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Reminder of what life was like under Donald Trump

Unusual Tournament

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55 minutes ago, CrimsonKing said:

Many can't get jobs that their degrees are for because those "fields" aren't really necessary for a country to function...

They would have been much better off and probably had money left over compared to their degree if they had just went to a trade school and became a plumber...

They'd be doing something of everyday concern,and be making a hell of a lot more money than slinging burgers at drive through.

Why should taxpayers be on the hook because little Sally and Johnny made a poor decision?

I really, really, really wanted to get into archeology when i was 19. I ended up looking it up, and there were like four graduates for every new job, so i didnt do that. Instead I got a mechanical engineering degree. Which was below a one to one ratio at the time.

High schoolers since like 2010 have been encouraged to follow their bliss, and take out huge loans. Its impractical. We dont need a million new Basket Weaving Studies graduates. We need STIM graduates. But, as some young people told me earlier this year, including my daughter, "That's hard".

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2 hours ago, Gromdor said:

Which brings up the question- do we only do things that benefit the individual or do we do things that benefit America?

Since we're in Biden's America we help those who are lazy, stupid, and play at being victims.

The able, smart, and skilled, have to look out for themselves, and pay for those mentioned above.

Not that thats entirely wrong. But there comes a point where it passes into abuse.

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The worst part of trumps presidency was watching all my democratic friends and relatives lose their collective minds for four years like a bunch of unhinged lunatics.  It was ridiculous.  Talk about sore losers :rolleyes:

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Myles said:

Biden has spent over $600 billion on paying off student debt for people who live beyond their means.  I have 2 daughters who graduated college with zero student debt and the did not get a thing.  Worked their asses off for nothing.  

They get the ability to take care of themselves. To deal with finances. To set their own sails.

The people being given handouts.... Less so. The whole point, I believe, of Biden's loan handout was to increase those peoples spending power.

Given that premise, i call it all a financial fail. Just a vote buy.

It really only helps those who had few/small loans. In Oregon, say at U of O, the cost is around $30k to $40k a year. With dorm, books, tuition, fees, meal plan. 

Times that by four. Thats $160k. Times it by eight (PhD?) and that $320k. Sure, some of that can be mitigated by working part time, and part by financial aid. But, IIRC, like 80%+ of financial aid is loans.

Biden excused roughly 20k to 40k for each person of his various plans. So, roughly one year out of four, or one year out of eight.

Which, i suppose helps, but really its like paying 10k on a car you still owe 40k on. You still are paying the same amount for 6 years unless its refinanced.

Only people near the end of their payments, or who only went part time, or who managed their money well anyway, benefited. Those who are buried are still going to be buried.

Edited by DieChecker
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11 minutes ago, OverSword said:

The worst part of trumps presidency was watching all my democratic friends and relatives lose their collective minds for four years like a bunch of unhinged lunatics.  It was ridiculous.  Talk about sore losers :rolleyes:


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18 minutes ago, DieChecker said:

I really, really, really wanted to get into archeology when i was 19. I ended up looking it up, and there were like four graduates for every new job, so i didnt do that. Instead I got a mechanical engineering degree. Which was below a one to one ratio at the time.

High schoolers since like 2010 have been encouraged to follow their bliss, and take out huge loans. Its impractical. We dont need a million new Basket Weaving Studies graduates. We need STIM graduates. But, as some young people told me earlier this year, including my daughter, "That's hard".

HI Die

Education is an industry and doesn't care if people can get jobs as their goal is to make money selling dreams. 

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Life under Trump while in office I remember $2 gas, $1 eggs and a growing retirement. He went to North Korea and shook hands with Kim Jong

and eased tensions and made peace deals in the middle east. Not to mention made the US energy independent. Did the MSM report that?

No, still Orange Man Bad. :devil:

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12 hours ago, Grim Reaper 6 said:

That’s a great idea, because once COVID occurred he would not except the serious nature of dire consequences he would face. But to be fair he was responsible for Operation Warp Speed, however outside of that in my opinion he dropped the freakin ball in the early days of the Pandemic which cost America many lives.

