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These Creatures Occupy 'Third State' Beyond Life And Death, Scientists Say


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Life and death are traditionally viewed as opposites. But the emergence of new multicellular life-forms from the cells of a dead organism introduces a "third state" that lies beyond the traditional boundaries of life and death.

The third state challenges how scientists typically understand cell behavior. While caterpillars metamorphosing into butterflies, or tadpoles evolving into frogs, may be familiar developmental transformations, there are few instances where organisms change in ways that are not predetermined.

These Creatures Occupy 'Third State' Beyond Life And Death, Scientists Say

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A third state, between living and death? 
Sounds like Florida….

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the article shows a flaw view of death, presenting it as a single event in time. However, death is systemic and a process that is not punctual.
I see death as when something irreversibly lose its potential to produce negative entropy.
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However, researchers found that skin cells extracted from deceased frog embryos were able to adapt to the new conditions of a petri dish in a lab, spontaneously reorganizing into multicellular organisms called xenobots.

Why not harvest aborted humans?

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