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ADHD is responsible for modern humans…

The Puzzler

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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an impairing neurodevelopmental condition highly prevalent in current populations. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this paradox, mainly in the context of the Paleolithic versus Neolithic cultural shift but especially within the framework of the mismatch theory. This theory elaborates on how a particular trait once favoured in an ancient environment might become maladaptive upon environmental changes. However, given the lack of genomic data available for ADHD, these theories have not been empirically tested. We took advantage of the largest GWAS meta-analysis available for this disorder consisting of over 20,000 individuals diagnosed with ADHD and 35,000 controls, to assess the evolution of ADHD-associated alleles in European populations using archaic, ancient and modern human samples. We also included Approximate Bayesian computation coupled with deep learning analyses and singleton density scores to detect human adaptation. Our analyses indicate that ADHD-associated alleles are enriched in loss of function intolerant genes, supporting the role of selective pressures in this early-onset phenotype. Furthermore, we observed that the frequency of variants associated with ADHD has steadily decreased since Paleolithic times, particularly in Paleolithic European populations compared to samples from the Neolithic Fertile Crescent. We demonstrate this trend cannot be explained by African admixture nor Neanderthal introgression, since introgressed Neanderthal alleles are enriched in ADHD risk variants. All analyses performed support the presence of long-standing selective pressures acting against ADHD-associated alleles until recent times. Overall, our results are compatible with the mismatch theory for ADHD but suggest a much older time frame for the evolution of ADHD-associated alleles compared to previous hypotheses.

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What if our ADHD traits come from Neanderthal genes? Neanderthals were not the brutal violent cavemen as depicted erroneously by Victorians – but were as intelligent, artistic and less aggressive than our predominantly Cro-Magnon ancestors. They were red-haired, fair skinned and were more peaceful. Neanderthals lived in matriarchal small tribes, buried their dead, were artistic and made tools and musical instruments like flutes. Might those of us with ADHD and ADD have inherited Neanderthal genes?

So what….where do these ADHD traits come from, Neanderthals, Cro Magnon times  or a predisposition from an earlier homo species…namely an early homo sapien species….maybe we, in fact, passed it onto them…

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33 minutes ago, The Puzzler said:

No larger point really, except yes, just going that extra mile for the sake of it, no crocs here, no leopards but big pythons yes and humongous spiders….horrid ants and my creek is called Lawyer Creek, it’s filled with spiky lawyer vines, awful things, we call it “wait a while” because you gotta wait a while to extract yourself outta it, you wonder how the adventurer of old got through them, Im thinking of settling in the rockier creek bed upstream, not on the higher ground where the wait a while and strange animals are, and I probably wouldn’t go too far, incase I get lost lol….want to test myself in the environment, totally innocent, I’m such a scaredy cat.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

My philosophy is, if you want to do something but you don't know that you can...say that you can!  Can does and can't just won't...ever.  And when we say we can, the question of How? pops up.  And that's where the solutions of the journey are always found...not in the Can but in the How.  But one only gets to How from Can.  Can't just dies on the vine.

Speaking of vines...yeah, we have thorny vines too.  You can't even walk through our woods without creating a path as you go.

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16 hours ago, joc said:

My philosophy is, if you want to do something but you don't know that you can...say that you can!  Can does and can't just won't...ever.  And when we say we can, the question of How? pops up.  And that's where the solutions of the journey are always found...not in the Can but in the How.  But one only gets to How from Can.  Can't just dies on the vine.

Speaking of vines...yeah, we have thorny vines too.  You can't even walk through our woods without creating a path as you go.


Tell me if you see it…I had to wrangle it from my phone to iPad to You Tube, I think the settings allow access to view x

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Upside down, lighting my arrow from a candle….


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I’ve always liked to test myself, in the smaller ways of life x

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https://www.verywellhealth.com/benefits-of-adhd-strengths-and-superpowers-5210520#:~:text=Having ADHD affects many areas,them enjoy the positive aspects.

Im extremely resilient. Me and Emma the cleaner at the Pub have outlasted at least 200 people in 5 years, I’m not joking, they had no backbone.

You can call me any name, down me with any endeavour possible but I’ll never fall. My neck is stiff….my chin is high. That’s why I’m still on UM after 15 years, bigger and better than ever…. lol x


  • Energy: A small study found that some people living with ADHD liked having more energy than other people.1
  • Self-awareness: The treatment for ADHD often includes therapies that help people learn to manage emotions and behaviors (self-regulation). People with ADHD often learn their triggers and patterns, as well as how to control them. In time, they may become more skilled at self-regulation than some neurotypical people.
  • Self-reliance: Some people with ADHD learn how to soothe and regulate themselves (a skill that many neurotypical people can struggle with) as part of their treatment plan.
  • Resilience: The ability to bounce back from difficulties (resiliency) is a predictor of success. Many parents and teachers describe kids with ADHD as being resilient.2
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10 hours ago, The Puzzler said:


Tell me if you see it…I had to wrangle it from my phone to iPad to You Tube, I think the settings allow access to view x

I'm not sure what I'm suppose to be seeing.

