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Offering A Three Card Tarot Reading - Radiant Spirit Wise Tarot Deck..


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I'm bored. Give me a reading whenever you get the time. 

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How about Monday?

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@Shuffletracker I'm not going to be able to comment on my reading until tomorrow . . . sorry :(

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13 minutes ago, Shuffletracker said:


How about Monday?


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On 5/24/2024 at 6:37 PM, Shuffletracker said:

I have shuffled & cut the deck and am ready to start Ouija Ouija

Wheel of Fortune # This is the ancient symbol of fate, fortune and destiny. Could be time to buy a lottery ticket. A much deeper meaning of the card is that life is an ever-changing state. Keep your eyes in the center, find a steady focal point to keep you grounded no matter what life throws at you. Energy and motion are present in the card. In the center of the card there is a round wheel with 8 spokes in it. The number 8 means "abundance", maybe it's time to focus on what you're wanting and not on what you do not want. Don't keep your focus on "what is" - that will drain you of your energy & time. NOW would be a good time to plant seed to reap a harvest later on. There is a lot of symbolism in the card that I am going to skip because I use my new Tarot book, but I think I got my main points across here. Let's continue...

Ten of Wands # In the card we see a man weighted down by 10 wands upon his back. A need for rest & relaxation time. It's time to release what is no longer needed. The end has arrived, and the circle has run its course. Wands are a heavy suit because its the element of passion. A fire can warm us but it can blaze out of control if left untended. The card tells you that everything in your life is in flux. Your need of down time will soon be replaced with enthusiasm as you spring back to life. For the time being, take it easy. Let's finish...

Ten of Swords # The Ten of Swords is the ultimate end of the situation. Its done, finished and done with drama. The figure lays face-down on the ground with ten swords in his back. But at the same time, a bright and golden sun pierces the darkness of the blackest night letting you know that a new beginning and a new day is dawning. The figure on the ground makes a right hand gesture with his fingers letting you know that this is a metaphorical death. And that temporary discomfort leads to ultimate healing..

(((We are complete)))

Ouija, another three very good cards. It's my hope that you like the reading!

I am all caught-up now with the readings...


Hi, Shuffletracker :st

Just a little bit of background to show the position I am receiving this reading from: I'll be 72 quite soon and have several life-limiting medical issues. Currently, I am simply focussed on stepping out of life and watching it going on around me. I think the Wheel of Life card refers to this. I view everything from a bit of a distance now(the centre of the wheel?).

I loved this line:" It's time to focus on what you're wanting and not what you do not want". This is definitely what I need to do now. I have known this for some time but when it comes from a different source it emphasises the importance of it. Made me sit up and take notice!

This made me laugh: "NOW would be a good time to plant seed to reap a harvest later on", because I am so far behind with seed-sowing in my garden that I am going to end up with nothing this year! Seed-sowing has been at the top of my 'to do' list for months now . . . this week I promise it will get done! 

The Ten of Wands: " The end has arrived and the circle has run it's course". I have felt like this for a couple of years, that my life has ended even though I am still alive. I am sitting in God's Waiting Room reading an old magazine! My life now largely consists of thinking, reviewing and sifting over my life since my birth . . . my actions, my choices, etc.etc.. Did the ten wands break the 'camel's' back? I think they did. I think she's just said 'enough!'.

I am 'releasing what is no longer needed' like a woman possessed! Clothes, knick-knacks, papers, books, opinions :lol: . . . everything is being reduced.

The Ten of Swords: I think this emphasises the message of the Ten of Wands to show how important it is. The time is running out when I am able to participate in life. Soon I will have no choice but to simply sit and observe: "The ultimate end of the(my) situation". I receive this card's message as death(of activity), and the "bright and golden sun piercing the darkness" as the after death state and "ultimate healing'.

Thank you for the reading Shuffletracker, I am very pleased with it :D. It has put my current situation into perspective and separated the wheat from the chaff. It is clear now what I should meditate on and bring into my daily life.



p.s. can I ask you why you don't use inverted card interpretations?  

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I am glad you liked the reading.

I have also been reading Psycards for many years now, and there are no reversals in that system. I guess it's just habit. I have relied heavy on the book to do the above Tarot readings as I am just learning Tarot.


