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Now conspiracy theorists are claiming that our solar system has two suns


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15 hours ago, Robotic Jew said:

Can anyone PROVE that there aren't 2 suns?

On the assumption that this isn't an attempt at witty sarcasm.

Our Sun is a pretty average, quite bright and quite large and massive object.  There isn't another of it within the solar system, nor within quite a distance out from Pluto, or we would see it.  And them sciency folk, well they measure orbits and masses and gravitational forces and stuff, and they can tell if there if there is anything the size of a large planet or larger, by simply watching the objects in the solar system and surrounds, and noting any perturbations that are not fully explained.  Is there a limit?  Yes, of course, but it's an awful long way out IF the object is anything like our Sun in size or mass, and thus there is no such it poses no threat.  For a smaller, darker object, your mileage may vary, and we could easily be wiped out by a mid-sized asteroid.  Look up NASA NEO's...

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  • 2 months later...

Our solar system does have two suns, but it's hard to see the other one. It's a black hole sun. Soundgarden did a song about it. 😉 Actually, astronomers say that more than half the solar systems in our galaxy have a binary star system. But ours is not one of them.

This reminds me of the hollow earth claims from the 1800s in which theorists claimed that there's another sun that's inside the earth; it's for a civilization that lives there.

Edited by Mr.UFO
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