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Remains of hundreds of 7,000-year-old 'standing stone circles' discovered in Saudi Arabia

Grim Reaper 6

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Archaeologists in Saudi Arabia have excavated eight ancient "standing stone circles" that they say were used as homes.

The circles date back around 7,000 years and have the remains of stone walls and at least one doorway. They would have had roofs made of either stone or organic materials, the team wrote..

During their excavations, the archaeologists discovered the remains of many stone tools made of basalt. Five of the standing circles alone yielded nearly 500 pounds (225 kilograms) of stone tools or debris, the team wrote. The archaeologists also found the remains of bones from sheep, goats and cows..






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It is entirely logical that the first humans provided shelter for themselves, and used whatever materials were to hand. Circles of stone or wood, with a wooden roof and a doorway which could be blocked would provide shelter and security. Giant structures like Stonehenge probably played a different purpose.

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31 minutes ago, pellinore said:

It is entirely logical that the first humans provided shelter for themselves, and used whatever materials were to hand. Circles of stone or wood, with a wooden roof and a doorway which could be blocked would provide shelter and security. Giant structures like Stonehenge probably played a different purpose.

Thanks for your thoughts on the subject, I think your right on target!!!!:tu:

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