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Ok, XenoFish...I have shuffled and cut the deck and am ready to go.

Five of Cups # The suit of Cups represents feelings and emotions. In the card we see a figure cloaked in black looks upon in dejection and depression. Fluid from the 3 cups spills on the ground in front of him while two cups are standing behind him. Depression is something I know a lot about. I have a mood disorder. It's easy for me to let myself go, for example if I don't get out of bed, shower, shave and do the things I need to do to make money, I'll get off my schedule, and I'll get easily depressed and down on myself. It all comes down to personal action. In the card will he reach back and take the two cups or will he cross the bridge to the castle to where his prize is at. This would all make more sense to you if you can see the card The Five of Cups, Google that card image into Google Images and you'll see what I am talking about. I am not getting anything else from this card so let's go on.

Four of Swords # The suit of Swords represents the mind or your thinking process. The main meaning of this card the 4 of Swords is the stability of the mind and trusting your thoughts and calculations. The four of Swords is the peace of mind knowing what you know and not doubting yourself i.e. knowing you can deliver the goods so to speak. In the card we see a man laying flat on his back with three Swords over him and one Sword underneath in what appears to be a church building of some sort. He is taking a "time out" to rest before he starts out to complete some work or task which needs to be done. So, get some rest or take a time out before something needs to get done. There is more here in the book which I am going to skip because I think I got my point across. Let's finish...

King of Swords # This is the card of the intellect and rational analysis. The King has a tactical approach to all matters. He is the big boss. The butterflies on his throne reflect a higher consciousness. He like the Queen of Swords, emulates the figure of Justice and carries her qualities in his words and actions. The King meets deadlines, finishes projects & passes tests. He is the authoritarian and clear thinker. The butterflies on his throne could also mean that you yourself has been through some sort of "transformation", for example like the bug to butterfly transformation, but I don't know what that could be.


(((We are finished)))

Well there it is XenoFish. Take from it what you want to need.


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16 minutes ago, Shuffletracker said:

Ok, XenoFish...I have shuffled and cut the deck and am ready to go.

Five of Cups # The suit of Cups represents feelings and emotions. In the card we see a figure cloaked in black looks upon in dejection and depression. Fluid from the 3 cups spills on the ground in front of him while two cups are standing behind him. Depression is something I know a lot about. I have a mood disorder. It's easy for me to let myself go, for example if I don't get out of bed, shower, shave and do the things I need to do to make money, I'll get off my schedule, and I'll get easily depressed and down on myself. It all comes down to personal action. In the card will he reach back and take the two cups or will he cross the bridge to the castle to where his prize is at. This would all make more sense to you if you can see the card The Five of Cups, Google that card image into Google Images and you'll see what I am talking about. I am not getting anything else from this card so let's go on.

Four of Swords # The suit of Swords represents the mind or your thinking process. The main meaning of this card the 4 of Swords is the stability of the mind and trusting your thoughts and calculations. The four of Swords is the peace of mind knowing what you know and not doubting yourself i.e. knowing you can deliver the goods so to speak. In the card we see a man laying flat on his back with three Swords over him and one Sword underneath in what appears to be a church building of some sort. He is taking a "time out" to rest before he starts out to complete some work or task which needs to be done. So, get some rest or take a time out before something needs to get done. There is more here in the book which I am going to skip because I think I got my point across. Let's finish...

King of Swords # This is the card of the intellect and rational analysis. The King has a tactical approach to all matters. He is the big boss. The butterflies on his throne reflect a higher consciousness. He like the Queen of Swords, emulates the figure of Justice and carries her qualities in his words and actions. The King meets deadlines, finishes projects & passes tests. He is the authoritarian and clear thinker. The butterflies on his throne could also mean that you yourself has been through some sort of "transformation", for example like the bug to butterfly transformation, but I don't know what that could be.


(((We are finished)))

Well there it is XenoFish. Take from it what you want to need.


Gotta give you some credit. The closest reading I've ever got.

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On 5/22/2024 at 7:36 PM, Shuffletracker said:

I'll try to do at least one per day.

I'll give you the basis meanings of the cards and you can see if the cards fit your situation or not. I tend not to talk a lot, since you know yourself better than I ever will.

