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Can you hear yourself snore?

Grim Reaper 6

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Anyone who has ever been awakened by someone else's snoring knows how loud it can be — especially when the snorer remains blissfully sound asleep.

But can people hear themselves snoring? Or do they have some sort of ability to tune out their own cacophony of snorts and gasps?
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I have woken myself up with my snoring in the past.🥺

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2 hours ago, Alchopwn said:

I have woken myself up with my snoring in the past.🥺

So have I, it’s pretty scary when it happens.

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I laughed, but that's a tough question methodologically.

Sleep comes in cycles, shallow to deep and then back again to shallow. Finally, one of the shallow phases is so shallow that you wake up. In the deeper stages, you are very difficult to awaken - snoring? You can freakin' stop breathing (apnea) and still not wake up!

At the shallow end, it is very easy to be woken up. If you happen to be snoring then, even if there were some reason why you couldn't hear it (perhaps as a side effect of the muscle inhibitor that acompanies REM sleep), snoring is disturbed breathing and that lack of smoothness could wake you up in shallow sleep, or failing that, become part of the storyline of a dream.

Moral of the story: just because a question gets a laugh doesn't mean it isn't a good question.

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