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Russia loses 'astronomical' 70,000 troops in past two months


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On 7/18/2024 at 4:26 PM, jmccr8 said:

Russian losses and casualties as reported by https://index.minfin.com.ua/en/russian-invading/casualties

Tanks — 8245 (+7)
Armored fighting vehicle — 15883 (+12)
Artillery systems — 15465 (+54)
MLRS — 1120
Anti-aircraft warfare — 893
Planes — 361
Helicopters — 326
UAV — 12274 (+50)
Cruise missiles — 2398
Ships (boats) — 28
Submarines — 1
Cars and cisterns — 20833 (+92)
Special equipment — 2593 (+7)
Military personnel — aprx. 563640 people (+1130)


Divide all by 10 and then we are nearer the truth.

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Grist for the mill.  More on still.

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18 hours ago, Duke Wellington said:

Divide all by 10 and then we are nearer the truth.

HI Cookie

If you can give a source to support you claim post it. 

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On 7/13/2024 at 9:35 PM, Tatetopa said:

History repeats itself.

Massachusetts  |  Jun 17, 1775

The American patriots were defeated at the Battle of Bunker Hill, but they proved they could hold their own against the superior British Army.

Outcome: British victory. The battle was a tactical victory for the British, but it was a sobering experience. The British sustained twice as many casualties as the Americans and lost many officers. After the engagement, the patriots retreated and returned to their lines outside the perimeter of Boston. “Our three generals,” a British officer wrote of his commanders in Boston, “expected rather to punish a mob than fight with troops that would look them in the face.” The King’s troops count 282 dead and another 800 wounded. Patriot casualties are less than half of the British total. British General Sir Henry Clinton is appalled at the carnage, calling it “a dear bought victory.” Badly depleted, the British abandon plans to seize another high point near the city and ultimately evacuate Boston. Due to the lack of ammunition, the British eventually took both hills, but the battle was a significant morale-booster for the inexperienced Americans. They continued to maintain the siege of Boston despite the loss.  Nathaniel Greene, who would become one of the American heroes of the war, wished that his side could “sell them another hill at the same price.”


The problem is that a country with a large population, where life is cheap, propaganda is rife, and dissent is crushed, can keep feeding troops into the meat grinder with losses of a thousand a day forever. Russia is recruiting 30,000 men a month to go to be killed or injured. It is difficult to imagine other European countries doing that, which is why Russia is such a threat. Totalitarian regimes don't have to worry about domestic political backlash, because they just kill dissenters.

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2 hours ago, pellinore said:

The problem is that a country with a large population, where life is cheap, propaganda is rife, and dissent is crushed, can keep feeding troops into the meat grinder with losses of a thousand a day forever. Russia is recruiting 30,000 men a month to go to be killed or injured. It is difficult to imagine other European countries doing that, which is why Russia is such a threat. Totalitarian regimes don't have to worry about domestic political backlash, because they just kill dissenters.

The lives are there but the training and supplies are missing.  Imagine going into battle with two or three days of training, inadequate gear and little food and facing well equipped, dug in veterans.  The battle continues to get more lopsided as even the Russian commanders don't know what they are doing..

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