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Disgraced former human rights lawyer admits fraud over fake Iraq war crimes.


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A former human rights lawyer struck off over false torture and murder allegations against British Iraq War veterans on Monday admitted a massive legal aid scam.

Philip Shiner, 67, pleaded guilty to three charges of fraud dating back to 2007 following a five-year investigation by the National Crime Agency (NCA). Shiner, of Birmingham, was struck off in 2017 after 12 charges of misconduct were proved against him.

He brought thousands of criminal complaints to the Iraq Historic Investigations Team but not one one was ever charged and it was shut down in 2017. The charges arise from the al-Sweady inquiry, set up by the government, to examine false claims British troops massacred Iraqi civilians in the so-called Battle of Danny Boy in southern Iraq in May 2004.

Once upon a time, Phil Shiner was the superstar Left-wing lawyer feted by civil rights groups Liberty and Justice. After all, he was the man daring to accuse members of the British armed forces of the murder and physical abuse of hundreds of Iraqi civilians during the Second Gulf War. Both Liberty and Justice named him as their lawyer of the year in 2004.


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/10/02/phil-shiner-fraud-human-rights-lawyer-iraq-abuse-claims/#:~:text=Sean Rayment. 02 October 2024 6:00am. Once upon a time,

Edited by itsnotoutthere
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