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2,100-year-old temple from ancient Egypt discovered hidden in cliff face

Still Waters

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Archaeologists have unearthed an ancient Egyptian temple hidden in a cliff face. The temple dates to around 2,100 years ago and was discovered at the site of Athribis, located about 125 miles (200 kilometers) north of Luxor.

While excavating the temple, which is made of stone, the team found the remains of reliefs showing King Ptolemy VIII (reign circa 170 to 116 B.C.) offering sacrifices to the lion-headed goddess Repit and her son Kolanthes, the team said in a statement 

Repit was the consort of Min-Ra, a god associated with fertility. The temple may have been specifically dedicated to Repit, but "the name of this building is still not known," project leader Christian Leitz, an Egyptology professor at the University of Tübingen in Germany, told Live Science in an email. The team hopes to learn more as excavations and analysis continues, Leitz added.


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