You know, I heard this for years and I always wondered... on the one hand, his detractors always talked about how stupid the man was but on the other, they acted like he should have known better than the experts who were advising him.  Bit of a double standard, wouldn't you say?  He wasn't a virologist or epidemiologist and certainly didn't have a PhD in any other field of medicine yet when he followed the advice of all those people who did have that expertise, he gets the blame for what they told him should be done.  

My point stands.  Prior to covid, the economy was humming, employment was the nest it'd been for years and people had more money in their pockets and 401Ks.  Now, the Left stacks a large pile of BS that is nearly all attributable to Covid yet they don't mention Covid at all.  Maybe it's just me but I'd think folks who recognize that, would not appreciate the fact that the Left thought they were too stupid to remember something as impactful as Covid.

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4 minutes ago, and-then said:

You know, I heard this for years and I always wondered... on the one hand, his detractors always talked about how stupid the man was but on the other, they acted like he should have known better than the experts who were advising him.  Bit of a double standard, wouldn't you say?  He wasn't a virologist or epidemiologist and certainly didn't have a PhD in any other field of medicine yet when he followed the advice of all those people who did have that expertise, he gets the blame for what they told him should be done.  

My point stands.  Prior to covid, the economy was humming, employment was the nest it'd been for years and people had more money in their pockets and 401Ks.  Now, the Left stacks a large pile of BS that is nearly all attributable to Covid yet they don't mention Covid at all.  Maybe it's just me but I'd think folks who recognize that, would not appreciate the fact that the Left thought they were too stupid to remember something as impactful as Covid.

That's the fun thing about Trump.  Nothing is ever his fault.  It's the Democrats for rioting, it's Covid for the economy, it's China for the trade deficit and bailouts, the loser soldiers for dying, his experts for his failed policies, etc.

Everything was great until it wasn't.......


Then we get the people crying about $2 gas and $1 eggs....   They sound like drug addicts trying to get their next fix.  The farmers around here turn their corn into ethanol and raise their own chickens (regular folk around here can get their own chickens too from places like Blain's Farm and Fleet for $2/chick.

So cheap fuel and eggs for them.  


US oil companies can't stay in business at $2 gas.  Maybe everyone that is crying should pool their money together and start an oil company.  That should be a quick wake up call.


And don't even get me started on people losing money in their investments when we have 5% returns on CDs.  They either suck at investing or turned their money over to people who are ripping them off.

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12 minutes ago, and-then said:

You know, I heard this for years and I always wondered... on the one hand, his detractors always talked about how stupid the man was but on the other, they acted like he should have known better than the experts who were advising him.  Bit of a double standard, wouldn't you say?  He wasn't a virologist or epidemiologist and certainly didn't have a PhD in any other field of medicine yet when he followed the advice of all those people who did have that expertise, he gets the blame for what they told him should be done.

No, he certainly was not a medical specialist, however common sense also comes into play here. As the President he is briefed by his advisors every morning so he had the information he needed to make an educated decision. Yet, he chose to wait and see what would happen for a couple of weeks, and since it was the beginning of the Pandemic those days were the most critical days of the entire Pandemic.

The first case was in Washington State, so he finally after weeks slowed flights from China, he never fully stopped them. But he didn't consider the fact that flights from Europe should also be stopped, and that is why New York was wrecked by the Pandemic. Two Viral strains entered the US, the unmutated strain from China entered the West Coast, and a Mutated strain entered the US from Europe.

12 minutes ago, and-then said:

My point stands.  Prior to covid, the economy was humming, employment was the nest it'd been for years and people had more money in their pockets and 401Ks.  Now, the Left stacks a large pile of BS that is nearly all attributable to Covid yet they don't mention Covid at all.  Maybe it's just me but I'd think folks who recognize that, would not appreciate the fact that the Left thought they were too stupid to remember something as impactful as Covid.

On this point I do agree with you, but not all of us were fooled!

