Republicans in the Arizona legislature advanced a bill that would allow residents to use “deadly force” if someone trespasses onto their property in the border state. The bill would serve as an amendment to a state law — known as the Castle Doctrine — that permits the use of deadly force against someone trespassing. The proposed measure would broaden the definition of “premises” to include property, not just a home. While the proposed measure doesn’t mention migrants, Republican state Rep Justin
Good morning Tom, I have actually read the information in the OP, and I have read a draft copy of the legislation which I will include here, it is approximately two pages long. Tom before this new law in Arizona was written stand your ground, concealed carry and Reciprocity Carry ( Anyone Resident or not is allowed to carry concealed ) were already laws within the state of Arizona. With that said there was no need for this new law because everything within it was already legal before this law