said:

Ah, Jupiter!

An acceptable answer for UM.

20 years ago 'probably aliens' would have been an acceptable answer for UM.

Not so much now as you rightly pointed out= well that's progress for ya 😉

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30 minutes ago, OpenMindedSceptic said:

Ah, Jupiter!

An acceptable answer for UM.

Except Jupiter really does produce radio emissions. Not an unreasonable explanation and a far more likely one.

In the 1930s, Karl Jansky, an employee of Bell Telephone Laboratories, built a large radio antenna to find the sources of interference messing with telephone communications. In 1931 he discovered that unknown radio interference was coming from the stars. What he had found were natural radio emissions coming from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius, which as we now know lies in the direction of the center of our galaxy. Thus the seeds of what would become the science of radio astronomy were born. 

I find the story of the Wow! signal has much more potential as a possibly authentic intelligent signal, and is truly intriguing.



Edited by Antigonos
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21 minutes ago, Antigonos said:

Except Jupiter really does produce radio emissions. Not an unreasonable explanation and a far more likely one.

In the 1930s, Karl Jansky, an employee of Bell Telephone Laboratories, built a large radio antenna to find the sources of interference messing with telephone communications. In 1931 he discovered that unknown radio interference was coming from the stars. What he had found were natural radio emissions coming from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius, which as we now know lies in the direction of the center of our galaxy. Thus the seeds of what would become the science of radio astronomy were born. 

I find the story of the Wow! signal has much more potential as a possibly authentic intelligent signal, and is truly intriguing.

They now preserved Bell's Holmdel Horn by us, which was used to discover the CMBR. 

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2 minutes ago, Piney said:

They now preserved Bell's Holmdel Horn by us, which was used to discover the CMBR. 

Yeah forgot to mention it was New Jersey.

That’s awesome, would love to see it in person when I get down there.

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9 minutes ago, Antigonos said:

Yeah forgot to mention it was New Jersey.

That’s awesome, would love to see it in person when I get down there.

That's actually closer to you than me. 


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5 minutes ago, Piney said:

That's actually closer to you than me. 


Oh crap, I forgot Holmdel is where the Garden State Arts Center is. (I will never call it PNC Bank Center). Yeah it’s less than an hour down the Parkway from me. Very cool. 

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9 minutes ago, Antigonos said:

Oh crap, I forgot Holmdel is where the Garden State Arts Center is. (I will never call it PNC Bank Center). Yeah it’s less than an hour down the Parkway from me. Very cool. 

I will never call Lebanon State Forest, Brendan Byrne.....****er wanted to turn it into a international airport.


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Where there are humans... there will be stories.

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We had autos at that time, 1899, and early autos had no static guard on their spark plugs and that could raise havoc on your radio/TV..
It made and loud noise with a certain cadence to it. And if you don't know what it was, it could be scary. 

Now, when will we learn... Aliens do not talk to us and they tried, they surely wouldn't talk to each other using technology that is so archaic so as to let humans hear them. 


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13 hours ago, Earl.Of.Trumps said:

 they surely wouldn't talk to each other using technology that is so archaic so as to let humans hear them. 


I think this is a valid point. If there are other intelligent civilizations within range of radio communication, there’s not a great likelihood that they are using similar technology or are at the same level of technological advancement as us, being either less so to the point that they haven’t developed radio technology yet so cannot receive our signals, or they are far more so, having relegated things like our present day tech to their versions of historical museums. And of course there’s no guarantee an intelligent species would necessarily recognize our attempts at communication to begin with.

One of the rationales behind early SETI attempts to search for intelligent extraterrestrial signals, like Project Ozma for example, was that even if an alien race weren’t actively searching the cosmos for others by purposely sending out its own signals, we might detect radio emissions from such a civilization which it was producing in the normal course of its own activities. In the same way that perhaps an alien species will someday detect our old radio and TV broadcasts that have been fanning out into space for a century now.

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3 hours ago, Antigonos said:

I think this is a valid point. If there are other intelligent civilizations within range of radio communication, there’s not a great likelihood that they are using similar technology or are at the same level of technological advancement as us, being either less so to the point that they haven’t developed radio technology yet so cannot receive our signals, or they are far more so, having relegated things like our present day tech to their versions of historical museums.

I always hated this part of science fiction movies...

How they always seemed to be almost equal in tech with every spaceship they encountered. Or superheroes with equal powers fighting...


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On 3/17/2024 at 9:17 AM, OpenMindedSceptic said:

Ah, Jupiter!

An acceptable answer for UM.

I'll ask again in case you missed it, what's your guess then.

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4 hours ago, Trelane said:

I'll ask again in case you missed it, what's your guess then.

I didn't miss it.

Tesla says aliens. 

I'm not sure I'm more intelligent than him.

That or maybe it was his heating system or clouds or Tesla knew nothing???


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On 3/19/2024 at 5:22 PM, OpenMindedSceptic said:

I didn't miss it.

Tesla says aliens. 

I'm not sure I'm more intelligent than him.

That or maybe it was his heating system or clouds or Tesla knew nothing???


So being intelligent, which we both agree that he was, if he had known that there are natural radio emissions present in our solar system he probably would have agreed that was the likeliest answer and amended his personal opinion accordingly, which is what all critical  thinkers do when provided with new evidence about a given topic which they didn’t have before.

