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Shock poll shows Reform UK just FOUR POINTS behind the Tories and closing


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4 minutes ago, Essan said:

Dunno about Duke but I;d say you views are failry centralist (and not a million miles away from mine).

I'd say a typical right wing opinion would be that Brexit was the best thing to have happened since Britain ruled the world, and was carried out with absolute perfection; all immigrants should be sent back to France where they belong; there are only 2 genders;  our religion is absolutely right, everyone else's is totally wrong; privatisation is necessary in all cases where we can't make money our of the public sector; benefits should only be given to those who work hard and thus deserve them; and criminals should be locked up for life in all cases, preferably in private prisons owned by my mate from school.

As somebody with generally right of center views I could refine your assessment of a typical right-winger.

On brexit it was something that needed to happen, whether perfectly executed or not, as the EU rushed towards a super state with less voting rights for individual members and ever higher costs.

Immigration is something that needs managing but many countries fail to implement their own rules on migrant movement causing more problems at our borders, that includes France. Sending them back to the last safe location is hardly a hard line, right wing, position.

Privatisation has saved UK PLC a fortune over time as companies generally don't receive hand outs if in trouble, instead they are expected to approach shareholders, or banks for financial support to fund them during recessions and the likes of covid.

Religion has been diverse in the UK for a long time, the days of huge support for C of E are long gone. There is no such thing as our religion today. 

The UK population will and have tolerated all who are not antagonistic, fundamental, zealots. That includes those with right wing voting tendencies.

Blinkered views on religion will not force a win for the right at election time.

Benefits should be there as a back stop but not encourage folks not to work, I would say that the UK unemployment rate today (3.8%) shows that it is broadly working when the jobs are there in the economy to do.

Criminals do need locking up when appropriate and the judicial system has Laws on the treatment of crime going back more then the last 20/30 years, so all sides of politics has contributed to enforcement and where we are today. 






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6 minutes ago, L.A.T.1961 said:

As somebody with generally right of center views I could refine your assessment of a typical right-winger.

On brexit it was something that needed to happen, whether perfectly executed or not, as the EU rushed towards a super state with less voting rights for individual members and ever higher costs.

Immigration is something that needs managing but many countries fail to implement their own rules on migrant movement causing more problems at our borders, that includes France. Sending them back to the last safe location is hardly a hard line, right wing, position.

Privatisation has saved UK PLC a fortune over time as companies generally don't receive hand outs if in trouble, instead they are expected to approach shareholders, or banks for financial support to fund them during recessions and the likes of covid.

Religion has been diverse in the UK for a long time, the days of huge support for C of E are long gone. There is no such thing as our religion today. 

The UK population will and have tolerated all who are not antagonistic, fundamental, zealots. That includes those with right wing voting tendencies.

Blinkered views on religion will not force a win for the right at election time.

Benefits should be there as a back stop but not encourage folks not to work, I would say that the UK unemployment rate today (3.8%) shows that it is broadly working when the jobs are there in the economy to do.

Criminals do need locking up when appropriate and the judicial system has Laws on the treatment of crime going back more then the last 20/30 years, so all sides of politics has contributed to enforcement and where we are today. 

See this sounds like a reasonable definition of right wing. Which is why I characterise myself as centrist. Some I agree with you (immigration and benefits), others I fall a little to the left (i.e. in the centre) and others further left. Averages out somewhere around the middle.

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My right wing position is:

Brexit: The larger the state the more ineffective representation is without a federation. The EU is not a federation. Furthermore its rules prevent the UK directly investing in its own economy, it exposed us to large movements of European workers, and functions as a French-German hegemony. We were right to leave, even if it caused hardship which it hasn`t as it was undermining our state.

Immigration: Limited solely to a brain drain in where we actually need it. There should be no creation of economic growth by flooding the country with large numbers of immigrants or underhanded attempts to win elections by acquiring large numbers of foreign voters.

Privatisation: Privatise the lot - education, healthcare, the police, the roads, every last thing please. It will add a couple extra trillion to our GDP.

Religion: Our society needs a moral code to abide by which is not transient, such as changing based on what the latest fad is. There is compatibility with the moral code of other religions, and with what reasonable atheists consider fair and acceptable. The moral code should be decided upon, set in stone, and the population inducted into it.

Benefits: Remove employee and employer NICs, pay the people the higher wages, let them decide what insurance policies they need to purchase and from whom. It will open up a whole new area of the economy raising our GDP. 

Crime: All prison sentences longer than five years should have a mandatory death penalty. People have hard lives but do not commit crimes, its a lack of personal responsibility of criminals that results in their illegal acts. For under five years give them hard labour, and give a share of the generated profits to the victims. Evil also exists, no excuses for animals please.

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35 minutes ago, Duke Wellington said:

My right wing position is:

Brexit: The larger the state the more ineffective representation is without a federation. The EU is not a federation. Furthermore its rules prevent the UK directly investing in its own economy, it exposed us to large movements of European workers, and functions as a French-German hegemony. We were right to leave, even if it caused hardship which it hasn`t as it was undermining our state.

Immigration: Limited solely to a brain drain in where we actually need it. There should be no creation of economic growth by flooding the country with large numbers of immigrants or underhanded attempts to win elections by acquiring large numbers of foreign voters.

Privatisation: Privatise the lot - education, healthcare, the police, the roads, every last thing please. It will add a couple extra trillion to our GDP.

Religion: Our society needs a moral code to abide by which is not transient, such as changing based on what the latest fad is. There is compatibility with the moral code of other religions, and with what reasonable atheists consider fair and acceptable. The moral code should be decided upon, set in stone, and the population inducted into it.

Benefits: Remove employee and employer NICs, pay the people the higher wages, let them decide what insurance policies they need to purchase and from whom. It will open up a whole new area of the economy raising our GDP. 

Crime: All prison sentences longer than five years should have a mandatory death penalty. People have hard lives but do not commit crimes, its a lack of personal responsibility of criminals that results in their illegal acts. For under five years give them hard labour, and give a share of the generated profits to the victims. Evil also exists, no excuses for animals please.

And your opinion of a centrist position.

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