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Those who want to blame him for the deaths will do so.  With a medical background and being married to a physician, I had a bit of "inside baseball" view of the pandemic and the reality was that this virus was completely NOVEL.  It came on the scene and no human being had ever encountered it. We were completely defenseless and the deaths were primarily in the most vulnerable individuals who already had multiple comorbidities. In that situation, once it began to spread there was no way to stop it.  The days of isolating such a contagion are long gone.  Proof of that is the 1918 flu.  It took about 3 years but that novel strain of influenza transited the entire planet and killed millions, mutating all the time.  It's what viruses DO.

Vaccines didn't stop it.  It burned its way through the population until  a majority either received some level of immunity from becoming infected or from the vaccines.  After that, it fizzled into an endemic viral strain that will be around in some form for a very long time.  The bottom line is that the man followed the advice of his professionals, just as any other president would do, because they have no personal expertise.  If a majority of Americans can be convinced that he caused a million deaths while overlooking the fact that a higher number died on Biden's watch, then maybe it's time for America to succumb to sheer, hateful stupidity.  It was a good run...

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2 minutes ago, and-then said:

.  If a majority of Americans can be convinced that he caused a million deaths while overlooking the fact that a higher number died on Biden's watch, then maybe it's time for America to succumb to sheer, hateful stupidity.  It was a good run

HI And Then

Covid deaths in Biden's term had more to do with individuals not living according to mandates and putting themselves and others in jeapordy. Not sure how that translates into it was Biden's fault. 

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18 hours ago, Unusual Tournament said:

According to Gavin Newsom


Reminder of what life was like under Donald Trump:
- Murders rose 30% -- one of the largest increases in recorded history
- Cuts to law enforcement were proposed every year 
-  $8.4 trillion was added to national debt
- Real GDP declined its largest drop since 1947 
- Trade deficit rose over 40% -- the worst ever in U.S. history
- 2.9 million jobs lost
- 154,000 manufacturing jobs lost
- Coal production declined 27%
- Coal-mining jobs dropped by 17%



Nearly everyone of those things are because of liberal policies / malfeasance.

Murders rose because of the BLM movement and Democrats proposing defunding police.  Republicans weren't the ones pushing defunding the police.

Then you had Covid in last year of office.  Most of the bad things were done by blue state Governors shutting everything down.

The fact some of the left thinks Newsome's tweet is some kind of a woke revelation shows you how uniformed and out of touch with reality the typical leftist has to be to buy this nonsense.

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43 minutes ago, Grim Reaper 6 said:

No, he certainly was not a medical specialist, however common sense also comes into play here. As the President he is briefed by his advisors every morning so he had the information he needed to make an educated decision. Yet, he chose to wait and see what would happen for a couple of weeks, and since it was the beginning of the Pandemic those days were the most critical days of the entire Pandemic.

The first case was in Washington State, so he finally after weeks slowed flights from China, he never fully stopped them. But he didn't consider the fact that flights from Europe should also be stopped, and that is why New York was wrecked by the Pandemic. Two Viral strains entered the US, the unmutated strain from China entered the West Coast, and a Mutated strain entered the US from Europe.

On this point I do agree with you, but not all of us were fooled!

I seem to recall Democrats calling him a xenophobe for trying to restrict travel....

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Just now, Edumakated said:

I seem to recall Democrats calling him a xenophobe for trying to restrict travel....

"Trying" is indeed the appropriate term, as he never actually accomplished it, and the opinions of the Democrats had no impact on his actions as President

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1 minute ago, Edumakated said:

Nearly everyone of those things are because of liberal policies / malfeasance.

Murders rose because of the BLM movement and Democrats proposing defunding police.  Republicans weren't the ones pushing defunding the police.

Then you had Covid in last year of office.  Most of the bad things were done by blue state Governors shutting everything down.

The fact some of the left thinks Newsome's tweet is some kind of a woke revelation shows you how uniformed and out of touch with reality the typical leftist has to be to buy this nonsense.

You can’t change the metric used to measure the performance of politicians to suit your party. You can’t advocate gun laws without boundaries and blame the democrats for gun violence. I mean what’s that?

republican states had more covid infections and deaths than blue states. 

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10684792/#:~:text=Red states had higher COVID,2021 compared to blue states.&text=Red states implemented fewer political,COVID-19 than blue states.