Another very intelligent man, Percival Lowell, who was Tesla’s contemporary, believed an alien race lived on Mars because he thought he saw through his telescope a vast intricate planetwide network of canals running from the poles to the equator. He subsequently theorized that Mars was once covered by water ( which he was right about) but that the planet was drying out, desiccating. The canals were a way to bring water from the poles to the rest of the planet which was turning to desert. The last desperate stand of a doomed race trying to survive.

Now, if Lowell had lived long enough to have seen Mars the way it really appears today, would he still think his canal building race was still there, or do you think he’d admit he was wrong, amend his conclusions  and move forward from there?

It actually sucks he was wrong honestly. It’s a fascinating theory and it isn’t hard to understand how it was able to catch the imagination of the public back then. It inspired HG Wells to write War of the Worlds and much later Ray Bradbury’s excellent The Martian Chronicles. I have Lowell’s books and like to periodically reread them. Because even though his ultimate conclusions were wrong, his arguments, observations, theories and writing style make for enthralling reading. I wish he had been right!

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3 hours ago, Antigonos said:

So being intelligent, which we both agree that he was, if he had known that there are natural radio emissions present in our solar system he probably would have agreed that was the likeliest answer and amended his personal opinion accordingly, which is what all critical  thinkers do when provided with new evidence about a given topic which they didn’t have before.

Another very intelligent man, Percival Lowell, who was Tesla’s contemporary, believed an alien race lived on Mars because he thought he saw through his telescope a vast intricate planetwide network of canals running from the poles to the equator. He subsequently theorized that Mars was once covered by water ( which he was right about) but that the planet was drying out, desiccating. The canals were a way to bring water from the poles to the rest of the planet which was turning to desert. The last desperate stand of a doomed race trying to survive.

Now, if Lowell had lived long enough to have seen Mars the way it really appears today, would he still think his canal building race was still there, or do you think he’d admit he was wrong, amend his conclusions  and move forward from there?

It actually sucks he was wrong honestly. It’s a fascinating theory and it isn’t hard to understand how it was able to catch the imagination of the public back then. It inspired HG Wells to write War of the Worlds and much later Ray Bradbury’s excellent The Martian Chronicles. I have Lowell’s books and like to periodically reread them. Because even though his ultimate conclusions were wrong, his arguments, observations, theories and writing style make for enthralling reading. I wish he had been right!

Oh dear.

Tesla has passed away. We don't know many of the things he invented, studied and discovered since Trump's grandfather removed the contents of Teslas hotel room shortly after passed. So nobody knows why he thought aliens.

Lowell was not Tesla. What a weird thing to put in your response. Very odd.

Personally I'm going for clouds as an explanation or the glare off a  windscreen or the American military were hiding alien stuff already... oh it's a hard decision.

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5 hours ago, OpenMindedSceptic said:

Oh dear.

Tesla has passed away. We don't know many of the things he invented, studied and discovered since Trump's grandfather removed the contents of Teslas hotel room shortly after passed. So nobody knows why he thought aliens.

Lowell was not Tesla. What a weird thing to put in your response. Very odd.

Yeah you can spare me the “oh dear”. It doesn’t impress me and doesn’t do anything to add the slightest bit of legitimacy to your position.

Weird? Odd? A bizarre, not to mention hypocritical reaction from someone who just posted a conspiracy theory about Trump’s grandfather cleaning out Tesla’s hotel room. Right. Gotta admit that’s a new one for me. Do you believe that silliness because you think Trump has some secret knowledge about aliens and this is the way you think he obtained it? Talk about weird and odd.

And no **** Lowell wasn’t Tesla. That wasn’t even remotely the point. I was trying to give you some context for the time in which they lived. I thought that actually was obvious but ok. Did you deliberately misunderstood that because it might’ve  actually lead to a productive conversation?  Since you don’t get it for whatever reason let me spell it out: They both lived in an era where “aliens” was a fashionable answer for space related things that were not properly understood or known at the time, like the fact that Jupiter emits radio waves. Something else I noticed you failed to respond to. Probably because it spoils the fantasy by offering a likely explanation. No, we don’t exactly know why Tesla thought aliens but we can make pretty good guesses. But if you want to think the reason was he was talking to them or whatever more power to you.

The ultimate point, since you either deliberately ignored it or it sailed straight over your head, I don’t really care at this point, was that it doesn’t matter how intelligent or not a person is. Without access to certain facts, it’s impossible to have an informed opinion about something.  



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On 3/17/2024 at 10:48 PM, Antigonos said:

Except Jupiter really does produce radio emissions. Not an unreasonable explanation and a far more likely one.

In the 1930s, Karl Jansky, an employee of Bell Telephone Laboratories, built a large radio antenna to find the sources of interference messing with telephone communications. In 1931 he discovered that unknown radio interference was coming from the stars. What he had found were natural radio emissions coming from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius, which as we now know lies in the direction of the center of our galaxy. Thus the seeds of what would become the science of radio astronomy were born. 

I find the story of the Wow! signal has much more potential as a possibly authentic intelligent signal, and is truly intriguing.

I agree with you that signal is truly intriguing.

Edited by Grim Reaper 6
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7 minutes ago, Trelane said:

My two cents, nothing about this is intriguing. At all.

Grim and I meant the Wow signal not this non-story.

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16 minutes ago, Antigonos said:

Grim and I meant the Wow signal not this non-story.

I'm not sure if it was the "WOW" signal or another later event. But wasn't one alleged "message" simply happening because of a microwave in the break room?

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