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3 hours ago, The Puzzler said:

https://www.verywellhealth.com/benefits-of-adhd-strengths-and-superpowers-5210520#:~:text=Having ADHD affects many areas,them enjoy the positive aspects.

Im extremely resilient. Me and Emma the cleaner at the Pub have outlasted at least 200 people in 5 years, I’m not joking, they had no backbone.

You can call me any name, down me with any endeavour possible but I’ll never fall. My neck is stiff….my chin is high. That’s why I’m still on UM after 15 years, bigger and better than ever…. lol x


  • Energy: A small study found that some people living with ADHD liked having more energy than other people.1
  • Self-awareness: The treatment for ADHD often includes therapies that help people learn to manage emotions and behaviors (self-regulation). People with ADHD often learn their triggers and patterns, as well as how to control them. In time, they may become more skilled at self-regulation than some neurotypical people.
  • Self-reliance: Some people with ADHD learn how to soothe and regulate themselves (a skill that many neurotypical people can struggle with) as part of their treatment plan.
  • Resilience: The ability to bounce back from difficulties (resiliency) is a predictor of success. Many parents and teachers describe kids with ADHD as being resilient.2

 The only name I'd be calling you is Ma'am!  As in, Yes Ma'am!:P

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Puzz, you shouldn't post when you're hammered.

I shouldn't, but I know it's an addictive habbit.

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8 hours ago, Abramelin said:

Puzz, you shouldn't post when you're hammered.

I shouldn't, but I know it's an addictive habbit.

 Hammered or not...I don't know anyone else who can throw knives with both hands.  If I ever visit Australia...I want The Puzzler as my guide!

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1 hour ago, joc said:

 Hammered or not...I don't know anyone else who can throw knives with both hands.  If I ever visit Australia...I want The Puzzler as my guide!

What if her aim sucks and she accidentally hits you?

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14 hours ago, Abramelin said:

Puzz, you shouldn't post when you're hammered.

I shouldn't, but I know it's an addictive habbit.

I’d never make any posts then…


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6 hours ago, joc said:

 Hammered or not...I don't know anyone else who can throw knives with both hands.  If I ever visit Australia...I want The Puzzler as my guide!

lol you’re welcome, give me a buzz when you land.

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6 hours ago, Antigonos said:

What if her aim sucks and she accidentally hits you?

Mate, my aim never sucks…


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  • 1. Michael Phelps
  • 2. Adam Levine
  • 3. Justin Timberlake
  • 4. Will Smith
  • 5. Ryan Gosling
  • 6. Will.I.Am
  • 7. Woody Harrelson
  • 8. Paris Hilton
  • 9. Michelle Rodrigues
  • 10. Britney Spears
  • 11. Kurt Cobain
  • 12. Tom Cruise
  • 13. Michael Jordan
  • 14. Magic Johnson
  • 15. Liv Tyler
  • 16. Vincent Van Gogh
  • 17. Pablo Picasso
  • 18. Bill Gates
  • 19. Walt Disney
  • 20. Albert Einstein
  • 21. Benjamin Franklin
  • 22. Richard Branson
  • 23. Wilbur Wright
  • 24. John Lennon
  • 25. Elvis Presley
  • 26. Beethoven
  • 27. Mozart
  • 28. Handel
  • 29. John Kennedy
  • 30. Thomas Jefferson
  • 31. Abraham Lincoln
  • 32. Winston Churchill
  • 33. Steven Hawking
  • 34. Galileo
  • 35. Isaac Newton
  • 36. Eleanor Roosevelt
  • 37. Christopher Columbus
  • 38. Socrates
  • 39. Steve Jobs
  • 40. Jim Carey
  • 41. Leonardo Da Vinci
  • 42. Danny Glover
  • 43. Alexander Bell
  • 44. Whoopi Goldberg
  • 45. Muhammed Ali
  • 46. Cameron Diaz
  • 47. Emma Watson
  • 48. Megan Fox
  • 49. Stevie Wonder
  • 50. Avril Levigne
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5 hours ago, The Puzzler said:


  • 1. Michael Phelps
  • 2. Adam Levine
  • 3. Justin Timberlake
  • 4. Will Smith
  • 5. Ryan Gosling
  • 6. Will.I.Am
  • 7. Woody Harrelson
  • 8. Paris Hilton
  • 9. Michelle Rodrigues
  • 10. Britney Spears
  • 11. Kurt Cobain
  • 12. Tom Cruise
  • 13. Michael Jordan
  • 14. Magic Johnson
  • 15. Liv Tyler
  • 16. Vincent Van Gogh
  • 17. Pablo Picasso
  • 18. Bill Gates
  • 19. Walt Disney
  • 20. Albert Einstein
  • 21. Benjamin Franklin
  • 22. Richard Branson
  • 23. Wilbur Wright
  • 24. John Lennon
  • 25. Elvis Presley
  • 26. Beethoven
  • 27. Mozart
  • 28. Handel
  • 29. John Kennedy
  • 30. Thomas Jefferson
  • 31. Abraham Lincoln
  • 32. Winston Churchill
  • 33. Steven Hawking
  • 34. Galileo
  • 35. Isaac Newton
  • 36. Eleanor Roosevelt
  • 37. Christopher Columbus
  • 38. Socrates
  • 39. Steve Jobs
  • 40. Jim Carey
  • 41. Leonardo Da Vinci
  • 42. Danny Glover
  • 43. Alexander Bell
  • 44. Whoopi Goldberg
  • 45. Muhammed Ali
  • 46. Cameron Diaz
  • 47. Emma Watson
  • 48. Megan Fox
  • 49. Stevie Wonder
  • 50. Avril Levigne


Einstein?  Really?  Muhammad Alit? And Bach?  Columbus??  Van Gogh???  The evidence is "well, he always 

I'm not convinced when I see quotes like "Bell, the inventor of the phone, gained his innovative and problem-solving personality thanks to his struggle with ADHD even though he had serious problems during his school years"  There's no mention of the schools that he went to and how many others there had problems (could have been the teachers, you know, or the books or his home life... a lot of other things.)

I think this is a "hey ADHD people -- it's okay!  Look at all these heroes!" article and not an actual representation of who might or might not have ADHD.

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7 hours ago, The Puzzler said:


  • 1. Michael Phelps
  • 2. Adam Levine
  • 3. Justin Timberlake
  • 4. Will Smith
  • 5. Ryan Gosling
  • 6. Will.I.Am
  • 7. Woody Harrelson
  • 8. Paris Hilton
  • 9. Michelle Rodrigues
  • 10. Britney Spears
  • 11. Kurt Cobain
  • 12. Tom Cruise
  • 13. Michael Jordan
  • 14. Magic Johnson
  • 15. Liv Tyler
  • 16. Vincent Van Gogh
  • 17. Pablo Picasso
  • 18. Bill Gates
  • 19. Walt Disney
  • 20. Albert Einstein
  • 21. Benjamin Franklin
  • 22. Richard Branson
  • 23. Wilbur Wright
  • 24. John Lennon
  • 25. Elvis Presley
  • 26. Beethoven
  • 27. Mozart
  • 28. Handel
  • 29. John Kennedy
  • 30. Thomas Jefferson
  • 31. Abraham Lincoln
  • 32. Winston Churchill
  • 33. Steven Hawking
  • 34. Galileo
  • 35. Isaac Newton
  • 36. Eleanor Roosevelt
  • 37. Christopher Columbus
  • 38. Socrates
  • 39. Steve Jobs
  • 40. Jim Carey
  • 41. Leonardo Da Vinci
  • 42. Danny Glover
  • 43. Alexander Bell
  • 44. Whoopi Goldberg
  • 45. Muhammed Ali
  • 46. Cameron Diaz
  • 47. Emma Watson
  • 48. Megan Fox
  • 49. Stevie Wonder
  • 50. Avril Levigne

It just shows ADHD is as common as sand in the Sahara.

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14 hours ago, joc said:

 Hammered or not...I don't know anyone else who can throw knives with both hands.  If I ever visit Australia...I want The Puzzler as my guide!

But aside of someone showing off, is this still related to the topic at hand?

Jesus C. on a broomstick.

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1 hour ago, Abramelin said:

But aside of someone showing off, is this still related to the topic at hand?

Jesus C. on a broomstick.

I think the overall point is that people with ADHD do not necessarily have to be limited by their ADHD.

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11 hours ago, The Puzzler said:

Mate, my aim never sucks…


She's not a girl who misses much!


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11 hours ago, Abramelin said:

But aside of someone showing off, is this still related to the topic at hand?

Jesus C. on a broomstick.

lol I just get bored. I’ve had my fun, back to business.

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I won’t even get into how I make crowns….

Not showing off at all, I’m not an intentional show off….maybe more of a meek, educational show off x

No seriously, back on topic…what fun is life if you don’t find your passion and the list shows me…that’s what we do, as joc said, finding your self, trying to be normal but failing at it..but still finding that little spark in people who find what you do interesting and maybe even inspiring.

Serious, I’m back on topic now, promise.



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15 hours ago, Kenemet said:

I think this is a "hey ADHD people -- it's okay!  Look at all these heroes!" article and not an actual representation of who might or might not have ADHD.

And that's it, a 'feel good' list.

Btw., there those who've tried to convince us that Einstein was autistic.

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