I will also try to use "gut feelings" if I am being called to do so.

Also, don't post a question in your post as it may cloud the reading.

Also I don't use reversals or spreads.

First come first serve.

Put your request in on this thread & I will post your reading on this thread too.


I love my tarot cards, I am classical Rider-Waite kind of gal though. And I used them for a long time regularly, more as self analysing tool, actually and to figure out what they're not good for.

I impressed some folkz because it is also a great tool to practice 'how to read people' when you do it face to face. I always did more a people interpretation than really going by the cards, as every one has multiple meanings, it is sort of a lego box for story telling. The really interesting part is the 'modus of interaction from mind to mind' they offer, Or your own mind with other parts of your mind that have more or less oversight.

Via the internet is interesting, I tried it myself on another forum, also for experimental purposes, it didn't go that well.... so here I am I open up wide!!!


Read me

if you dare to



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23 minutes ago, XenoFish said:

Gotta give you some credit. The closest reading I've ever got.

... hope you can handle this I use the OP's cards draw to strain my card reading muscles for you

5 cups, is when you see in front of you all that you have lost and have not figured out yet that there is still something there for you, if you turn around.

4 swords, the fellow appears dead but he is not dead yet, it is a small death, the inability to breathe from probably being overwhelmed still by what happened with the 5 cups above.

King of swords is a rational man taking charge of his cognitive abilities and who can often be cold and cruel but dissects the false from the truth with logic and reason, the superpowers of the mind

I don't know exactly what spread the OP did, is this a timeline thing or three aspects? From reading the interpretations I'd say three different aspects of you so to speak?


You know what is cool about my personal unique cult I created? The fundamental interconectedness of all things dictates that you are never truly alone, because we are all always connected no matter what. But that is now a little mean because I read you recently being a little melancholic when talking about you former cult-gang and the church-crew you were hanging with. Turn around, don't look back, live now, take charge, would be my interpretation summary.


now what? wanna fight about it?



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XenoFish - Thanks for the compliment, man!

Mrs, Gently - Sure I'll do a reading for you. I don't use spreads or reversals I am a Psycards user and that's not in the system I use. I just shuffle & cut the deck until I feel it's random and then pull 3 cards. I try to have your reading up either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.


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Mrs Gently,

I tried to PM you but couldn't find the button to do that. I just wanted to verify that you do want a reading, and that I didn't read your post wrongly.

Please respond.


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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Shuffletracker said:

Mrs Gently,

I tried to PM you but couldn't find the button to do that. I just wanted to verify that you do want a reading, and that I didn't read your post wrongly.

Please respond.


I do would want one if you got the time.

I have disabled DMs *snip*

Edited by Saru
Removed drama - if you are having an issue with another member, please contact me in PMs.
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9 hours ago, MrsGently said:

I do would want one if you got the time.

I will do it tomorrow.

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MrsGently, I am using the same deck as you the Rider Waite Smith, except mine has more color to it. I have shuffled & cut the deck 3 times, And I am ready to go.

Temperance # This means the change of seasons and the embrace of new ideas. "Temper" is the act of repetition to invoke skill or refine something, to make sharper like a sword. This is also a card of blending & harmonizing oppositional forces and concepts. Holding opposing ideas in which fusion produces change and evolution. Gabriel the Archangel the messenger angel is shown on the card.He bears the sign of the sun on his forehead, it is also a symbol of gold. Both the Temperance and The Moon card balance each other. Each has a pool and a path under different circumstances. I am getting the vibe that this card is a call for you to get your life in balance, which is real life isn't easy to do. You can blend with other's by putting yourself in their shoes so to speak. If your out of balance you wont see the big picture. Don't focus on the small things while important moments pass you by. Let's continue here...

The Hanged Man # Stasis and limbo used as an opportunity to see a situation from a new vantage point. A halo appears around the man's head showing the supernatural powers of saints and Holy figures. Waite encodes the secret of imminence into this card. It's the divine nature flickering and flourishing inside every molecule, grain of sand, blade of grass and creature on the earth. The Hanged Man's life is transformed forever. The card also means a surrender to circumstances and taking a moment's pause that is worthy and useful, but as I look at the card there could be an unwillingness to make a change in some area of your life. The Hanged Man could be a call to make that change. You could be awake and alive with new knowledge...I am not getting anything else so let's finish up.

