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Whales and dolphins now have legal personhood in the Pacific

Still Waters

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Whales and dolphins have been officially recognised as “legal persons” in a new treaty formed by Pacific Indigenous leaders from the Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Aotearoa (New Zealand) and Tonga.

He Whakaputanga Moana, a treaty that translates as the ocean declaration of Māori, promotes the protection and survival of these animals in an holistic way, according to Mere Takoko, vice president of environmental organisation Conservation International Aotearoa. But alone, this treaty won’t stop illegal or harmful activity against cetaceans (whales and dolphins).


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  • 2 weeks later...

It's about time cetaecians are considered conscious beings  equal to humans, but without those fkg opposible thumbs we're so proud of.

And - you all know me - I'd like to add corvids and parrots.

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With what society does to ''persons'', I don't know how that would help the whales...probably help enrich persons that will voice whales concern tho.

Do killer whales will be sued for sinking boats ???

Edited by Jon the frog
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I must say, for the sake of any full-pocketed individual who could possibly by any measure be deemed a "polluter" in New Zealand: take your money and run. Let them try to function without whatever goods or services you were providing. If they function just as well, Godspeed to them. They were right all along. If they suffer and beg you to come back, set your own conditions, and don't ever fully unpack your bags.

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On 4/17/2024 at 8:51 AM, Still Waters said:

Whales and dolphins have been officially recognised as “legal persons”...

It has been a struggle. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

How do we address them?  What personal pronouns do whales and dolphins use?                  

Does that mean my dreams of owning a pet dolphin have all but vanished?

I guess that also means I won't be able to catch a blue whale and hang it on my wall over the fireplace! 

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