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MUFON unveils unidentifiable 'alien material' at annual symposium

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"the material had undergone concerted testing using 'NASA-grade technology' "

I'd be much more interested if it were actually tested by NASA rather than just NASA grade technology.

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I call, where's the REAL analysis document?  That hand written crap, followed by the weird 'spectrograph' that isn't, and the claims about 'matching' are completely bogus as is the ridiculously poor quality closeups, with the heavy chromatic aberrations and out of focus blurring at left.  Then they were getting different results from different testers, so that sure says a lot about the quality of the testing.  They'll pick the one they like most?  Cheezus, what a bunch of tinfoilers.  And then there's the old standby of the item mysteriously disappearing?  Bwahahahahah...


Edited by Saru
Removed personal attack
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4 minutes ago, Stiff said:

"the material had undergone concerted testing using 'NASA-grade technology' "

I'd be much more interested if it were actually tested by NASA rather than just NASA grade technology.

What, and let the gubment get it's filthy mitts on it? It'd end up in a crate next to the ark of the covenant faster than you could say Roswell.

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17 minutes ago, ChrLzs said:

I call, where's the REAL analysis document?  That hand written crap, followed by the weird 'spectrograph' that isn't, and the claims about 'matching' are completely bogus as is the ridiculously poor quality closeups, with the heavy chromatic aberrations and out of focus blurring at left.  Then they were getting different results from different testers, so that sure says a lot about the quality of the testing.  They'll pick the one they like most?  Cheezus, what a bunch of tinfoilers.  And then there's the old standby of the item mysteriously disappearing?  Bwahahahahah...



Save me.  People fall for this bull****?  Oh yes, papageorge - I keep forgetting.

"X-ray tests"? Like in PMI? Which uses XRF and OES? 

And XRF isn't all it's made out. Those guns might as well be toys. 

And since when is there any stable "unknown" elements? 

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21 minutes ago, Oniomancer said:

What, and let the gubment get it's filthy mitts on it? It'd end up

Most real, certified material testing / chemical analysis labs are easily accessible and are not, I repeat not, beholden to the gubmint.  At least down here in Oz, anyways.  Sadly, as these idiots found out, scammers in less developed locations.. can just buy some unknown and un-understood and probably un-working 'testing equipment' on Temu, and then pretend they are experts.. 

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6 minutes ago, ChrLzs said:

Most real, certified material testing / chemical analysis labs are easily accessible and are not, I repeat not, beholden to the gubmint.  At least down here in Oz, anyways.  Sadly, as these idiots found out, scammers in less developed locations.. can just buy some unknown and un-understood and probably un-working 'testing equipment' on Temu, and then pretend they are experts.. 

None are here either. They just cost money, which grifters don't want to spend and because it might expose them. 

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Did I hear gold ?

Why does he mention it if it's not written in the analys?

Anyways as sooner I have seen the photo, porosity and some of the ingredients listed, let aside the non metal remark whilst there are clearly metals in composition , it's ....Burnt Bone ... could be animal or human. Instead of a metallurgy lab , I'll hand it over to forensics .


Edited by qxcontinuum
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From the article

"According to MUFON, the material had undergone concerted testing using 'NASA-grade technology' and was found to be around 90% unidentifiable."

First things first.

Is what described in the article true? Has the material been tested and what were the results. Was there any independent testing and analysis of the sample? That should be interesting to know.

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I have to admit to chuckling at the responses above..we get offered a piece of a ufo, itvhad a test result that suggests it's possibly other worldly and here on UM... 'well we need to see which testing equipment was used' l

No amount of evidence will ever be enough for them.

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Okay, so actually it hasnt undergone any tests, let alone by NASA.   Someone looked at it and thought "wow" I dont know what it is.  Must be alien,.  

Click bait.

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I actually have a small chunk of "alien material" on my desk right now which I found on a hike. "NASA grade" tests proved that it is definitely a meteorite.

As for the article, they seem to be defining "alien material" as "We don't know where this stuff came from therefore it came from an alien spaceship".

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Oh.... mufon is still around.... okay

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Arkady's story seems strange. It's not likely that an alien knocks on your door saying "We happened to crash on your planet and now we would like to give you a small piece of debris.".

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15 hours ago, OpenMindedSceptic said:

we get offered a piece of a ufo

Woah, woah there. Thought to be a ufo.

15 hours ago, OpenMindedSceptic said:

a test result that suggests it's possibly other worldly

Possibly being the operative word here. 

15 hours ago, OpenMindedSceptic said:

No amount of evidence will ever be enough for them.

On the contrary, I'm sure if this really is what it is claimed to be then rigorous testing by trusted parties will be more convincing. At the moment, it really isn't. Not by a long shot.

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18 hours ago, OpenMindedSceptic said:


No amount of evidence will ever be enough for them.

How about you start with just one real piece and move on from there. For a subject that’s allegedly so important to you and others here, your standards for what you accept as evidence are so low they are practically subterranean. Propping up every hoax, hoaxer, unsubstantiated story and discounting natural phenomena or mundane explanations that are more likely only serves to make you look desperate to have something, anything, to glom onto in order to wave around to show others your beliefs have been validated and damages the subject and leaves it open to ridicule. This is exactly why modern day UFOology gets a bad reputation and why it’s such a fertile ground for hoaxers. 

Extraterrestrial life discovering our planet and the human race would be the most momentous thing ever to happen to Mankind. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You and others of your mindset should be the first to demand anything being accepted as such be of the highest quality, and the first to loudly denounce hoaxers because they damage and bring disrepute to the subject you go out of your way to champion.

Edited by Antigonos
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7 hours ago, Occupational Hubris said:

Oh.... mufon is still around.... okay


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9 hours ago, Antigonos said:

How about you start with just one real piece and move on from there. For a subject that’s allegedly so important to you and others here, your standards for what you accept as evidence are so low they are practically subterranean. Propping up every hoax, hoaxer, unsubstantiated story and discounting natural phenomena or mundane explanations that are more likely only serves to make you look desperate to have something, anything, to glom onto in order to wave around to show others your beliefs have been validated and damages the subject and leaves it open to ridicule. This is exactly why modern day UFOology gets a bad reputation and why it’s such a fertile ground for hoaxers. 

Extraterrestrial life discovering our planet and the human race would be the most momentous thing ever to happen to Mankind. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You and others of your mindset should be the first to demand anything being accepted as such be of the highest quality, and the first to loudly denounce hoaxers because they damage and bring disrepute to the subject you go out of your way to champion.

Ah antigonad are you going to look at the whole comment or just try and discredit one piece?

Real piece? One artefact found, one artefact tested, not any match to periodic table. 


Job done antigonad.


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57 minutes ago, OpenMindedSceptic said:

Real piece? One artefact found, one artefact tested, not any match to periodic table.

Or it's not metal. Did you miss that part of the article?

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 minutes ago, beyondism said:

The more I read about MUFON the more it sounds like a scam. 

For the most part I also believe that the majority of MUFON members wear custom fit tinfoil hats and I also believe that it’s a scam.

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From the article:


According to MUFON, an individual in Russia named 'Arkady' had obtained the samples from a non-human entity who claimed that they were pieces of a crashed UFO.

Sounds legit. :rolleyes:

Those aliens really have to work on their quality control, their crafts keep crashing. I bet they couldn't get an ISO certification.

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