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Northern Lights visible in South England again


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Some internet sites are reporting people being able see the lights with their naked eyes as far south as London. Unfortunately, I live in a place with a load of light pollution. Still, it seems sightings in Britain are becoming more frequent and I am hopeful I will see them one day.

The Northern Lights have splashed vivid colour across UK night skies once again, with stunning images captured from Scotland to as far south as London.

The Met Office earlier said the lights, also known as aurora borealis, might be seen only as far south as the Midlands.

People are advised to use a long exposure camera to capture the auroras, as the phenomenon is not always visible with the naked eye.

BBC Weather Watchers, readers and viewers have been sending in their photos of the display - here are some of the best.


Edited by pellinore
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  • The title was changed to Northern Lights visible in South England again

They've been visible to the naked eye tonight in south Worcestershire - though not by me :(   Caught a bit on camera though (but have seen much more spectacular images)


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Great photos and I am glad to see because it is miles away from here. If I had the creativity and supplies needed to enlarge and put on canvas frames to put on the walls.

They would make some very beautiful posters 🤔 

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This was naked eye visible - but only as a faint white glow


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I was just in Waspie's thread. It's visible here in the US also. I live in Pennsylvania and it's visible as far south as Philadelphia. I'm in a small town but there's still too much light pollution for me to see anything but a faint haze. I have a friend who lives about 5 miles out of town and rural farmland. She sent me this.

May be an image of arctic

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There is a faint red haze just north of Columbus. Pretty neat to see again, if not as impressive as a few months ago. 

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Northern Lights shimmer over UK in stunning photos


Northern lights seen across parts of England


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