Five of Swords # The Five of Swords is sort of a card of cruelty and false accusations, it is also a card of taking advantage of others. The 5 of swords is a warning card to remind you of the power of your words and actions. A dispute has ended and there is a clear winner and loser. Who do you identify with on the card? Which character represents you at this very moment? If you do not see yourself in the card, who or what does it remind you of? What lessons can you take away from the image? There is more in the Lo Scarabeo book, but I am going to skip all of that.

(((We are complete)))

Well, there it is Mrs. Gently. I hope you can get something from it.



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1 hour ago, Shuffletracker said:

MrsGently, I am using the same deck as you the Rider Waite Smith, except mine has more color to it. I have shuffled & cut the deck 3 times, And I am ready to go.

Temperance # This means the change of seasons and the embrace of new ideas. "Temper" is the act of repetition to invoke skill or refine something, to make sharper like a sword. This is also a card of blending & harmonizing oppositional forces and concepts. Holding opposing ideas in which fusion produces change and evolution. Gabriel the Archangel the messenger angel is shown on the card.He bears the sign of the sun on his forehead, it is also a symbol of gold. Both the Temperance and The Moon card balance each other. Each has a pool and a path under different circumstances. I am getting the vibe that this card is a call for you to get your life in balance, which is real life isn't easy to do. You can blend with other's by putting yourself in their shoes so to speak. If your out of balance you wont see the big picture. Don't focus on the small things while important moments pass you by. Let's continue here...

The Hanged Man # Stasis and limbo used as an opportunity to see a situation from a new vantage point. A halo appears around the man's head showing the supernatural powers of saints and Holy figures. Waite encodes the secret of imminence into this card. It's the divine nature flickering and flourishing inside every molecule, grain of sand, blade of grass and creature on the earth. The Hanged Man's life is transformed forever. The card also means a surrender to circumstances and taking a moment's pause that is worthy and useful, but as I look at the card there could be an unwillingness to make a change in some area of your life. The Hanged Man could be a call to make that change. You could be awake and alive with new knowledge...I am not getting anything else so let's finish up.

Five of Swords # The Five of Swords is sort of a card of cruelty and false accusations, it is also a card of taking advantage of others. The 5 of swords is a warning card to remind you of the power of your words and actions. A dispute has ended and there is a clear winner and loser. Who do you identify with on the card? Which character represents you at this very moment? If you do not see yourself in the card, who or what does it remind you of? What lessons can you take away from the image? There is more in the Lo Scarabeo book, but I am going to skip all of that.

(((We are complete)))

Well, there it is Mrs. Gently. I hope you can get something from it.



Temperance is 'my card' so to speak, I always get that. Funny that you drew it too. I always thought it is Michael though, that is what it is to me, some say it is Iris, I guess it's the same difference as they're all 'messengers'.

I notice you don't 'streamline' the meaning of the cards into a story/summary? The messenger hanged and betrayed, time to look for a new path.


Thanks for your reading. Interesting

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You're welcome.

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On 5/27/2024 at 2:40 PM, XenoFish said:

Gotta give you some credit. The closest reading I've ever got.

They "nail-hammered" you there. 

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30 minutes ago, Piney said:

They "nail-hammered" you there. 

Which is better than most. 

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A reading for me would be most welcome @Shuffletracker…please and thank you..🙏

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24 minutes ago, Shadowsfall said:

A reading for me would be most welcome @Shuffletracker…please and thank you..🙏

I will be out tomorrow, how about Sunday?

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No rush whenever you can ST…..thanks….

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Ok, I have given the deck three shuffles and three cuts and I am ready to go here.

The Empress ~ Generous devotional energy and a deeply spiritual woman, sexuality here this could be your wife or girlfriend? The 12 stars of the Zodiac rests on her crown. Her scepter reflects the world she holds in her hand. The symbol of Venus, the planet and goddess of love and sensuality is placed at her throne. The wheatfield she is in shows growth and a full harvest. The Empress is bursting with creativity. She is a mother, powerful, emotional and nurturing. As I look at the card here, I get the vibe of expansion and growth is some area of your/her life...I don't know what but that's what the card indicates i.e  there is some kind of creative principle in action here. I don't think your vision is clouded in some way to see beauty around you (seeing flowers and such), and allowing your talents to manifest in a positive way...let's go here.