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Just now, Grim Reaper 6 said:

"Trying" is indeed the appropriate term, as he never actually accomplished it, and the opinions of the Democrats had no impact on his actions as President

He did restrict travel.  Opinions of Democrats matter as it is the height of hypocrisy to then try to say he didn't do enough when at the time those same Democrats were fighting him acting. Democrats saying Trump didn't restrict travel when Democrats were calling him a xenophobe / racist for restricting travel is just ridiculous.  

Look at this... Biden slams Trump European travel ban as Xenophobic.  LOL, can't make this nonsense up.



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1 minute ago, Unusual Tournament said:

You can’t change the metric used to measure the performance of politicians to suit your party. You can’t advocate gun laws without boundaries and blame the democrats for gun violence. I mean what’s that?

republican states had more covid infections and deaths than blue states. 

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10684792/#:~:text=Red states had higher COVID,2021 compared to blue states.&text=Red states implemented fewer political,COVID-19 than blue states.


You absolutely can...  especially when it is clear those metrics are due to liberal policies.

Blue state governors were the ones who shut half the country down, not the President.  Remember, most of the red states stayed open.   As a result, half the liberals from CA and NYC fled to red states to escape.  Leftist politicians fled their own state policies. 

Trying to blame Trump for BLM rioting in honor of St. George Floyd and other thugs is ridiculous.  Local Democrats are responsible for the crime in their cities, not the President.  Remember, Trump offered to send in National Guard to Chicago but Mayor Lightfoot and other leftist got mad and didn't want help.

Liberals are masters at trying to blame Republicans for their own policy failures.

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9 minutes ago, Edumakated said:

He did restrict travel.  Opinions of Democrats matter as it is the height of hypocrisy to then try to say he didn't do enough when at the time those same Democrats were fighting him acting. Democrats saying Trump didn't restrict travel when Democrats were calling him a xenophobe / racist for restricting travel is just ridiculous.  

Look at this... Biden slams Trump European travel ban as Xenophobic.  LOL, can't make this nonsense up.



I'll never forget that BS.

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1 hour ago, Grim Reaper 6 said:

No, he certainly was not a medical specialist, however common sense also comes into play here. As the President he is briefed by his advisors every morning so he had the information he needed to make an educated decision. Yet, he chose to wait and see what would happen for a couple of weeks, and since it was the beginning of the Pandemic those days were the most critical days of the entire Pandemic.

The first case was in Washington State, so he finally after weeks slowed flights from China, he never fully stopped them. But he didn't consider the fact that flights from Europe should also be stopped, and that is why New York was wrecked by the Pandemic. Two Viral strains entered the US, the unmutated strain from China entered the West Coast, and a Mutated strain entered the US from Europe.

On this point I do agree with you, but not all of us were fooled!

To actually be fair. Fauci himself said in mid January that there was nothing to fear. He was still Trump's #1 Covid guy at that point. It wasn't till the first week of March that Fauci officially started beating the drum on masks, and quarantining. Pelosi and her Congressional Democrats were vocally against any travel bans at the time, as the Muslim Ban was still in the news at the time, and they called a China travel ban racist. 

Trump can't be held responsible, more than anyone else, for the first spike. The whole world didn't know what to do. Going into late 2020, that BIG spike in infections and deaths... That clearly has to be owned by the Trump administration. 

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29 minutes ago, Edumakated said:

He did restrict travel.  Opinions of Democrats matter as it is the height of hypocrisy to then try to say he didn't do enough when at the time those same Democrats were fighting him acting. Democrats saying Trump didn't restrict travel when Democrats were calling him a xenophobe / racist for restricting travel is just ridiculous.  

Look at this... Biden slams Trump European travel ban as Xenophobic.  LOL, can't make this nonsense up.



So, Biden said travel bans are useless, because they only temporarily stop the virus. Yet, we're hearing that because Trump didn't put bans into effect, we got hit too hard.

Either Joe got bad "science", or he's just a puppet saying words put into his mouth. Or, he's a hypocrit.