The Moon ~ This is the card of dreams and intuitive activity. Something inside you longs to be seen. Your subconscious bear's fruit. I really like something the book says: "Learning to adapt to the ever-changing nature can be difficult when we want to stay inside your comfort zone. Yet, learning with life's ebbs and flows, aligning oneself with the cyclical nature of the moon helps us ride life's ups and downs. Energy cycles around you cultivate the ability for you to stay centered." Ok, in the card we see a crayfish coming out of the water (water = subconscious), it is ready to take on form in the material world. In the card we see a path layed out for the crayfish. As I look at the card there is a path ALREADY laid out for you. In other words, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. The path between the mountains is the road you will travel. Let's finish.

Two of Wands ~ This is the card of making plans. It represents plotting and planning. Fire and passion which the suit of Wands represents has turned into something more. IN the card we see the figure with the world in his hands. See the world before you. The figure is expecting to receive a manifestation. He knows in his heart that his idea will work. In the Bible it talks about "Faith without works in dead." you have to put some action towards that which you are wanting. I am not a big believer in the Law of Attraction, doing is what gets things done, not wishing. But keep your focus on what you are wanting and don't look at "what is". If you look at what is going on around you that will drain you of your energy and time.


(We are complete)

Interesting reading there, I hope some of this makes sense to you,


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4 hours ago, Shuffletracker said:


Ok, I have given the deck three shuffles and three cuts and I am ready to go here.

The Empress ~ Generous devotional energy and a deeply spiritual woman, sexuality here this could be your wife or girlfriend? The 12 stars of the Zodiac rests on her crown. Her scepter reflects the world she holds in her hand. The symbol of Venus, the planet and goddess of love and sensuality is placed at her throne. The wheatfield she is in shows growth and a full harvest. The Empress is bursting with creativity. She is a mother, powerful, emotional and nurturing. As I look at the card here, I get the vibe of expansion and growth is some area of your/her life...I don't know what but that's what the card indicates i.e  there is some kind of creative principle in action here. I don't think your vision is clouded in some way to see beauty around you (seeing flowers and such), and allowing your talents to manifest in a positive way...let's go here.

The Moon ~ This is the card of dreams and intuitive activity. Something inside you longs to be seen. Your subconscious bear's fruit. I really like something the book says: "Learning to adapt to the ever-changing nature can be difficult when we want to stay inside your comfort zone. Yet, learning with life's ebbs and flows, aligning oneself with the cyclical nature of the moon helps us ride life's ups and downs. Energy cycles around you cultivate the ability for you to stay centered." Ok, in the card we see a crayfish coming out of the water (water = subconscious), it is ready to take on form in the material world. In the card we see a path layed out for the crayfish. As I look at the card there is a path ALREADY laid out for you. In other words, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. The path between the mountains is the road you will travel. Let's finish.

Two of Wands ~ This is the card of making plans. It represents plotting and planning. Fire and passion which the suit of Wands represents has turned into something more. IN the card we see the figure with the world in his hands. See the world before you. The figure is expecting to receive a manifestation. He knows in his heart that his idea will work. In the Bible it talks about "Faith without works in dead." you have to put some action towards that which you are wanting. I am not a big believer in the Law of Attraction, doing is what gets things done, not wishing. But keep your focus on what you are wanting and don't look at "what is". If you look at what is going on around you that will drain you of your energy and time.


(We are complete)

Interesting reading there, I hope some of this makes sense to you,


Thanks ST interesting reading some makes sense some not so much but I found it worthwhile ….gonna read it a few times to totally digest what’s been said ….once again thank u very much appreciated…👍

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2 hours ago, Shadowsfall said:

Thanks ST interesting reading some makes sense some not so much but I found it worthwhile ….gonna read it a few times to totally digest what’s been said ….once again thank u very much appreciated…👍

I relied very heavy on my new tarot book to do the readings with as I am still learning tarot. So. be easy on me haha.

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