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1 minute ago, DieChecker said:

So, Biden said travel bans are useless, because they only temporarily stop the virus. Yet, we're hearing that because Trump didn't put bans into effect, we got hit too hard.

Either Joe got bad "science", or he's just a puppet saying words put into his mouth. Or, he's a hypocrit.

Man this ‘don’t trust the science’ mindset is frightening. Trump has brainwashed you all into believing Covid was nothing and the vaccine was questionable if not poisonous.

Yet when Trump got covid he got a 100,000 dollar experimental anti viral shot to save his ass. 

So basically Trump was trying to by the presidency with the lives of Americans. You you guys bought that?

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14 minutes ago, DieChecker said:

To actually be fair. Fauci himself said in mid January that there was nothing to fear. He was still Trump's #1 Covid guy at that point. It wasn't till the first week of March that Fauci officially started beating the drum on masks, and quarantining. Pelosi and her Congressional Democrats were vocally against any travel bans at the time, as the Muslim Ban was still in the news at the time, and they called a China travel ban racist.

Fauci certainly dropped the ball, why he did I don’t understand because he certainly knew better. As far as the Democrats are concerned, they had no control over the policies during that time frame, it was Trumps decision and he was more concerned about the economy than he was about American lives.

14 minutes ago, DieChecker said:

Trump can't be held responsible, more than anyone else, for the first spike.

You very wrong dude, Trump was the President of the United States and as our national leader he is responsible for everything that occurs while he is office.

14 minutes ago, DieChecker said:

The whole world didn't know what to do. Going into late 2020, that BIG spike in infections and deaths... That clearly has to be owned by the Trump administration. 

Thats wrong there were countries across the globe that handled the situation better than the most advanced country in the world the USA. Hell, South Korea was better prepared than the US, they took the situation seriously from day one and they have one of the smallest death rates globally.

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1 minute ago, Unusual Tournament said:

Man this ‘don’t trust the science’ mindset is frightening. Trump has brainwashed you all into believing Covid was nothing and the vaccine was questionable if not poisonous.

Yet when Trump got covid he got a 100,000 dollar experimental anti viral shot to save his ass. 

So basically Trump was trying to by the presidency with the lives of Americans. You you guys bought that?

Were did I say "do not trust science"? I said, "Do not trust Joe". Joe said bans are useless, but Trump is called ineffective because he didn't put in bans. They all were playing politics with cherry picked facts.

I remember when "The Science" said stay two yards apart, and wearing any mask will protect you, and getting the vaccine will prevent infection. Sure, they came back after a while and said, "Actually, it only provides a percentage of protection, not immunity", and "wearing a GOOD mask will protect you", and "Well, actually the 2 yards thing we just made up". But it's "Anti-Science" of those who questioned those initial wrong statements... ??

Trump is not a doctor, he's a clown. He as an entertainer rich boy. We all should have known better than to trust him.

Questioning the mRNA  wasn't stupid. Accepting it with no questions is what was stupid. The trials were abbreviated. It was the only mRNA vaccine ever mass produced. It was the first of it's kind and got to bypass the normal 7 year process to a six month process. But, hey, come on man, it's completely safe, because the giant pharmaceutical companies (The ones Biden brags now about being bad, and he took them down) said it was completely safe.

Don't get me wrong. Any protection for a 90 year old with diabetes, and high blood pressure, is to be thankful for. All those with high risk should have gotten the vaccine. And most did. Saved lives probably. But instigating a Mandate that all government employees everywhere get it ASAP was not the thing to have done. Longer trials with more people confirmed that the mRNA shots were safe a couple months later, but that was a COUPLE MONTHS later. Skepticism isn't bad. It's blind acceptance that is bad.

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18 minutes ago, Unusual Tournament said:

Man this ‘don’t trust the science’ mindset is frightening. Trump has brainwashed you all into believing Covid was nothing and the vaccine was questionable if not poisonous.

Yet when Trump got covid he got a 100,000 dollar experimental anti viral shot to save his ass. 

So basically Trump was trying to by the presidency with the lives of Americans. You you guys bought that?

Wait.  Which president put a covid vaccine on the fast track?

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